KR> RE: Aeropoxy

2011-12-31 Thread

I used Aeropoxy on my wings, I used the gallon kit if I recall correctly. I 
 recommend making up the epoxy in small batches as you move along, not a 
large  pot - it will cook off. Aeropoxy comes with set mix ratio, I used a set 
of West  System pumps which matched the required ratio. I took the Aeropoxy 
resin and  hardener and put it in containers that the West pumps would mate 
to without  problems. This simplified things greatly and made for a way of 
mixing batches  quickly.


Rob Schmitt
_www.robert7721.com_ ( 

Subject: KR> Aeropoxy

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8

I am wondering how much Aeropoxy I will need for wing construction  on my 
KR2S. How much should I have on hand while laying up the fiberglass ? I  plan 
just one layer of glass at a time with peel-ply.Is there is a method to  
figure how much to mix for a given area ? From previous experience with the  
older type Rand resins ,I always seemed to have extra resin gone to waste.   
Also is the one hour hardener enough time to wet out one layer of glass? I'm 
 thinking it's plenty of time with this lower viscosity type resin.

Happy  New Year 

Joe  Cruz

KR> Re: KRnet Digest, Vol 353, Issue 355

2011-12-26 Thread

I just used the zinc chromate spray can on my wing attach fittings as  the 
primer then hit it with a black rustolem for the final coat. Works  fine.

Rob Schmitt

In a message dated 12/25/2011 11:00:57 P.M. Central Standard Time, writes:

From:  Seth and Karen Jersild 
Subject: KR> steel and  aluminum protection--suggestions?
Message-ID:  <>
Content-Type: text/plain;  charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed

> Hello all, and Merry  Christmas--

I just received my wing attach fittings from the shop and  am wondering 
if any of you have specific recommendations for protecting  4130 
steel--specific types of paint or protective coatings that you  
particularly like and  trust.

KR> Re: KR2 model for MS Flight Sim

2011-10-30 Thread

Not for MSFS, but for X-Plane. 

When I was in Iraq a couple years ago, I spent some time on both MS FSX and 
 X-Plane. I built the X-Plane model for my KR2S after I got back. I think I 
did  find a couple of KR MSFS models on a site 
( ,  specifically 
try  _ 

but they were junk and not really flyable.

Link to my X-plane model is on my web site at.

_ ( 

Yes, .50 cals are fun to play with as well. 


Rob Schmitt

In a message dated 10/29/2011 11:00:20 P.M. Central Daylight Time, writes:

Message:  6
Date: Sat, 29 Oct 2011 18:33:35 +0430
From: Dave_A  
Subject: KR> KR2 model for MS Flight  Sim
To: KRnet 
Message-ID:  <>
Content-Type: text/plain;  charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed

Does anyone have one?

Yeah,  MSFS isn't exactly comparable to real flying, but it's the only 
thing I  have until I get back to the States... Out here in A-stan, the 
only  controls I can get behind are those for my truck's gun  turret...

KR> RE: KR Crash

2011-10-09 Thread
I found an article that gives some information from his family. It may have 
 been his 1st flight.


Rob Schmitt

From: "Tim" 
Subject: Re: KR> KR crash
To:  "KRnet" 
Message-ID:  <867137A057314E69BBFBF4A9AEAF92C2@timpc>
Content-Type: text/plain;  format=flowed; charset="iso-8859-1";

Newspaper  38yr old  >>>

-  Original Message - 
From: "Bob Glidden" 
To:  "KRnet" 
Sent: Saturday, October 08, 2011 7:03  PM
Subject: KR> KR crash

KR> Gathering Travel and photos/video

2011-09-19 Thread
Josh, Chanel, and I made it home today. Had to wait out the low ceilings in 
 Missouri till about 11:30 am this morning, but the rest of the trip was  

Managed to download my pictures and video to my web site.  They are  not 
near as good as Marc Baca's .

Main web site is

_www.robert7721.com_ ( 

Direct link to Gathering Stuff is;



Rob Schmitt

KR> KR Gathering Homeward travel

2011-09-18 Thread
Weather trouble trying to get home. Josh, Channel and I made it as far as  
Columbia, MO today before weather stopped us. We hopefully should be home to 
 Elsworth and Kansas City Monday afternoon. Not all is lost however, the 
hotel we  are at in Columbia actually has a hot tub for Josh and Channel 
unlike the Super  8 they stayed at in Mount Vernon.

Rob Schmitt

KR> KR Gathering Homeward travel

2011-09-18 Thread
Weather trouble trying to get home. Josh, Channel and I made it as far as  
Columbia, MO today before weather stopped us. We hopefully should be home to 
 Elsworth and Kansas City Monday afternoon. Not all is lost however, the 
hotel we  are at in Columbia actually has a hot tub for Josh and Channel 
unlike the Super  8 they stayed at in Mount Vernon.

