I'm trying to catch up on a thread here:


does anyone here use lkml.org to read kernel mailing list archives?
If so, how does the threading on the left work?

I click on a link then the whole list shrinks.  I have noticed that
somethings are not visible at the top 'first message in thread' link.

example smaller list: https://lkml.org/lkml/2014/10/30/124

I'f I count all the lines at the top first post level and go to another
website with an interface that shows all the threads, I see a difference
of about 25 in the count.  So I'm thinking somethings are hidden
at the top level.

I have found another archive that is easy for me to read, but I am
just curious to what I am missing and why the lkml.org site's behavior
surprises me.  I must be missing something obvious.  My goal was to
simply read the the entire thread.

Kernelnewbies mailing list

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