Re: plasma5 screen management going wrong

2018-07-13 Thread Duncan
Bug Reporter posted on Fri, 13 Jul 2018 18:52:16 -0400 as excerpted:

> However, I do not want to remove powerdevil, therefore, I cannot remove
> kscreen. I looked at laptop-mode-tools and I did not like what I saw. It
> looks very dated. I'm not confident it will work that well on modern
> hardware. For example, I'm running NVMe drives. I don't want to get
> diverted from the task at hand by having to solve a bunch of power
> management issues, so powerdevil has to stay installed -- but I want to
> disable kscreen.
> In addition to, which me mentioned previously, I see
>, and that prompts a question.
> # ls /usr/lib/qt/plugins/kf5/kscreen/
> total 504
> drwxr-xr-x 1 root root136 Jun 27 12:50 .
> drwxr-xr-x 1 root root490 Jun 20 21:45 ..
> -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 100176 Jun 26 09:15
> -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 104360 Jun 26 09:15
> -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root  67408 Jun 26 09:15
> -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root  75600 Jun 26 09:15
> -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 157608 Jun 26 09:15
> What would happen if I copy to and
> then copy to I wonder if that would render
> kscreen "disabled" while leaving it installed. Any thoughts on this?

That's a very creative idea! =:^)

I hadn't noticed the fake one, but my guess is that it's there to provide 
a "fake" backend for CI/constant-integration testing, on a build/testing 
server (well, probably a VM/container these days) that very well may not 
have a real X/wayland session available to play with.  The fake backend 
would allow testing without such a session, or without messing up an 
existing session if it were available.

It's also possible it could be used for installations on other OSs, OSX 
and some of the other BSDs, and perhaps even MS Windows, where there 
might not be a direct tie-in to the native power and screen management.

Of course switching it out may not work, and if it does it'll very likely 
disable the powerdevil display management, that of course being why 
powerdevil would depend on it in the first place.  That may or may not be 
OK with you.

The only way to see is to try, but I'm guessing you're already doing just 
that. =:^)

Duncan - List replies preferred.   No HTML msgs.
"Every nonfree program has a lord, a master --
and if you use the program, he is your master."  Richard Stallman

Re: plasma5 screen management going wrong

2018-07-13 Thread Bug Reporter
see below

On Fri, Jul 13, 2018 at 2:35 AM, Duncan <> wrote:
> Bug Reporter posted on Thu, 12 Jul 2018 22:00:58 -0400 as excerpted:
>> The lack of powerdevil may be the showstopper in this process. So I
>> started looking for a config file that might disable kscreen. I did not
>> find any yet, but I did find kscreen-doctor. This might be the way to
>> leave kscreen installed and to manage it the way one would manage
>> screens with xorg conf files or with xrandr.
>> Interestingly, `kscreen-doctor -i` tells me: Preferred KScreen backend :
>> /usr/lib/qt/plugins/kf5/kscreen/

I like xrandr as well as arandr (GUI). Now that I have some additional
experience using those tools, I would like to disable or remove
kscreen. As Duncan suggested, this seems to be a good way to solve my
screen management headaches. I can apply layouts manually using xrandr
(with an alias or script) or I can use arandr, which has all the
features I used in kscreen plus more (e.g., saving and restoring

Having both kscreen and xrandr / arandr appears to create conflicts.
In some testing I just did, arandr would not apply a screen layout
while kscreen had the monitors disabled. We had to use kscreen to do
the task. Without kscreen installed, arandr worked perfectly.

However, I do not want to remove powerdevil, therefore, I cannot
remove kscreen. I looked at laptop-mode-tools and I did not like what
I saw. It looks very dated. I'm not confident it will work that well
on modern hardware. For example, I'm running NVMe drives. I don't want
to get diverted from the task at hand by having to solve a bunch of
power management issues, so powerdevil has to stay installed -- but I
want to disable kscreen.

In addition to, which me mentioned previously, I see, and that prompts a question.

