On 10/22/19 9:23 PM, Thomas De Schampheleire wrote:
El mar., 22 oct. 2019 a las 13:01, Mads Kiilerich
(<m...@kiilerich.com>) escribió:
On 10/21/19 10:19 PM, Thomas De Schampheleire wrote:

+echo "virtualenv: $venv"
+echo "log: $log"
+# clean up previous runs
+rm -rf "$venv" "$log"
+mkdir -p "$venv"
+# Set minimum versions
+sed -i '/"/s/>=/==/' setup.py dev_requirements.txt

As mentioned before, perhaps first pip install on default setup.py (to
make sure we get dependencies not covered by the following), then create
a requirements.txt with explicit minimum versions.
For testing the maximum versions, I think I understand what you mean.
But for minimum versions, I don't what you suggest to change.
Could you clarify?

Hmm. Now I can't find it. You mentioned somewhere that we had to hack setup.py in place because we can't specify a custom setup.py to pip.

I proposed we perhaps can do something like:

  ( sed -n 's/.*"\(.*\)>=\(.*\)".*/\1==\2/p' setup.py ; sed -n 's/>=/==/p' dev_requirements.txt ) > requirements.txt && pip install --upgrade -r requirements.txt

(but that might miss a few important setup.py dependencies that doesn't match the patter, so we might have to a plain `pip -install -e .` first.)

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