Dear KDE community,
Since the Nonviolent Communication training last Akademy was received
very positively, and both those who attended it and those who didn't
have the chance to attend expressed that more communication training
would be useful, we decided to invite Tilman Krakau, our trainer from
last year, to give another training (this time not limited to NVC, but
communication in general) this year.

The training will happen at Akademy on Friday, September 13th.

The training will be split into a basic and extended part, so that
people who leave around noon on Friday can still at least participate in
the first part.

If you are interested in (further) communication training, please add
yourself to the list of participants at

(The wiki page will be filled with more details soon, but I wanted to
inform you as soon as the day was set so that you can consider it in
your travel plans.)


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