# ls /usr/lib/qt/plugins/kf5/kscreen/
total 504
drwxr-xr-x 1 root root136 Jun 27 12:50 .
drwxr-xr-x 1 root root490 Jun 20 21:45 ..
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 100176 Jun 26 09:15
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 104360 Jun 26 09:15
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root  67408 Jun 26 09:15
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root  75600 Jun 26 09:15
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 157608 Jun 26 09:15

What would happen if I copy to and
then copy to I wonder if that would
render kscreen "disabled" while leaving it installed. Any thoughts on

Re: plasma5 screen management going wrong

2018-07-13 Thread René J . V . Bertin
On Thursday July 12 2018 22:00:58 Bug Reporter wrote:


>I don't know exactly what that is, but the name gives me the feeling
>that kscreen-doctor might be able to be used like xrandr... any

FWIW, I think kscreen is mostly a wrapper around XR&R, esp. the control panel 
that allows you to define multi-head layouts. Admittedly I only know the KDE4 
version, but that just works, even for probably non-foreseen applications where 
you connect an AV amp for audio-out only. There I need to add an XR&R 
definition so I can send the amp a pure mirror image of my laptop screen.
Correction: I did have to do very similar things (and they worked the same way) 
on a KaOS VM but I lost that one months ago because of corrupted upgrade.

I *have* picked up noise about less-than-ideal multi-head support in Plasma (4 
or 5) but never checked them out in depth because for now my main, multihead 
workstation is still a Mac. I can confirm though that connecting an additional 
display to my KDE4 desktop wasn't as pleasant an experience as it is on my Mac; 
loss of fluidity and completely messed-up mouse tuning. And that was not some 
crazy high res screen.

My 2 cents: if this used to work for you and it stopped after a recent upgrade 
(esp. a Plasma one you can identify), bring this up in a more appropriate 
location where the Plasma devs will see it. That could be an actual bug 
reporter if you're certain that it worked as it should be before and no longer 
does, and that this is not a result of a corrupted config file somewhere (easy 
to check by creating a temp. fresh account). Depending on the distribution 
you're using you'd either report it to the distro (for known "branded" or 
"lagging" distros like Ubuntu) or else directly to . But the 
plasma-devel ML could be an appropriate place to ask if anything has changed 
that you should know about, and maybe has an appropriate section 


Re: plasma5 screen management going wrong

2018-07-12 Thread Duncan
Bug Reporter posted on Thu, 12 Jul 2018 22:00:58 -0400 as excerpted:

> The lack of powerdevil may be the showstopper in this process. So I
> started looking for a config file that might disable kscreen. I did not
> find any yet, but I did find kscreen-doctor. This might be the way to
> leave kscreen installed and to manage it the way one would manage
> screens with xorg conf files or with xrandr.
> Interestingly, `kscreen-doctor -i` tells me: Preferred KScreen backend :
> /usr/lib/qt/plugins/kf5/kscreen/
> I don't know exactly what that is, but the name gives me the feeling
> that kscreen-doctor might be able to be used like xrandr... any
> thoughts?

A *.so file indicates a "shared object", aka a "library", in MS Windows 
terms a DLL, dynamic-link-library.

The extension and API used here is RandR, Resolution and Rotation.  The X 
in front is because it's an X extension.

And the KSC is either kscreen or possibly KDE software collection, likely 
the former tho I'm not sure.

Presumably there's a different backend for wayland, this being the one 
for xorg.  (I'm guessing this is part of the libkscreen package, which as 
I said earlier I don't have installed/merged here, so I can't as easily 
look up what package it belongs to as I could were it installed. 

So basically is simply the KDE shared-object library 
wrapping the xorg RandR extension API that both kscreen and xrandr use.  

Meanwhile... [kscreen-doctor --help output snipped]

> I do not see a man page for kscreen-doctor and I don't see it discussed
> on any wikis. Does anyone here have any experience using it?
> I would like to know what the modes numbers mentioned above are. For
> example, what is mode 4 in "output.eDP-1.mode.4"?

I had come across kscreen-doctor at one point, but like you got a bit 
frustrated at the lack of documentation, tho as indicated it seems a CLI 
method of interacting with kscreen.

But for my purposes xrandr already did what I needed at the CLI, with 
plenty of documentation, so rather than mess around with the misbehaving 
kscreen and try to figure out kscreen-doctor some more, I just unmerged 
the whole thing and switched back to the generic X solution, xrandr while 
X was running, xorg.conf to configure how it starts up.  At least that 
way I had (a) something that worked pretty much as documented and as I 
needed, and (b) quite a bit of documentation to tell me how to convert 
what was in my head to the appropriate xrandr commandline and/or xorg.conf 

Duncan - List replies preferred.   No HTML msgs.
"Every nonfree program has a lord, a master --
and if you use the program, he is your master."  Richard Stallman

Re: plasma5 screen management going wrong

2018-07-12 Thread Duncan
Bug Reporter posted on Thu, 12 Jul 2018 19:06:02 -0400 as excerpted:

Snip, but I see you're making progress...

