So, while completing work on a new scene in a larger video, I zoomed out, and 
was surprised (read "horrified") to find that the rest of my project's scenes 
had somehow been deleted! I saved my new scene in the library, reloaded a 
backup file (thank goodness kdenlive makes those), imported the new scene from 
the library, and selected "expand clip" to hopefully make it editable again.
But this had two unexpected side effects: my project bin now had several 
duplicated references to the same source, and each of the clips of the imported 
library scene had a zero-time crop-start! It appears that all of the 
library-clip sources were imported as cut-down versions of the same source. 
Selecting "expand clip" on it again had no effect, and looking at "clip 
properties" for the duplicated references in the project bin doesn't indicate 
that the source is anything but the original full-length source. "Clean 
project" didn't resolve these duplicates, either.

So I am I supposed to import library clips so that they don't retain 
this sort of uneditable heritage? It appears the duplicate "producer" XML 
elements have different "in" and "out" attributes, all all the related "entry" 
XML elements have a zero "in" attribute.

As it stands, I'm just recreating that scene from scratch in a backup version 
of my project, which is deeply unthrilling.
I would appreciate any insights into these matters.
Steven Boswell

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