Hello everyone,

As you're probably aware, we're planning to release Kallithea 0.9 soon.

Unfortunately though, many of our translations are out of date and need
to be updated to match our current UI strings. If you care about
translation of Kallithea in your language and can help, please don't
hesitate to head over to the Kallithea translation project which lives
at Hosted Weblate here:


The top importance is, of course, fixing errors. Running ./setup.py
compile_catalog in the fresh checkout uncovers many of them. Typical are:

 * incompatible format for placeholder 1: 'r' and 's' are not compatible
 * unknown named placeholder u'when'
 * unknown named placeholder u'pr_id'
 * placeholders are incompatible

These need to be fixed first, as they prevent strings from being used at
all. Next, fuzzy translations have to be updated. The last come any
other strings you have time and ability to translate.

Weblate also provides a number of useful checks to improve the quality.
Sometimes they are false positives, but something it's a good idea to
look at the string and check if there's anything wrong with it.

Thanks in advance!


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