I think we are acting like it all has to be done manually which is
simply not true. Why are we tackling bug triage as something that only
a human can do? Computers are good a repetitive tasks. A little bit of
intelligent use of technology would reduce the "burden" on all of our
developers. KDE has semantic technology, use it. Or if that isn't good
enough there has to be another route. We can find possible duplicates
by matching debug text ranked by percent of similarity. 50% and below
most likely not a duplicate. 50% - 75% possibly a dup, if 75% and up
probably a dup. Then auto assign it to the correct original bug. Dups
could than be used as gage of how common the bugs is and there for how
important. Again these bugs could level up so to speak and would
reduce most duplicates fast. Next we could also use a Bayesian filter
to find "useless" (or rather bugs that need more info to be acted on)
bug posts. Here we have the bot auto ask for required info. Final
anything with a diff or patch attached should be run thru a formatter
like kdevelop uses, automatically push to review board, and inform the
bug submitter of the change of venue.

The only thing left is to mechanical Turk the cases were the system
doesn't or can't know what to do and actual bug killing.
Will the system be perfect? Absolutely not. It will be better the
leaving thousand of bugs to simple be closed cause they no longer
apply to our new version. Yes. Will it help make it KDE look like a
more pro-active and considerate community? Yup.

Either way I think you agree that humans are taking to much of the
brunt of the work and it can be shifted to computers.


Joshua L.  Blocher

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