Dear KDE mates and contributors

Finally the end of my studies is near and thus I'm currently in the process of 
writing my diploma thesis. I've worked hard during the last weeks and months 
on a questionnaire [1] which shall collect some data for my thesis. 
Furthermore the data of this survey will be interesting for the KDE community 
as well.

So please take some time and add it to your todo list or, even better, go 
directly to my questionnaire [1] and help me make a great diploma thesis and 
improve the KDE community in some ways.

The questionnaire [1] takes some 20 to 30 minutes and will show you some 
interesting facts about our community in the last 15 years. At the end of the 
questionnaire you'll find a way to participate in a draw where you can even 
win something nice.

So once again: Old and young people of KDE, documentation writers, developers, 
translators, bug reporters and triagers, packagers and all the others of you 
who contribute to all that makes KDE a great community with great software and 
more, please take some time and help me to filled in questionnaires [1] from 
all over the world.

Thanks to all for reading and helping and towards the summer of 2014 you can 
read here what all the data you gave me showed us and where we can learn and 

Thanks in advance
Mario Fux


Fellow of the and Joined the Game of
Main Organizer of the Randa Meetings (
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