Hi folks,

as some Matrix users already noticied some of our Matrix channels
are targeted by big spam waves. As a temporary counter mesure, I
made both #kde:kde.org and #chat:kde.org invite-only, but it's
highly possible that the spam will move ot other channels since
it seems that KDE is the target (some spam messages mentioned
KDE and Plasma 4). If this happens to a room where you are the
moderator, make your room invite only and ban every users who
just joined (the username follow a pattern similar to this regex
[a-z]*[0-9]{1,3}). Another solution is to setup ACL rules to
ban the server to interact with the room[1]. But I'm not sure
how efficient this is considering that the spam is coming from
multiple small matrix server with open registration.

Probably a better long term solution would be to setup mjolnir[2]
on our instance and that would allows us better manage spam and
also share block lists with gnome.org and matrix.org homeservers
for example.

Carl Schwan

[2]: https://github.com/matrix-org/mjolnir

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