Am 01.07.19 um 15:37 schrieb James Ramsay:
Is it primarily the previous discussions so that you can better respond directly via email? If so, this proposal to include entire discussion thread in email notifications ( which Zsolt is looking at might meet your needs. What do you think?

GitLab does support leaving review comments in bulk rather than one at a time but it is currently in the GitLab Premium tier. There is a proposal ( to move it to the Core tier (free, GitLab CE) being considered.

Do you have any other feedback about GitLab? I would be very interested to organize a video call to hear any wide ranging thoughts on what it would take to make GitLab code review better than Phabricator and Reviewboard for your needs if you can spare the time.


Thanks for being willing to engage, James! It's very much appreciated.

Backporting the Merge Request Reviews feature [1] will be a big improvement to address email overload and I look forward to that.

In my own trial use of KDE's GitLab instance, the other source of email overload is the fact that it sends one email per action, rather than offering a web-based notification center capable of batching up notifications that all pertain to the same Issue or Merge Request (proposed here: [2]).

The problem with the "one email per action" approach is that it implicitly assumes a workflow where everyone is sitting at their computers all day waiting for emails to come in, and triaging them accordingly [3].

This doesn't describe most members of the KDE community. The vast majority of KDE contributors are volunteers who can devote a few hours a week to the project, and are virtually never sitting in front of a computer all day handling KDE-related emails in real time as they come in. Even those who can are generally developers who find handling email a distraction during periods of time when they're trying to write code. We already have a problem with people filtering, auto-deleting, or ignoring emails. The more emails people get, the more acute this issue becomes.

Some implementation of what's proposed in [3] would be hugely helpful to remedy the issue originally described in this thread, and would be a big step up from Phabricator rather than a downgrade or side-grade.



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