Heyaz. Just a quick email that we released the 1.4 version
of echoServer for Windows today (the Linux version should also
be ready before the end of June). It's not yet on most of the
mirrors, but you can get it here:


        In this version of the echoServer:

* user-mode connections are now fully supported. With a
user-mode connection, you can easily assign a single user
(e.g., an "admin user") to multiple connection groups.

* we added a "Check Server" button to initiate a firewall-scan
of the PC hosting the server.

* GUI updates in the Status tab, so you have a better idea of
exactly who's connected.

        Any registration codes you purchased for previous versions
are still valid for this version, of course.

        Feel free to pass along any questions or concerns or
suggestions for improvements of future versions.


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