Again - another great weekend with friends and family.  Elaine and I had a 
blast at the gathering.  It took us 5 hours to fly up due to strong headwinds 
and a fuel stop.  Left today about 130 pm local time after trying to help Mark 
Jones out - bad plug due to mixture settings - heard he had to land in 
Metropolis - all okay though.  You Ellison guys - check to see if any alcohol 
in fuel or auto gas is affecting the rubber diaphram ---possible cause of 
mixture changing.   Hope you figure it out.   Jones - call me if I can help.    
Like I said, we left about 130pm and landed back home at 6pm local - 3hours and 
30 minutes flight.   Averaged about 180mph - that was nice!  Hope you builders 
were inspired and those about finished got a ride and some pointers.  See you 
next year with a new plane hopefully!
  Bill and N41768

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