
thank you very much for explaining it to me!

As you wrote that "save clip" is actually a limited duplicate of "save selection" I would like to opt for removing it. Personally, I find two very similar options to be confusing, especially when one has limitations (only single clip, no more complex selections) the other doesn't have.

This now brings me to a new question: are "save selection" and additing the selection to the library basically doing the same? Is the former saving to an explicit MLT playlist file while the latter is implicitly saving to an MLT playlist file inside the library folder?

Best regards,

Am 14.03.2016 um 00:36 schrieb Jean-Baptiste Mardelle:
On Saturday, March 12, 2016 5:00:04 PM CET, Harald Albrecht wrote:
after scratching my head all the time maybe someone on this list may chime in and hit me with a clue stick: what use case is Timeline>Current Clip>Save Clip intended for?

Is "save clip" a means to save just a region of a clip, yet complete with all effects applied to it? Saving it as an MLT playlist?


The "Save Clip" feature allows to save a timeline clip with its effects as an MLT playlist. There was a bug that I just fixed that prevented it from working, should be ok now.

What would be the benefit of "save clip" compared to the library bin and its (more versatile) MLT playlists?

Well there is no real benefit, it is an older feature and in fact, it duplicates the "Timeline > Save Selection" feature, so I guess I should simply remove it...

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