REQ : SOX Compliance -CISA Certified - NYC

2011-04-13 Thread prashanth kumar

I have the following requirement. Skills highlighted are mandatory for the
position. **

* *

*Duration  : 1 yr+*

*Location  : NYC*

Profile: Consultant who has around *7 to 10+ years of experience** in
auditing* and processes relating to internal reviews and* IT Governance*.
The consultant must have an understanding of *SOX 404* requirements and

Role: Candidate will build processes on their own by interacting with senior
directors, make presentations, talk well, understand and document needs of
development organization. The candidate has to understand SOX 404 quarterly
reports and know how to use it to control financial risk as well as develop
processes based on the SOX 404 requirements.

 “I do not want a lot of audit experience; I am looking for *project
management experience*, as well as *coordinating documentation requirements*.
Also I plan to utilize this person in our *Finance, Administration &
business analysis area*.

Therefore someone with prior experience in the financial aspect of managing
server / system inventory, putting process around business requirements etc
would be best suitable.

Please send the below details for further process ASAP.

 Full name:

Contact No:

Email id:

Current  Location:

Relocation :

Rate /hr:

Visa Status:

SSN LAST4digits:

Total IT exp:

US IT exp:

Employer/ Incorporation Details (If have):


2 References in the following format:

(Full name/ Project name/ Role/Contact/Email id)


*Oberon IT Inc.**│* 1300 West Walnut Hill Lane, Suite 247, Irving, TX 75038

Direct: 972-432-6538 / 866-660-9190 Ext : 315 *I* Fax: 800-218-2820

Yahoo : ; Gmail :**


* *

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SOX Compliance -CISA Certified

2011-04-13 Thread sudheer b b
Hi ,

* *

*Duration  : 1 yr+*

*Location  : NYC*

Profile: Consultant who has around *7 to 10+ years of experience* in *
auditing* and processes relating to internal reviews and* IT Governance*.
The consultant must have an understanding of *SOX 404* requirements and

Role: Candidate will build processes on their own by interacting with senior
directors, make presentations, talk well, understand and document needs of
development organization. The candidate has to understand SOX 404 quarterly
reports and know how to use it to control financial risk as well as develop
processes based on the SOX 404 requirements.

 “I do not want a lot of audit experience; I am looking for *project
management experience*, as well as *coordinating documentation requirements*.
Also I plan to utilize this person in our *Finance, Administration &
business analysis area*.

Therefore someone with prior experience in the financial aspect of managing
server / system inventory, putting process around business requirements etc
would be best suitable.

*Thanks and Regards*


*OberonIT Inc*

*Direct: 972-432-6537*

*Fax: 800 218 2820***

*E-mail: *** **


*Gmail: *** **

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