El dijous, 15 de març de 2018, a les 9:40:34 CET, Michael Heidelbach va 
> Hi!
> Getting the stuff I do for baloo reviewed takes a lot of time and poking
> others. That is considerably slowing me down.
> I'm seriously thinking of becoming the maintainer for baloo (and maybe
> baloowidgets). Then it would be easier for me to commit those patches I
> consider as harmless e.g unit tests. Unless somebody else jumped in I
> intended to maintain baloo eventually anyway. I would do it now(!)
> mainly for practical reasons. Due to my lack of experience with c++, the
> KDE way of using it and the KDE infrastructure in general I'm somewhat
> reluctant. Questions arise:

I don't think we really have this codified anywhere so this are *my* answers, 
not KDE's

>   * What exactly does it mean to be the maintainer of a project and what
>     tasks come with it?

You'll be "the project manager", meaning people expect you to know answer 
questions (or find someone to answer them), review patches (or find someone to 
review them), triage/fix bugs (or find someone to triage/fix them), i.e. 
basicaly you say "i will take responsability of getting this in reasonable 
shape either by doing it myself or getting people to do it" and do the boring 

>   * What responsibilities come with it?

You commit to do the above stuff.

>   * How is that done practically?

You say "I'm the maintainer now" and noone else disagrees. i.e. it's mostly 
peoples agreement that make you the maintainer, not you claiming to be. And if 
there's a aboutdata line in the main.cpp you flip yourself from developer to 
maintainer (take into account the i18n freezes)

>   * Do you think it's a good idea to have a newbie maintaining a project
>     as deeply integrated into KDE as baloo?

The newbie-ness is not a critical factor (it is important of course), the 
important part is "do you want to become the maintainer because you like the 
title?" then you're not a good candidate. Also you need to make sure of 
knowing our procedures a bit, and making sure you don't become "crazy with 
power" and start doing things that you wouldn't be doing before. Basically 
being the maintainer doesn't give you "more power", just gives you "more 
responsability", not sure if that makes sense.

>   * What should be my general attitude towards that task?

I am not sure i understand this question, but the general "be nice with 
people" applies for "attitude"

> Please give me your advice,

Hope the answers made sense :)


> Michael

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