>> - Say I have two different docking stations (one in the east coast
>> office one in the west coast office). Say both have the identical
>> monitor layout (e.g., two 1920x1080 HDMI monitors side by side). Will
>> the same randr dock-connect script work at the other office? The
>> monitors will have different EDID's, of course. But the relative
>> positions and the resolutions will be the same.
> This would appear to depend upon the names of the screens, such as
> "DP-2-1". My guess is that if the dock itself is the same model device,
> the display ports may be named the same by xrandr. Obviously, it is not
> hard to come up with the required command for additional office
> locations. However, it would be more convenient if a non-technical user
> (one who can barely use a terminal) had exactly one command to execute
> for docking, regardless of the office. But, in worst case, I can see
> making scripts or aliases such as "dock-east" and "dock-west". The
> undock script/alias would always be the same.

The names are the names of the outputs.  I'm not familiar enough with 
laptop docks to know about them, but for both desktop systems and stand-
alone laptops, the outputs are a property of the graphics adapter and 
thus don't normally change unless you switch out graphics cards.  Tho I 
suppose one dock might expose only say an HDMI, while another might 
expose a DVI-I, which allows both a digital (DVI-D) and an analog (DVI-A 
or via converter VGA) connector, with the graphics actually having both 
and the dock determining which one is actually exposed via plug.

Regardless, if you make the script complex enough it can parse say an 
xrandr output and see what's available, activating whatever it finds at 
the preferred resolution, thus making it connection-agnostic and even 
resolution-agnostic, as it simply uses the preferred resolution, whatever 
that happens to be on whatever's plugged in.

>> - With xorg conf files, I assume that switching from the undocked to
>> the docked configuration requires logging out of plasma, restarting X,
>> and logging back in. Correct?

Yes.  xrandr is the generic-X CLI/scripted way of managing things when X 
is running, with xorg.conf the way to manage things when you're starting 
X.  There are also various GUIs like kscreen to do what xrandr does but 
via GUI instead of CLI, but I've always had better luck with X's own 
tools, xrandr or xorg.conf.  Tho it seems you've had better luck than I 
with kscreen.  But as I wrote in an earlier reply, that may be because I 
tend to run less common layouts that kscreen likely isn't well tested 
with, so I run into corner-case bugs more often.

>> - Are there frequent or common situations where one could lose all
>> monitor output and a non-sudo user would be required to restart the
>> computer?
> After just a little testing, this seems like a robust solution.

Yes.  The generic X-based solutions tend to be quite robust.  If worse 
comes to worse and the display is screwed up so you can't read the output 
at all, you can blind-run something like xrandr --output HDMI-A-0 --auto, 
and as long as the EDIDs aren't entirely insane (and you know what output 
to use from previous use, of course), it should come up with at least a 
/usable/ display.

> However, the key to whether or not this will be practical for me is
> power management. Having to remove KDE's PowerDevil means I now have to
> go and explore alternative means of managing power on a laptop. Any
> suggestions?

You /might/ look into something like laptop-mode-tools.  I used that here 
on my netbook, when I had one.  If you've noticed, I tend to use generic 
non-desktop-specific tools, which tend to be more reliable for me, 
particularly over kde major version changes when the old version tools 
often aren't available any longer, while the new ones are still flat-out 
broken, at least for all but the developer-tested common cases. (Tho kde 
did far better in this regard with the 4.x -> 5.x upgrade than they did 
with the 3.x -> 4.x upgrade, which was a fiasco piled on breakage piled 
on another fiasco.)

Anyway, laptop-mode-tools is no exception, being a generic collection of 
tools that sort of grew up around a UI that originally just exposed the 
kernel's laptop-mode, but now including all sorts of modules that allow 
controlling all sorts of things, triggering at wall-plug-toggle, power 
events, laptop-lid events, etc.

But like xrandr, it gives you more control, is easier to script, and 
tends to be as or more reliable than the desktop-specific GUI tools, but 
it has a harder initial learning curve as it's not just point and click 
like the GUIs.

So as they say, YMMV...

