Sorry about not fixing the subject in the last email.

At 12:16 PM -0500 1/31/04, Sam Hartman wrote:
>>>>> "Henry" == Henry B Hotz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

    Henry> Well, what we do here is have the LDAP server do a kinit
    Henry> against the central kerberos server for authentication.
    Henry> Native kerberos is a lot more convenient for the users, but
    Henry> you can solve the security issues without it on a
    Henry> case-by-case basis.

If that's actually what you do, then you have even bigger security
problems.  A kinit, without verifying the resulting ticket against a
host or service key is completely vulnerable to spoofed KDCs.

The code was done years ago by someone who doesn't work here anymore, but no I don't think it uses a keytab.

In any case both machines are physically secure and the KDC is contacted over a private network connection. I think the risk is small.
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