Hello everyone.

I'm cross posting to a couple of lists on purpose to hit a bigger audience.

The release team wants you! </Uncle sam impersonation>

Have you ever thought about what it takes to make KDE software
releases great? Now you can find out first hand. The release team is
in need of some module coordinators as seen here [1]. If you have a
moderate amount of experience with some software we develop step up
and help out. What qualifications are required to become a module
coordinator? Read them there on the techbase page, but mostly these

 - Don't mind poking stuff in your chosen area to make sure everything builds
 - Watch to make sure nobody breaks stuff in your module
 - Can fix stuff when needed for releases if it is broken for some reason
 - Help shape the future of your chosen module

As you can see it mostly comes down to having time. If you are
interested in any of the spots marked there as "Help Wanted" please
step up and help us continue to make releases awesome.


1. https://techbase.kde.org/Projects/Release_Team#Coordinator_List

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