Duncan - List replies preferred.   No HTML msgs.
"Every nonfree program has a lord, a master --
and if you use the program, he is your master."  Richard Stallman

Re: plasma5 screen management going wrong

2018-07-12 Thread Bug Reporter
On Thu, Jul 12, 2018 at 7:06 PM, Bug Reporter  wrote:
> On Thu, Jul 12, 2018 at 6:03 PM, Bug Reporter  wrote:
>> see below
>> On Thu, Jul 12, 2018 at 2:20 AM, Duncan <> wrote:
>>> Bug Reporter posted on Wed, 11 Jul 2018 21:05:22 -0400 as excerpted:
 see below

 On Mon, Jul 2, 2018 at 2:25 AM, Duncan <> wrote:
> Bug Reporter posted on Sun, 01 Jul 2018 21:17:29 -0400 as excerpted:
>> Some questions include:
>> - Upon putting the laptop on the dock (multiple external monitors) can
>> I run my randr script (or command) to activate the dock-connected
>> monitors without logging out of plasma?
> YES.
>> - Upon undocking, I assume I would run another randr script to disable
>> the external monitors, then I would undock the laptop.
>> - Say I have two different docking stations (one in the east coast
>> office one in the west coast office). Say both have the identical
>> monitor layout (e.g., two 1920x1080 HDMI monitors side by side). Will
>> the same randr dock-connect script work at the other office? The
>> monitors will have different EDID's, of course. But the relative
>> positions and the resolutions will be the same.
> This would appear to depend upon the names of the screens, such as
> "DP-2-1". My guess is that if the dock itself is the same model
> device, the display ports may be named the same by xrandr. Obviously,
> it is not hard to come up with the required command for additional
> office locations. However, it would be more convenient if a
> non-technical user (one who can barely use a terminal) had exactly one
> command to execute for docking, regardless of the office. But, in
> worst case, I can see making scripts or aliases such as "dock-east"
> and "dock-west". The undock script/alias would always be the same.
>> - With xorg conf files, I assume that switching from the undocked to
>> the docked configuration requires logging out of plasma, restarting X,
>> and logging back in. Correct?
> I don't know. I did not create any xorg.conf files yet. Will I need to
> create them?
>> - Are there frequent or common situations where one could lose all
>> monitor output and a non-sudo user would be required to restart the
>> computer?
> After just a little testing, this seems like a robust solution.
> However, the key to whether or not this will be practical for me is
> power management. Having to remove KDE's PowerDevil means I now have
> to go and explore alternative means of managing power on a laptop. Any
> suggestions?

The lack of powerdevil may be the showstopper in this process. So I
started looking for a config file that might disable kscreen. I did
not find any yet, but I did find kscreen-doctor. This might be the way
to leave kscreen installed and to manage it the way one would manage
screens with xorg conf files or with xrandr.

Interestingly, `kscreen-doctor -i` tells me: Preferred KScreen backend
: /usr/lib/qt/plugins/kf5/kscreen/

I don't know exactly what that is, but the name gives me the feeling
that kscreen-doctor might be able to be used like xrandr... any

# /usr/bin/kscreen-doctor --help

Usage: /usr/bin/kscreen-doctor [options] [output..
output..setting [...]]
kscreen-doctor allows to change the screen setup from the command-line.

Setting the output configuration is done in an atomic fashion, all settings
are applied in a single command.
kscreen-doctor can be used to enable and disable outputs, to position screens,
change resolution (mode setting), etc.. You should put all your options into
a single invocation of kscreen-doctor, so they can all be applied at once.

Usage examples:

   Show output information:
   $ kscreen-doctor -o
   Output: 1 eDP-1 enabled connected Panel Modes: Modes: 1:800x600@60
[...] Geometry: 0,0 1280x800
   Output: 70 HDMI-2 enabled connected  HDMI Modes: 1:800x600@60 [...]
Geometry: 1280,0 1920x1080

   Disable the hdmi output, enable the laptop panel and set it to a
specific mode
   $ kscreen-doctor output.HDMI-2.disable output.eDP-1.mode.1

   Position the hdmi monitor on the right of the laptop panel
   $ kscreen-doctor output.HDMI-2.position.0,1280 output.eDP-1.position.0,0

   Set resolution mode
   $ kscreen-doctor output.HDMI-2.mode.1920x1080@60

   Set scale (note: fractional scaling is only supported on wayland)
   $ kscreen-doctor output.HDMI-2.scale.2

   Set rotation (possible values: none, left, right, inverted)
   $ kscreen-doctor output.HDMI-2.rotation.left

  -h, --help   Displays this help.
  -i, --info   Show runtime information: backends, logging, etc.
  -j, --json   Show configuration in JSON format
  -o, --outputsShow outputs
  -d, --dpms  Display power management (wayland only)
  -l, --log   Write a comment to the log file

  config   Specific output settings are separated by spaces, each

Re: plasma5 screen management going wrong

2018-07-12 Thread Bug Reporter
On Thu, Jul 12, 2018 at 6:03 PM, Bug Reporter  wrote:
> see below
> On Thu, Jul 12, 2018 at 2:20 AM, Duncan <> wrote:
>> Bug Reporter posted on Wed, 11 Jul 2018 21:05:22 -0400 as excerpted:
>>> see below
>>> On Mon, Jul 2, 2018 at 2:25 AM, Duncan <> wrote:
 Bug Reporter posted on Sun, 01 Jul 2018 21:17:29 -0400 as excerpted:

> Some questions include:
> - Upon putting the laptop on the dock (multiple external monitors) can
> I run my randr script (or command) to activate the dock-connected
> monitors without logging out of plasma?


