
I've now paid more attention to what icons actually get installed when I run "make install" for Kdenlive from git master: when it comes to scalable icons, the only few icons I see installed are the svg/z icons that come from kdenlive.git/data/icons/sc-actions-*.svg*. The Breeze light/dark icons don't get installed.

I previously had cleared the local installation icon directories in order to purge any old left-overs.

Is installing only the kdenlive.git/data/icons/sc-actions-*.svg* icons now the intended way of things, and do the old dark/light icons get not installed anymore?

On my system, the result is a mess of icons from the underlying system Breeze theme and the (comparably few) new adaptive icons.

How can I get a consistent icon experience with my Kdenlive?

Any help greatly appreciated!

Best regards,

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