This crashes for me with an existing recent Kdenlive project created and edited on 17.12.0d AppImage. Crash happens during loading the project. No really useful crash message on console:

/tmp/.mount_RwnLJ3/AppRun: Zeile 55: 18678 Speicherzugriffsfehler  (Speicherabzug geschrieben) kdenlive --config kdenlive-appimagerc $@

Best regards,

Am 11.04.2018 um 20:45 schrieb Jean-Baptiste Mardelle:
Hi all,

I just uploaded the latest AppImage candidate for the stable branch(18.04):

This AppImage includes all the latest fixes:
* Fix regression in 17.12.3 breaking fades and geometry keyframes on resize
* Fix startup crash in some configs
* Fix luma in wipe transition not found after saving project
* Stop warning about missing app for DVD
* Fix lowres icons on High DPI
* Fix download resources (render profiles, etc) sometimes broken
* As well as the latest MLT version fixing the alpha transparency of some 10bit YUV formats.

Translations are missing, I hope to get them back for the final 18.04 release.

Please test and report problems quickly so I can maybe improve the AppImage for the final release (19th of april).


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