> - Upon undocking, I assume I would run another randr script to disable
> the external monitors, then I would undock the laptop.


> - Say I have two different docking stations (one in the east coast
> office one in the west coast office). Say both have the identical
> monitor layout (e.g., two 1920x1080 HDMI monitors side by side). Will
> the same randr dock-connect script work at the other office? The
> monitors will have different EDID's, of course. But the relative
> positions and the resolutions will be the same.

This would appear to depend upon the names of the screens, such as
"DP-2-1". My guess is that if the dock itself is the same model
device, the display ports may be named the same by xrandr. Obviously,
it is not hard to come up with the required command for additional
office locations. However, it would be more convenient if a
non-technical user (one who can barely use a terminal) had exactly one
command to execute for docking, regardless of the office. But, in
worst case, I can see making scripts or aliases such as "dock-east"
and "dock-west". The undock script/alias would always be the same.

> - With xorg conf files, I assume that switching from the undocked to
> the docked configuration requires logging out of plasma, restarting X,
> and logging back in. Correct?

I don't know. I did not create any xorg.conf files yet. Will I need to
create them?

> - Are there frequent or common situations where one could lose all
> monitor output and a non-sudo user would be required to restart the
> computer?

After just a little testing, this seems like a robust solution.

However, the key to whether or not this will be practical for me is
power management. Having to remove KDE's PowerDevil means I now have
to go and explore alternative means of managing power on a laptop. Any

Re: plasma5 screen management going wrong

2018-07-12 Thread Bug Reporter
see below

On Thu, Jul 12, 2018 at 2:20 AM, Duncan <> wrote:
> Bug Reporter posted on Wed, 11 Jul 2018 21:05:22 -0400 as excerpted:
>> see below
>> On Mon, Jul 2, 2018 at 2:25 AM, Duncan <> wrote:
>>> Bug Reporter posted on Sun, 01 Jul 2018 21:17:29 -0400 as excerpted:
>>> This is likely the kscreen component, or libkscreen ...
>>>  I finally unmerged/uninstalled those two components
>> To clarify, you removed kscreen and libkscreen? I'm running Arch Linux,
>> so I can probably uninstall those packages as well.
> Correct.  kscreen and libkscreen are not installed (on gentoo, aka
> "merged") here, despite the fact that I have kde-plasma as my desktop
> environment, with plasmashell providing the desktop and panels, and kwin
> as the window manager.
> It's possible there's something with a direct buildtime/runtime
> dependency on them, but it doesn't seem to be anything I have merged, or
> if it is, it's USE-flag controlled and I have that flag off.
> Actually... just did a grep on libkscreen in the (gentoo) repo, thus
> covering packages I don't have installed as well.  Other than kscreen
> itself, there's two other packages depending on it:
> powerdevil:  On gentoo at least, this appears to be a hard dep, buildtime
> and runtime.  The reason it doesn't affect me is that I don't have
> powerdevil installed either.
> Interestingly enough, the other one is lxqt-config.
> Nothing (well, other than the plasma-meta metapackage) appears to dep on
> kscreen itself.
> Meanwhile, note that I'm still on X.

Yes, I see it the same way. I will switch to Wayland once it has full
support under KDE and is reliable.

> It's possible, however, that the past problems have all been due to kde
> "fighting" with X over the configuration, and if there's no standard non-
> kde config to mess up, with some luck perhaps it'll all "just work".

My experience over most of the last two years is that it has "just
worked" -- until a couple weeks ago.

> Doing the same with xrandr, presumably scripting it to the settings you
> use frequently and then either running the script with selected
> parameters or running the appropriate script to change things, isn't
> difficult.  It'll just take some study of the xrandr manpage.  Typically
> you'd do something like this (for the same outputs/size/positioning as
> above):
> xrandr --output HDMI-A-0 --primary --mode 3840x2160 --pos 1920x0 --output
> DVI-D-0 --mode 1920x1080 --pos 0x2100
> Note that there's a bash-completion helper available for xrandr as well.

