Am 04.04.2013 11:31, schrieb Mirko Boehm:
Hi guys,

Danimo and I have been working on desktop progress feedback for Creator in Plasma desktop and Unity. See the attached screenshot for the current
state. After discussions in #kde-devel, I implemented an adapted KJob
and used KUiServerJobTracker to talk to the notification area. So far,
so good, bu there are some specific questions:
Have a look at platform_plasmaplugin.cpp here:

- in the first screen shot (the one numbered 2 ;-) ), how can I set a
displayed text next to the Qt Creator icon? I would like to show the
project name and the current operation (build/rebuild/clean/...).

- The tooltip for the notification area shows "1 running job (0b/s)".
That is of course nonsense, since this is not an I/O operation. How can
I get it to display "1 running job (32% done)"?

- Is there a way to show detail text for an operation? Something like
the number of warnings and errors?

emit description(...)

Eike, still waiting for bug 312796 and 311413 to get any developer attention

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