
Am Mittwoch, 9. Juni 2021, 01:20:23 CEST schrieb Frederik Schwarzer:
> I would like to ask you to report such documentation to me. We see the
> topic come up here and there but it then sometimes sinks into oblivion
> again because it was part of a merge request that has then been merged
> or so.
> [...] 
> So what to report? Documentation that ...
> - explains outdated technology or concepts like KDE 4 or HAL.
> - has holes in it. For example a tutorial where you suddenly think,
>    you skipped an important step.
> - you wish was there but you could not find it.

Is this an effort with universal scope, or is there a limit?
Obviously you are at least talking about the wikis. Are you also (at the 
current time) talking about other websites and/or application handbooks?


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