On Wed, Oct 31, 2007 at 06:13:45PM +0800, Readon Shaw wrote:
>     I wanna port the kernel to my board which has a specific function, 
> such as generate/receive packets for throughput test, etc.
>       So I need to call driver function, for example, packets receiving 
> method.
>       Different NIC card has its own way to receive, a interface is needed to 
> extend drivers abilities.I found the inter-module mechanism can do that, but 
> it is dying. I wonder that is there any replacement? How to add special 
> purpose
> function in driver?

If you want to test send/receive for a NIC, what's wrong with netcat
(nc) or even rsh/ssh? Why would you need to write a kernel module for
something as trivial as that?


They're all fools. Don't worry. Darwin may be slow, but he'll
eventually get them. -- Matthew Lammers in alt.sysadmin.recovery

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