Can you say more about how this would work on a laptop that is docked
and undocked daily? Some questions include:

- Upon putting the laptop on the dock (multiple external monitors) can
I run my randr script (or command) to activate the dock-connected
monitors without logging out of plasma? The "without logging out" part
is important. If we have to log out and restart X, that's no better
than kscreen at the moment because if we restart after docking,
kscreen usually gets things right. (Until two weeks ago, it got things
right immediately when the dock was connected without any user
intervention at all.)

- Upon undocking, I assume I would run another randr script to disable
the external monitors, then I would undock the laptop.

- Say I have two different docking stations (one in the east coast
office one in the west coast office). Say both have the identical
monitor layout (e.g., two 1920x1080 HDMI monitors side by side). Will
the same randr dock-connect script work at the other office? The
monitors will have different EDID's, of course. But the relative
positions and the resolutions will be the same.

- With xorg conf files, I assume that switching from the undocked to
the docked configuration requires logging out of plasma, restarting X,
and logging back in. Correct?

- Are there frequent or common situations where one could lose all
monitor output and a non-sudo user would be required to restart the

Re: plasma5 screen management going wrong

2018-07-11 Thread Duncan
Bug Reporter posted on Wed, 11 Jul 2018 21:05:22 -0400 as excerpted:

> see below
> On Mon, Jul 2, 2018 at 2:25 AM, Duncan <> wrote:
>> Bug Reporter posted on Sun, 01 Jul 2018 21:17:29 -0400 as excerpted:
>> This is likely the kscreen component, or libkscreen ...
>>  I finally unmerged/uninstalled those two components
> To clarify, you removed kscreen and libkscreen? I'm running Arch Linux,
> so I can probably uninstall those packages as well.

Correct.  kscreen and libkscreen are not installed (on gentoo, aka 
"merged") here, despite the fact that I have kde-plasma as my desktop 
environment, with plasmashell providing the desktop and panels, and kwin 
as the window manager.

It's possible there's something with a direct buildtime/runtime 
dependency on them, but it doesn't seem to be anything I have merged, or 
if it is, it's USE-flag controlled and I have that flag off.

Actually... just did a grep on libkscreen in the (gentoo) repo, thus 
covering packages I don't have installed as well.  Other than kscreen 
itself, there's two other packages depending on it:

powerdevil:  On gentoo at least, this appears to be a hard dep, buildtime 
and runtime.  The reason it doesn't affect me is that I don't have 
powerdevil installed either.

Interestingly enough, the other one is lxqt-config.

Nothing (well, other than the plasma-meta metapackage) appears to dep on 
kscreen itself.

Meanwhile, note that I'm still on X.  Google suggests there's not a lot 
of info out there about configuring plasma on wayland yet (a prominent 
hit is actually the arch wiki), but what I can find suggests that unlike 
X, there's no real desktop-independent configuration for wayland yet.  At 
some point I'm going to decide it's time to try (plasma on) wayland, and 
I've been kind of dreading it in part (one thing on a list...) because 
I've had such bad experiences with kde's X-based monitor configuration, 
while for better or for worse, that seems to be what I'll have to use.

It's possible, however, that the past problems have all been due to kde 
"fighting" with X over the configuration, and if there's no standard non-
kde config to mess up, with some luck perhaps it'll all "just work".  One 
can hope, anyway...

But I definitely expect kscreen/libkscreen will be needed to properly 
configure kwin_wayland and plasmashell on wayland, since that's the way 
that kde/plasma does it these days, and as I said, it appears there's no 
desktop-independent way to do it, so if my desktop is plasma on wayland, 
it'll have to be kde/plasma configuring it, and thus kscreen/libkscreen.

>>  And if I /do/ want to change the layout or resolution on-the-fly, I
>>  can use xrandr to do it, or simply
>> change the xorg.conf configuration and restart x/kde/plasma to have it
>> take effect.
> It would be really helpful to find some examples of exactly how to apply
> your approach to a laptop which docks and undocks to/from a dock with
> multiple external displays. I would like to try your approach, but I
> don't have any experience with xrandr at all, and it has been an
> incredibly long time since I messed with xorg.conf. Any instructions or
> links are appreciated.

Wow.  While xorg does generally have sane no-xorg.conf behavior these 
days, I have a customized enough setup that I'd hardly consider doing 
without it, entirely!

Without actually checking, I'd (figuratively) bet money, however, that 
the arch wiki is one of the better resources out there on it.  Well, that 
and the xorg.conf manpage...

