RE: [KCF] Membatasi Size Logs KCF

2011-08-12 Terurut Topik Slamet Raharjo

> Statistic data is stored in the database (the star\data subdirectory of
> the Kerio Control's installation directory — for details, see chapter
> 26.1  Configuration Backup and Transfer). Total period length for which
> Kerio Control keeps the statistics can be set in the Accounting section
> (see chapter 22.2  Settings for statistics and quota). By default, this
> time is set to 24 months (i.e. 2 years)

Baik pak, aman artinya.

Terima kasih banyak pencerahnnya pak.

Best Regards,

Slamet Raharjo
IT Dept.

--- [Kerio Control Firewall] 

Milis Kerio Control Firewall Indonesia

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Re: [KCF] Membatasi Size Logs KCF

2011-08-12 Terurut Topik Syafril Hermansyah

Slamet Raharjo said the following on 12/08/11 13:43 +07:00:
> Ada satu hal yang saya masih belum faham pak, untuk Statistic
> User (KCF Stat.jpg), dari logs manakah si KCF ini mengambil (KCF Logs.jpg) ?

KSTaR (Kerio Statistic and Reporting) mengambil data dari
\\kerio\winroute firewall\star\cache.

Statistic data is stored in the database (the star\data subdirectory of
the Kerio Control's installation directory — for details, see chapter
26.1  Configuration Backup and Transfer). Total period length for which
Kerio Control keeps the statistics can be set in the Accounting section
(see chapter 22.2  Settings for statistics and quota). By default, this
time is set to 24 months (i.e. 2 years)

Syafril Hermansyah

--- [Kerio Control Firewall] 

Milis Kerio Control Firewall Indonesia

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Re: [KCF] Membatasi Size Logs KCF

2011-08-11 Terurut Topik Syafril Hermansyah

Slamet Raharjo said the following on 11/08/11 14:09 +07:00:
> Untuk membatasi size logs di KCF, ada di interface sebelah mana ya pak ?

Dari logs pane, select log yang akan dibatasi sizenya.
Lalu arahkan cursor ke right pane dan dari right mouse click menu pilih
log setting.

[x] rotate when file size exceed ... MB

Syafril Hermansyah

--- [Kerio Control Firewall] -- ---

Milis Kerio Control Firewall Indonesia

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