TelecodocusOOo schrieb:
> Thank you Patrick for your fast response,
> I will fill a wish in the kde bugs application. Maybe okular should use
> an additional layer (kdeprint??) instead of directly use cups. Why not
> to apply the same idea used for sound (phonon) ?.  In my opinion, when
> the printing issue is resolved Okular will become the best application
> for document viewing in Windows ,and not only in Linux.
Yes, this was the original intention of the author, but since kdeprint
didn't get ready (at least not for 4.0) he decided to write printing
support by himself. I am not even sure how far printing is nowadays.

> Regards,
> Luis.
> Patrick Spendrin wrote:
>> Patrick Spendrin schrieb:
>>> TelecodocusOOo schrieb:
>>>> Hello,
>>>> when will be the printing option enabled in okular (at least for pdf)?
>>>> It is the main feature I missed.
>>> I am not sure why it is disabled yet but I will look into it this evening...
>> Ok, I just looked and asked around a bit and it seems to be a more
>> severe issue:
>> On Linux Okular uses cups to print directly a postscript file (which it
>> produces out of the pdf). As printing a postscript file is no task
>> windows can do by itself, this might need a ghostscript/ghostview
>> package which we don't have available yet. This sadly means that it
>> pretty surely won't come for the 4.3 release and even after that you
>> might have to wait a little.
>> Please file a wish though in so that we don't forget (and
>> please add that you are under windows).
>>>> Thank you for your great effort!
>> regards,
>> Patrick
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