If you've not messed with xorg.conf in awhile, the biggest change you may 
not be aware of is that it's modular these days, configurable with 
multiple drop-in files (some of which are shipped by various xorg drivers 
in ordered to set defaults such as libinput (newer) or evdev (a bit 
older) as the default keyboard and mouse driver), instead of a single 
monolithic xorg.conf.  That makes it much *MUCH* easier to tweak just one 
thing, with a comparatively small configuration file likely with just one 
section and a couple configuration lines in it, either to override a 
shipped driver default, or to, for instance, configure one monitor 
"primary", with a second positioned "left-of" the primary.

As an example of why/how my config is somewhat customized, consider ($$ 
indicating a command, jed being my initials, my way of distinguishing my 
own settings files from the shipped defaults, this is for a radeon with 
the freedomware amdgpu driver, but the config should be similar for most 
freedomware drivers, if you're running nvidia with the servantware driver 
it may be different in which case you'll need to look elsewhere for that):

$$ cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/jed.monitors.conf
# 48-inch 1080p youtube monitor
Section "Monitor"
Identifier  "jed.mon.dvi0"
Gamma   1.1
Option  "Position"  "0 2100"

Re: plasma5 screen management going wrong

2018-07-11 Thread Bug Reporter
see below

On Mon, Jul 2, 2018 at 2:25 AM, Duncan <> wrote:
> Bug Reporter posted on Sun, 01 Jul 2018 21:17:29 -0400 as excerpted:

> This is likely the kscreen component, or libkscreen ...
>  I finally unmerged/uninstalled those two components

To clarify, you removed kscreen and libkscreen? I'm running Arch
Linux, so I can probably uninstall those packages as well.

>  And if I /do/ want to change the layout or resolution on-the-fly, I can use 
> xrandr to do it, or simply
> change the xorg.conf configuration and restart x/kde/plasma to have it take 
> effect.

It would be really helpful to find some examples of exactly how to
apply your approach to a laptop which docks and undocks to/from a dock
with multiple external displays. I would like to try your approach,
but I don't have any experience with xrandr at all, and it has been an
incredibly long time since I messed with xorg.conf. Any instructions
or links are appreciated.

> The trouble in this case seems to be that kscreen assumes a laptop with a 
> monitor attached...

Thanks for the clue. Knowing that this is related dto kscreen, I
reported a bug here:

396071 – plasma5 screen management going wrong

> There's no real way to tell it "hey, this is an xorg-preconfigured
> desktop system, use it as-is and don't bother it".

It worked fairly well for the last two years. I agree with you that it
has never been perfect or totally robust, but it was good enough not
to interfere with our work in a major way until it became broken in
the last couple weeks. Now it is a serious problem.

I need some help with further testing. In particular, could someone
tell me which configuration files are involved in the System Settings
> "Display and Monitor" settings? In particular, where does KDE store
the screen geometry and relative placement (and primary display)? And
which config files are involved in the desktop background and panel
placement for each screen? These are the main settings that are
getting lost.

> set plain text for mailing lists

Done. But in Gmail, I will have to remember to toggle it every single
time I send a mail to this list. As you suggested, a better solution
is needed. Gmail also defaults to toip-posting, which seems to be a
bad decision by Google...

Re: plasma5 screen management going wrong

2018-07-01 Thread Duncan
Bug Reporter posted on Sun, 01 Jul 2018 21:17:29 -0400 as excerpted:

> Which project should this bug be reported to?
> Is this "laptop display" box that pops up part of plasma5? I assume it
> must be, but I'm not using a laptop.
> On Sat, Jun 30, 2018 at 6:26 PM, Bug Reporter 
> wrote:
>> With the most recent update of KDE, screen management is acting up. I
>> have a desktop with 3 monitors. After this update, every time I log
>> into Plasma5, several things happen:
>> 1. I get a popup asking me about laptop display options. This is not a
>> laptop. Furthermore, the options presented are confusing. None of them
>> look viable. I have been leaving it unchanged. However, I do not want
>> this dialog every time I log in when my attached screens have not
>> changed.
>> 2. The arrangement of my screens has changed (e.g., the screen that
>> should be in the middle is arranged on the left or right, etc.)
>> 3. the primary display may have changed too.
>> In general, other settings may be lost or changed too, such as the
>> locations and settings of my panels. That appears to be a consequence
>> of the screen arrangement being screwed up.
>> $ qmake --version QMake version 3.1 Using Qt version 5.11.1 in /usr/lib
>> $ plasmashell --version plasmashell 5.13.2
>> $ dolphin --version dolphin 18.04.2
>> $ uname -a Linux 4.17.2-1-ARCH #1 SMP PREEMPT Sat Jun 16 11:08:59 UTC
>> 2018 x86_64 GNU/Linux
> Which project should this bug be reported
> to?Is this "laptop display" box that
> pops up part of plasma5? I assume it must be, but I'm not using a
> laptop. class="gmail_quote">On Sat, Jun 30, 2018 at 6:26 PM, Bug Reporter  dir="ltr"> target="_blank">>
> wrote: dir="ltr">With the most recent update of KDE, screen management is
> acting up. I have a desktop with 3 monitors. After this update, every
> time I log into Plasma5, several things
> happen:1. I get a popup asking me about laptop
> display options. This is not a laptop. Furthermore, the options
> presented are confusing. None of them look viable. I have been leaving
> it unchanged. However, I do not want this dialog every time I log in
> when my attached screens have not
> changed.2. The arrangement of my screens
> has changed (e.g., the screen that should be in the middle is arranged
> on the left or right, etc.)3. the primary
> display may have changed too.In general,
> other settings may be lost or changed too, such as the locations and
> settings of my panels. That appears to be a consequence of the screen
> arrangement being screwed up.$ qmake
> --versionQMake version 3.1Using Qt version 5.11.1 in
> /usr/lib$ plasmashell --versionplasmashell 5.13.2$
> dolphin --versiondolphin 18.04.2$ uname -aLinux
> 4.17.2-1-ARCH #1 SMP PREEMPT Sat Jun 16 11:08:59 UTC 2018 x86_64
> GNU/Linux

