
On Friday, 7 July 2017 23:16:32 CEST Alexander Neundorf wrote:
> On 2017 M07 7, Fri 07:21:32 CEST Kevin Ottens wrote:
> > > How about collecting ideas for that ?
> > > We have already 5.
> > 
> > 5? I missed a couple I guess. I spotted only "privacy" and "freedom" so
> > far.
> For completeness:
> - privacy
> - (practical) freedom
> - reliability
> - KDE apps for Android - konquering mobile ;-)
> - cross-platform KDE applications - konquering Windows and OSX ;-)

OK, I somehow didn't spot the last three in this thread. Thanks for digging 
them up then.

> > Note I'd be personally inclined to do an early filtering of them to avoid
> > things which are way too generic and impossible to action. The reasoning
> > being that if you line them up against more precise things they'd be
> > picked up every time since they'd be more easily fitting larger groups...
> > but they'd be counter-productive at building a direction.
> +1
> > One simple criterion for that could be "no single term proposal" because
> > then you're just showing up a concept and that single word can be
> > ambiguous enough to be misunderstood too. See for instance how I didn't
> > quite complain about "privacy" but I did for "freedom", it's just than in
> > one case I see a clear direction and actions we can take and not in the
> > other one. Can be very different for someone else!
> > 
> > After all we're talking about selecting something like a 5 years strategy,
> > I think it deserve more than just a word.
> Maybe it could be even shorter like e.g. 2 years ?
> 5 years feels like a very long time, 2 years feels plannable.

Somehow 2 years feel a bit short to me, this kind of "aim for the moon" goals 
require quite some time, especially in a community of mostly volunteers 
working on their spare time.

But at least to me we identified two things which need to be found before we 
can put in place a proper approach to try to really tackle our original 
 1) how to build the strategy consensus when the time comes?
 2) at which frequency do we want to look for the next strategy or decide to 
continue the current one?

Once we got those two answered then we can probably kick start this for the 
first strategy, likely with the five you mentioned above being evaluated.

Of course, I'm writing this assuming I'm not mistaken the document as we have 
right now won't be able to cut it. If everyone is fine with it and I'm alone 
thinking there's a problem I don't want to bully the community into more soul 
searching (although it looks like we did the most painful work and what I'm 
proposing sounds simpler... famous last words).

Kévin Ottens, http://ervin.ipsquad.net

KDAB - proud supporter of KDE, http://www.kdab.com

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