
On 2017 M07 7, Fri 07:21:32 CEST Kevin Ottens wrote:
> Hello,
> > How about collecting ideas for that ?
> > We have already 5.
> 5? I missed a couple I guess. I spotted only "privacy" and "freedom" so far.

For completeness:
- privacy
- (practical) freedom
- reliability
- KDE apps for Android - konquering mobile ;-)
- cross-platform KDE applications - konquering Windows and OSX ;-)

("konquering" of course means bringing freedom and privacy to those users ;-)

> Note I'd be personally inclined to do an early filtering of them to avoid
> things which are way too generic and impossible to action. The reasoning
> being that if you line them up against more precise things they'd be picked
> up every time since they'd be more easily fitting larger groups... but
> they'd be counter-productive at building a direction.

> One simple criterion for that could be "no single term proposal" because
> then you're just showing up a concept and that single word can be ambiguous
> enough to be misunderstood too. See for instance how I didn't quite
> complain about "privacy" but I did for "freedom", it's just than in one
> case I see a clear direction and actions we can take and not in the other
> one. Can be very different for someone else!
> After all we're talking about selecting something like a 5 years strategy, I
> think it deserve more than just a word.

Maybe it could be even shorter like e.g. 2 years ?
5 years feels like a very long time, 2 years feels plannable.


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