KR> ICOM A-200?

2008-10-12 Thread Steve Eberhart
Beam Me Up Scottie". Steve Eberhart RV-7A Slider, O-360-A1A, GRT Sport Candy Apple Red with Scotch Plaid trim Flying in 2008, Feb 22 to be exact :-)

KR> Wing incidence and washout

2008-10-12 Thread Steve Eberhart
-mail posts from the Area 51 Skunk Works private e-mail list that the contributors from around the world used to communicate during the development of the new wing. There is little need to try and second guess anything about this wing. Real documented scientific test data exists. Steve Eberhart

KR> Wing Incidence & Washout

2008-10-12 Thread Steve Eberhart
on my part. > > Larry Flesner > Larry, You are right on. Mark Lougheed did extensive CFD analysis of the wing to come up with the optimum angle of attack and washout. The goal was to be flying level at the higher cruise air speeds and to have as close to the optimum elliptical lift distribution as possible to minimize drag. Steve Eberhart

KR> Wing Incidence & Washout

2008-10-12 Thread Steve Eberhart
Mark is right. One of the things the original poster wasn't taking into consideration is the pitching moment of the airfoil which tends to rotate the wing down. Steve Eberhart Mark Jones wrote: > No, you do not want to change the wash out. The post you are thinking was > based on ver

KR> Elevator Pushrod

2008-10-12 Thread Steve Eberhart
:// Steve Eberhart RV-7A, just made my elevator pushrod last week. wrote: > My RV-4 and Kitfox had elevator pushrods instead of cables. The pushrod was > about 1 1/4 inch in diameter and used balljoint [heim] ends. There was a > tapered alum

KR> It's Friday and group Hooker Harness 5 point seat belt buy

2008-10-12 Thread Steve Eberhart
is December 7th. (type in keyword hooker) Steve Eberhart Dana Overall wrote: > >

KR> WOO HOO Fun Friday

2008-10-12 Thread Steve Eberhart
It is Friday after all, so Dana, Larry wants to know if you used a BLACK powder gun to get those deer? Steve Eberhart RV-7A, the last parts kit shipped today. About another year to go. And to be legit, I have played around with some KR parts. Dana Overall wrote: > Got the call from

KR> Jonesee / PRIME RIB

2008-10-12 Thread Steve Eberhart
I just order chicken, it's hard to screw up chicken. > Maybe ordering it Well Done has something to do with it :-) Steve Eberhart Only built two three foot sections of KR wing

KR> Pilot's Licence

2008-10-12 Thread Steve Eberhart
around 54 when I got my Private. I know how you are feeling, congratulations again. Steve Eberhart

KR> KR Gathering ---Homecoming?

2008-10-12 Thread Steve Eberhart
strated severe PIO. Y >H! > > Hi Bob, you too? My ride with Marty was one non-stop roller coaster ride. He kept his hand about two inches over mine and kept dropping it to stabilize the stick. That was my first KR ride. Not the way to gain new builde

KR> Spar wood

2008-10-12 Thread Steve Eberhart
to Ashok, the 15% and 16% airfoils are well suited for use in single airfoil wings. I don't remember any discussions about using the 18% in any configuration other than as a root airfoil tapering to a 15% at the tip. Steve Eberhart Building an RV-7A but I still have the original AS504x wind

KR> kidney stone

2008-10-12 Thread Steve Eberhart
decisions on their own. My AME is also in my local EAA chapter and goes the extra mile to work with problem cases. Just a story where I was very impressed with my AME and the FAA. How often do you hear that! Steve Eberhart Yeh, I have played around with things KR but now my hands are covered

KR> Horizontal stab stall

2008-10-12 Thread Steve Eberhart
f I put Armorall on my horizontal stabilizer my problem will be >>solved. >> >>I'm still finding dingle berrys after that close call. >> >> The horiz. Stab. Langford has on his KR incorporates all of the modifications you have described short of the Armorall dispenser. His plane just keeps adding up flying hours. Don't know if it is proving anything but it seems to be well mannered. He has engineering drawings for all of the airfoils used on his plane. Steve Eberhart

KR> Carbon Fibre

2008-10-12 Thread Steve Eberhart
Ron Smith wrote: > >I was wondering how people who build aluminum airplanes ever communicate with >anyone? :) > > We communicate, we're just talking to ATC :-) Steve Eberhart RV-7A Slider, wing and tail done and working on the Fuselage

KR> Cleaning out the Library

2008-10-12 Thread Steve Eberhart
me two checks, one made out to me for the $150 and one made out to the Salvation Army for the remainder of the bid. Thanks for letting me barge in on Open Line Friday Steve Eberhart Evansville, Indiana

KR> SOLD - Cleaning out the Library]

2008-10-12 Thread Steve Eberhart
Boy that was quick. Sorry guys but the library has been sold. Thanks again, Steve Eberhart

KR> composite epoxies

2008-10-12 Thread Steve Eberhart
and AS5048 airfoils I put one of the panels out in the sun to speed up the drying of the black lacquer finish. Very bad move. After only fifteen minutes the heat had caused the blue styrofoam cores to swell. I was building the panels to a +- .008" tolerance. The 1/8" that the panel sw

KR> aileron hinges.

