Op 19-04-18 om 21:28 schreef Harald Albrecht:
Hi Jogchum,

18.08 is the separate refactoring branch using projects files (yet) incompatible with the stable series and thus 18.04. So, yes, this is by design. Also, older Kdenlive releases can't read projects which bear a higher format version than they support themselves. Usually, new project features were introduced withe new releases, and thus the project format version bumped up. However, newer versions can read older version up to a certain level. This does not apply or only very limited to the refactoring branch.

Best regards,
OK, thanks for the explanation.

I suppose focus of developers is now on bringing 18.04 to the final release. I haven't found a  roadmap for the following release(s); the roadmap on the wiki had it's last update in august 2015, it says, and the link to the Kanboard on that page is dead. Is a time schedule for 18.08 available?

Best regards, Jogchum



With this release, I can't open projects created with kdenlive-18.08-beta0.AppImage. It reports

    This project type is unsupported (version 0.97) and can't be loaded.

    Please consider upgrading your Kdenlive version.

Is this by design, or is something going wrong?

regards, Jogchum Reitsma

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