Re: [jupyter] [ANN] nbconvert 5.2.1 release

2017-05-27 Thread Brian Granger
Many congrats Mike! On Fri, May 26, 2017 at 5:31 AM, Damián Avila wrote: > Congrats on the release Michael !! > > Cheers. > > 2017-05-26 1:03 GMT-03:00 Matthias Bussonnier > : >> >> Thanks ! That's great congratulation on the release ! >> >>

Re: [jupyter] c.InteractiveShellApp.matplotlib='auto' breaks %matplotlib notebook

2017-05-27 Thread Matthias Bussonnier
M is right, you can use --TerminalIPythonApp.matplotlib that should apply only to the terminal frontend. --IPKernelApp.matplotlib would apply only to the kernel. Usually when I have a question like that, I use the following (replace matplotlib by whatever option you need) to see all the options

Re: [jupyter] Issue: I don't have permission to verify cookies, my auth token may have expired

2017-05-27 Thread MinRK
Can you report your jupyterhub and dockerspawner versions? When JupyterHub launches a single-user server, it creates an auth token and stores a record of that token (not the token itself) in its database. It then passes the token to the single-user servers it starts. When JupyterHub *stops* a

[jupyter] c.InteractiveShellApp.matplotlib='auto' breaks %matplotlib notebook

2017-05-27 Thread Juan Nunez-Iglesias
Hi, I mostly use the IPython terminal when doing exploratory data analysis with Python. I used to call `ipython --matplotlib` each time until I found the `c.InteractiveShellApp.matplotlib = 'auto'` setting in However, now when I run a Jupyter notebook, if I try to use

Re: [jupyter] Re: Blocked cross origin API requests

2017-05-27 Thread MinRK
Since you are using an nginx proxy, you might need to set additional `X-Forwarded-Host`, etc. headers to identify the proxied request. You could also set the HOST header explicitly to the original HOST header, but X-Forwarded-... headers should be handled correctly by tornado. -Min On Thu, May

Re: [jupyter] jupyterhub: kernel starts but notebook cannot connect

2017-05-27 Thread MinRK
When an additional proxy is in front, such an error generally means that the proxy isn’t proxying websocket connections correctly, which requires some extra configuration . In nginx config, this can look like: map $http_upgrade $connection_upgrade {