2008-10-12 Thread Steve Eberhart
ould be excited into a buzzing condition where the hinge were assuming something approaching a sine wave I would think it could be even worse that the typical flutter scenario. Steve Eberhart All the hinges on my plane use rod end bearings, Where, I suspect, Dr. Dean got the idea from in the first place.

KR> Revised KR Gathgering Plane List (20)

2008-10-12 Thread Steve Eberhart
be camping out. Steve Eberhart

KR> Re: WAF application?

2008-10-12 Thread Steve Eberhart
fter only a year and a half construction time. Oops, should have said assembly time. Steve Eberhart Loving life on the dark side Pretty sure the Millennium Falcon was made out of aluminum

KR> N56ML flies!

2008-10-12 Thread Steve Eberhart
The last time I talked to Mike Selig I told him that your plane just looked right. That is the best compliment I can give itit just looks right. Congratulations on a job well done. Will see you at the Gathering. Steve Eberhart RV-7A, still working on wings

KR> Legal to carry passengers?

2008-10-12 Thread Steve Eberhart
ting certificate, and who fly an experimental single-engine helicopter, will need to comply with the new requirements. Steve Eberhart

KR> test (sorry, no need to open)

2008-10-12 Thread Steve Eberhart
testing a new mail server Steve Eberhart

KR> Yahoo! Photos - My KR2 S Project

2008-10-12 Thread Steve Eberhart
the constant 16%? Can't wait to hear how the stability is with the Mole horns on the elevator. Your plane sure looks nice. Steve Eberhart

KR> Mark Jones' KR

2008-10-12 Thread Steve Eberhart
ing KR's with the AS504x airfoils. The number is growing. So far, the airfoils are performing exactly as predicted. Steve Eberhart

KR> Mark Jones' KR

2008-10-12 Thread Steve Eberhart
I guess I need to bring him a six pack of that red stuff he likes :-) He only gets it if he flies to the Gathering though. Steve Eberhart

KR> painting metal parts

2008-10-12 Thread Steve Eberhart
the standard RV metal prep practice: 1. Wash with Dawn dish washing detergent using a scotch brite pad to scuff up the surface. 2. Thoroughly rinse with clear water. 3. Acid etch 4. Treat with alodine. 5. Prime with Napa self etching primer. 6. Paint with your paint of choice. Steve Eberhart

KR> Back on the subject of wood

2008-10-12 Thread Steve Eberhart
Stephen Jacobs wrote: >Thank you Bill - I am fascinated by this topic and cannot wait to read >the article. > >The link did not work just now, I will try again later. > >Steve J > > > Give this one a try: Steve Eberhart

KR> Horizontal Stabilizer Tips

2008-10-12 Thread Steve Eberhart
ed. Just watched an EAA video on drag reduction presented by Jim. Don't know if I would buy an airplane kit from him but I would listen to him on drag issues. Steve Eberhart

KR> test - nothing of interrest

2008-10-12 Thread Steve Eberhart
Just testing my new mail server Sorry for the waste of bandwidth Steve Eberhart

KR> Helicopter Tape???

2008-10-12 Thread Steve Eberhart
xtensive laminar flow and I would be worried about the tape edge tripping the laminar flow. Steve Eberhart

KR> Lonely

2008-10-12 Thread Steve Eberhart
res and Video Bob's coverage. Steve Eberhart Evansville, IN

KR> the FAQ is back (for now anyway)

2008-10-12 Thread Steve Eberhart
there. Check out Rick Junkin's Test Flight Plan in Chapter 11 and be sure to read Dr. Dean's article "Is Building an Airplane Hazardous to your Health?" in Chapter 2. Also, Richard Mole's articles on cooling in Chapter 9. A lot of good stuff here. Steve Eberhart

KR> RV grin

2008-10-12 Thread Steve Eberhart
like yours without one of us being wrong? Steve Eberhart

KR> the KRNet

2008-10-12 Thread Steve Eberhart
Oscar Zuniga wrote: > All of which makes me > wonder what I'm doing here, anyway. Because KR is more a state of mind than it is an airplane and like minds tend to find one another. Steve Eberhart

KR> N56ML first flight report!

2008-10-12 Thread Steve Eberhart
performed on April 1, 1999 :-) Enjoy the day Steve Eberhart Mark Langford wrote: > Some of y'all might have noticed no updates to my site lately. That's > because I've been busy flying N56ML! I got tired of messing around with > paint, so I got a case of white Rustoleum spray cans fro