El Dimarts, 18 de febrer de 2014, a les 18:32:01, Aaron Seigo va escriure:
> Git commit be5ad03baf3fe327018742a114051377f8eea3c5 by Aaron Seigo.
> Committed on 18/02/2014 at 18:30.
> Pushed by aseigo into branch 'master'.
> activities runner ported to Sprinter
> can't fully test this one as the kactivities daemon changed its dbus
> services between 4.x and 5.x which means this becomes version specific
> and i am still running this in a 4.x desktop shell
> why these kids of breakages? no clue.

It seems to me that Aaron wanted to ask this list but somehow ended up writing 
something in a commit log.

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