Thanks for the detailed info, Jonathan.

I agree that we could replace klee-libc with other code, but first of all, I am wondering whether we still need it in the first place. My impression is that everyone uses klee either standalone or with uclibc, but please let me know if there are any users who need the "--libc=klee" option.

Unless I hear otherwise, my suggestion would be to remove that directory from the mainline, and perhaps just offer it as a separate external library, as we do with uclibc.


On 26/06/13 00:56, Jonathan Neuschäfer wrote:
On Tue, Jun 25, 2013 at 04:01:40PM -0700, Daniel Dunbar wrote:
Hi Jonathan,

Where did you derive the author information from?

If you can verify that the implementations we have are from a particular
source then we should probably import their license. If we can't verify the
right source license, then my recommendation would be to try and find BSD
licensed ones we could import (and include license, if need be).

I took the authorship information from the license comments in these
files. They are all under the 4-clause BSD license, which is quite
problematic for its advertising clause:

  "3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this
      software must display the following acknowledgement: This product
      includes software developed by the University of California,
      Berkeley and its contributors."

The NetBSD libc seems to suite our purpose, it's 2- or 3-clause BSD
I haven't reviewed the code in question yet, though.


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