Hello everyone,

almost everything is in the title : you can register for the hackfest by sending me an email.

As announced previously, it will take place in BibLibre office, Marseille, France, March 23-27

Some explanations for those who need them:

 * the hackfest is NOT a developer week. it's a week for anyone willing
   to contribute to Koha, whatever the kind of contribution (testing,
   documenting, ...)
 * the hackfest is free of charge (but you'll have to deal with your
   traveling costs, of course)
 * you can come for 5 days, or less. Don't come for 1 day, it's
   useless. coming for 2 days is very frustrating. Coming for 3 to 5
   days is perfect !
 * 40-45 ppl fit in our office. If we're more than this, we'll have to
   book an additional room [thanks to the company just next door] So
   register as soon as possible
 * there's no schedule, everyone comes with it's own
 * that's not a training session
 * if you need an official invitation, just ask by email

Hoping to see you next month !!!

Paul Poulain, Associé-gérant / co-owner
BibLibre, Services en logiciels libres pour les bibliothèques
BibLibre, Open Source software and services for libraries

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