First, please avoid the HTML gibberish.  HTML email is a major security 
vulnerability if it's actually displayed as HTML, with the various 
elements allowed to fetch and/or execute, and as I hope you can see (but 
you may not depending on how your client reacts to conventionally quoted 
HTML), if the HTML is displayed as plain-text, that's not particularly 
pretty either.

So set plain text for mailing lists and avoid having us old timers shake 
our cane at you. =:^)  (I wish the kde lists did what the kernel lists 
do, auto-reject HTML mail with a message saying to send in plain text, 
but since they don't, this is the manual version.)

Second, please reply in-context under the contextual-quote you're 
replying to.  It makes further replies in-context /so/ much easier.  I 
almost just skipped this rather than bother, but decided to send the 
requests along with the reply to the question, instead.

As for the question...

This is likely the kscreen component, or libkscreen loaded by something 
else (maybe solid, which is supposed to do hardware detection?) .

After fighting with similar issues on and off since at least kde3 era, 
thru 4 and now plasma5 -- for whatever reason kde just doesn't seem to be 
able to take a carefully configured xorg setup and leave it alone, it 
always wants to mess it up in some way or another -- after the last 
iteration, I finally unmerged/uninstalled those two components (nothing 
else I had installed actually required them, solid is installed but if it 
can use them at least it doesn't complain without them), and while I 
can't use kde/plasma/kscreen to change the multi-monitor layout now since 
it's not installed any longer, at least things stay the way I have them 
configured in xorg.conf, and plasma doesn't complain or want to 
reorganize things its own way any longer.  And if I /do/ want to change 
the layout or resolution on-the-fly, I can use xrandr to do it, or simply 
change the xorg.conf configuration and restart x/kde/plasma to have it 
take effect.

The trouble in this case seems to be that kscreen assumes a laptop with a 
monitor attached, and tha

Re: plasma5 screen management going wrong

2018-07-01 Thread Bug Reporter
Which project should this bug be reported to?

Is this "laptop display" box that pops up part of plasma5? I assume it must
be, but I'm not using a laptop.

On Sat, Jun 30, 2018 at 6:26 PM, Bug Reporter 

> With the most recent update of KDE, screen management is acting up. I have
> a desktop with 3 monitors. After this update, every time I log into
> Plasma5, several things happen:
> 1. I get a popup asking me about laptop display options. This is not a
> laptop. Furthermore, the options presented are confusing. None of them look
> viable. I have been leaving it unchanged. However, I do not want this
> dialog every time I log in when my attached screens have not changed.
> 2. The arrangement of my screens has changed (e.g., the screen that should
> be in the middle is arranged on the left or right, etc.)
> 3. the primary display may have changed too.
> In general, other settings may be lost or changed too, such as the
> locations and settings of my panels. That appears to be a consequence of
> the screen arrangement being screwed up.
> $ qmake --version
> QMake version 3.1
> Using Qt version 5.11.1 in /usr/lib
> $ plasmashell --version
> plasmashell 5.13.2
> $ dolphin --version
> dolphin 18.04.2
> $ uname -a
> Linux 4.17.2-1-ARCH #1 SMP PREEMPT Sat Jun 16 11:08:59 UTC 2018 x86_64
> GNU/Linux