Very cool!  I look forward to testing this out.


On Tue, Sep 20, 2016 at 11:31 AM, Deniz Yuret <> wrote:

> It has been a year and a half since I wrote the first version of this post
> <>
> and it is time for an update, just in time with the Julia 0.5.0 release!
> Knet <> (pronounced “kay-net”) is
> the Koç University deep learning framework implemented in Julia. The latest
> version (0.8.0) is finally registered as an official Julia package.  Unlike
> gradient generating compilers like Theano and TensorFlow which force users
> into a restricted mini-language, Knet allows the definition and training of
> machine learning models using the full power and expressivity of Julia.
> Models are defined by describing only the forward calculation in plain
> Julia using helper functions, loops, conditionals, recursion, closures,
> tuples and dictionaries, array indexing and concatenation and almost
> everything else Julia offers. High performance is achieved by combining
> automatic differentiation of most of Julia with efficient GPU kernels and
> memory management. The computations can be performed on the GPU by simply
> using KnetArray instead of Array for parameters and data. To find out more
> and see some examples check out the README
> <>.
> best,
> deniz

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