Well, it has been two weeks since I last flew 41768 and boy does it itch.. You 
flyers know what I mean.   Cant wait to be back int the air but dome critter 
ate the gel ear covers off my headset - hope he has a tummy ache.   Aircraft 
Sruce sending me a new pair and then I can go fly.   Annual is due this month 
and then preparations for the Gathering.  I expect all to go well.  I should be 
at the Gathering with over 400 hours on the clock - thats an average of 200 a 
year - not to bad - better than my previous average of 8 hours a year.

  Dan Heath - all I can say is "Way to GO!"   You have a beautiful bird and I 
cant wait to see it at the Gathering.   Keep plugging away on your hours...Fly 
cautiously.   Welcome to the clan.

  To all those in the Corvair wold and Krs -- Flycorvair.com has made a new 
video - the "introduction to Corvairs" that is 45 minutes of flying airplanes 
and Corvair info.  I have a couple here at home (20$) and WW has more.   41768 
is in it as well as three other flying corvair planes.  As you guys start 
flying more and more think about taping some stuff so that next year we can 
have a real fun video for the masses.  Ive started video taping some of the 
places I go just for that purpose.  Hope there is less haze this year to get 
some good formation stuff.

  Looks like this Gathering will be one for the record books.  Hope it is.  I 
plane to fly up on Thursday (weather permitting) with Elaine so that we can be 
there the entire weekend.   I hope all of you can make it.  Fly safe, dont push 
it .   Id rather you not make it but be safe than push your limits and get 
hurt.  Come with a good attitude and spirit and fun will be had by all.

  Keep building guys  - the reward is worth it!

  Fly safe you of those that are airborne.....

  Bill Clapp and N41768

Stay in the know. Pulse on the new Yahoo.com.  Check it out. 

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