
I'm upgrading from koha 16.05 to 16.11 (I'm trying to keep up to date) and
I see on the updatedatabase.pl this:

*DBD::mysql::db do failed: Can't DROP 'isbn'; check that column/key exists
[for Statement "ALTER TABLE biblioitems DROP INDEX isbn"] at
<http://updatedatabase.pl> line 13734.DBD::mysql::db do failed: Can't DROP
'issn'; check that column/key exists [for Statement "ALTER TABLE
biblioitems DROP INDEX issn"] at
<http://updatedatabase.pl> line 13735.*

Those line shouldn't be:

*drop index isbn on biblioitems;drop index issn on biblioitems;*

I work always with MySQL, is MariaDB different on the index drop?

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