Hi folks

Someone found this in the PocketLinux archive and asked me if I had gotten 
any answers.  Since I haven't, I thought I'd post it here.  Does anyone know 
how to build kaffe as a shell.

>From: "°ê½÷" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Re: kaffe as shell
>Date: Tue, 9 Apr 2002 01:31:59 +0800
>I am a college student
>I found the following essay that you posted two years ago
>But it seems that no one has answered your question
>I have the same question with you.
>So i write this letter, asking you for the answer if you have already 
>figured it out!
>Hello all
>While searching the PocketLinux archives, I found that:
>wrote the following on: Fri Sep 01 18:56:13 2000
> >It's easy to build kaffe so that it acts as a shell, and automatically
> >launches some application - in that case, it could be installed
> >instead of a shell.
>      Has anyone built kaffe like this? Can someone tell me where I can 
>docs or email how they did it to me?
>My email is:

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