The last suggestion by Martin Davis makes sense to me.


On Fri, Oct 14, 2011 at 8:39 PM, Martin Davis <> wrote:
> So is the behaviour:
> - if Filter By Extension is unchecked, then the user can select any file
> and any format
> - if Filter By Extension is checked, then the user selects a file and
> the format is determined from the extension
> ?
> Would an even simpler alternative be to determine the format from the
> extension, where this is unabiguous, and if it is ambiguous or
> undetermined then let the user choose the desired format?
> So examples are:
> - if a .SHP file is chosen, the format is set to Shapefile automatically.
> - if a .ZIP or .XML file is chosen, the user must choose the appropriate
> format
> So there is only one dropdown for Format, and then the checkbox
> On 10/14/2011 12:59 AM, wrote:
>>> On 10/13/2011 2:24 AM, wrote:
>>>> On 13.10.2011 01:02, Martin Davis wrote:
>>>>> One reason for having the double choice of both format and file name is
>>>>> that there are formats (such as GML) which don't have a standard file
>>>>> extension that can be used to drive the choice of format.
>>>>> Also, in JUMP originally we supported a zipped shapefile concept.  It
>>>>> had the extension .zip, but was read by the Shapefile driver.
>>>>> One thing that could be do would be to use the file extension to drive
>>>>> the initial format setting, but allow it to be overridden for files with
>>>>> non-specific extensions.
>>>> How about a checkbox 'filter by extension', which can be disabled allowing 
>>>> to select any file with any selection in the format dropdown?
>>> Ok, but I'm not sure how this solves the problem of determining the
>>> format of a file with an unknown extension?
>> there is no determination. but, it allows users to assign a format of their 
>> choice to a file of their choice and try to open it.
>> seen? ede
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