You are probably asking about the zebra server then.  I've setup three
instances on my servers where zebra runs on a different server than the
staff interface.  I changed three things to get mine working.  First is the
listen tags.  Each listen tag has to have a unique port across all of your
zebra instances.  So I ended up with six different ports in use by zebra.
Second is the port number in the server/explain/serverinfo tag for each
server.  I don't know if this is important, so I changed it to match the
listen tag.  Last, each server has an associated serverinfo tag where the
user and password is defined.  I would strongly recommend changing these
from the default to something else.

I hope this helps.  It's been a while since I setup my servers this way and
I may have forgotten something.

On Wed, Jul 11, 2018 at 3:03 AM Stefano Bargioni <> wrote:

> Hi,
> I defined two instances in Koha (16.05).
> I can query the first instance through Z39.50, and I need to query the
> second one.
> Any hint about this? My attempts are unsuccessful up to now.
> Thx. Stefano
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Michael Hafen
Washington County School District Technology Department
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