I just tried using craft for the first time in several months, and have run into a number of issues. Help or suggestions on any of them would be appreciated. (I posted some of these to the IRC channel, but so far, haven't seen any response.)

1) per an error message, I upgraded my python from 3.5 to 3.6. However, I then got some messages about needing to set the python27 variable. Is 2.7 really needed in addition to 3.6? Am I just asking for trouble pointing python27 to my 3.6 version?

2) on https://community.kde.org/Windows the link near the bottom to the source code in git points to raft.git instead of craft.git.

3) is there still no single craft command to update all installed packages?

4) I initially got a strange error, which suggests typos in two calls to craftDebug.log.debug in craft/bin/utils.py. I've attached a patch file showing the two lines I changed - both removing the leading 'f' from the start of the call '(f"C...' and also fixing a spelling error in one from Coammand to Command.

5) Attempting to upgrade libpng, I get compile errors with 1.5.28 (default target) and also with 1.6.6 and 1.6.27. I'll be glad to post more details if anyone is interested.

I suspect I will still have problems with mpir, but haven't gotten that far yet. (I believe it was a compile error related to make using either absolute or relative path, when only the other actually works correctly. I've posted about it some time ago, but never got a good resolution.)


diff --git a/bin/utils.py b/bin/utils.py
index 1a0859893..2ba59df0e 100644
--- a/bin/utils.py
+++ b/bin/utils.py
@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ class UtilsCache(object):
                 pick = pickle.Pickler(f, protocol=pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)
         except Exception as e:
-         craftDebug.log.warning(f"Failed to save cache {e}",exc_info=e, 
+         craftDebug.log.warning("Failed to save cache {e}",exc_info=e, 
     def clear(self):
@@ -323,7 +323,7 @@ def systemWithoutShell(cmd, displayProgress=False, **kw):
     result = proc.wait() == 0
     if not result:
-        craftDebug.log.debug(f"Coammand {cmd} failed with exit code 
+        craftDebug.log.debug("Command {cmd} failed with exit code 
     return result
 def getFileListFromDirectory( imagedir ):

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