Rob Schmitt

KR> KR fly in and Fish Fry

2011-08-19 Thread

Terry Chezik is having his annual fish fry and fly-in Saturday 20 August. 

The fun and food starts at 5:30 pm at Marion Kansas, 43K. 

There will be at least 2 KR's there. I'll be there and usually there is a  
pretty good crowd.  


Rob Schmitt

KR> RE KR Fuel System

2011-08-13 Thread

I run a Revflow on my Revmaster VW and have had no issues with vapor lock.  
I do run 100LL. I do not have a separate heat shield on the Gascolator but 
do  have the line well protected with firesleeve. 

As far as "Unusual attitudes" go, the Revfow and gravity feed mean no  fuel 
when you go negative G. So far I haven't tried a roll or loop so I haven't  
tested that theory.



From: Dave Dunwoodie 
Subject: KR> Fuel  System
Message-ID:  <>
Content-Type: text/plain;  charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed

Hi Guys, and thanks to all of you that  commented on my fuel system posting.

I am using a Revflow carb., stock as  far as I know.  I've heard that 
some have successfully added a pump,  and that others have never been 
able to get one to work with this  carb.  I guess that puts me in the 
latter group.

Any additional  comments are welcome!  Perhaps I should just go back to 
the initial  gravity feed and call it good?  As before, my concern is 
vapor lock, so  I'm always interested to hear from others about how 
they've mitigated this  one.  I have the heat shield tube installed, and 
am now wondering if  yet another one on top would help or make things 

Another  concern is with unusual attitudes and no pump.

Thanks  again,


KR> RE: Fly In Marion KS 20 Aug

2011-08-07 Thread

I'll be there by 5:30 pm, I plan to spend the night and then fly over  
Sunday morning to see Josh's O200 KR2 in Elsworth. He says its flying pretty  
good now but would like to get the oil leaks to a more manageable level.  

Josh and I were talking about all three of us to fly-in in together to the  
KR Gathering in Sep. Sounds like fun. Possibly on Thursday (weather 
dependant).  We'll talk more at your Fly-in.



KR> Home from Oshkosh

2011-07-31 Thread
I flew N1852Z home from Oshkosh Saturday to Kansas City. I had a great  
time as usual and it was good to see all the KR folks at the forum Monday, at  
Bob Gliddens cookout at Found-du-lac, and Larry's campout in Camp Scholar.  
Got to hang out at Larry's with Joe H, Mark L, Josh and Channel for some  
oddly named but great tasting beer ("Goats Head" I think it was called - flown 
 in by Joe). Several others were at Bob's cookout as well including Mark 
Jones.  Great hospitality by all and good times. 

I think every time I stopped by my KR during the week, someone would come  
up to me and say hello and ask questions. Talked to lots of folk and 
encouraged  them to make it to the Gathering in Sep to see more KRs up close. 

I spent most of my week sitting in forums by Bob Hoover, Chuck Yeager, Burt 
 Rutan, Dick Rutan, and Bud Anderson. Seemed to me these folks are our  
nations greatest aviation heroes and who knows how long some of them will be  
with us still. During previous years I had spent most of my time in the 
builders  forums, which are excellent as well. 

The KR2S performed great, I know it is just a VW engine in mine, but it is  
well qualified to fly-into and out of Oshkosh. I always get a kick out of 
the  flying in and out.  To be honest this was my easiest year flying in. I 
came  in at approx 800 am on Sunday and only had one Bonanza ahead of me, and 
a Davis  DA2 behind. Not a lot of pressure compared with previous Sunday 
arrivals. It  fact I nailed the "Yellow" dot on 36L this time. I think I 
overshot my  touchdown every year previously. Leaving Oshkosh was even easier. 
left at 700 on Saturday and taxied straight to end of 36 and got immediate  
clearance to take off - no waiting line this time. 

Rob Schmitt
_www.robert7721.com_ ( 

KR> RE: KR2 Plans

2011-02-12 Thread
I'll put in an opinion for what it is worth. I built my KR2S pretty close  
to plans and am pretty happy with it. Just the RAF48 airfoils and VW  
engine. I went flying again this morning with our "Breakfast Club" and  I 
enjoy flying this great little airplane. When I tell folks I built  it for 
less than $15K, most people are stunned - they have drank the RV Koolaid  and 
don't believe it can be done for what we in the KR community are investing.  
I certainly hope Rand and Steve figure out how to keep the plans selling. 
I'd  also love to see the plans modernized as well, but don't know that will 
happen  unless Rand sells the rights over to someone. 

Rob Schmitt

Date: Fri, 11 Feb 2011 19:29:23 -0600
From: "Mark"  
Subject: RE: KR> KR2 Plans
To: "'KRnet'"  
Message-ID:  <006701cbca54$47b74d90$d725e8b0$>
Content-Type:  text/plain;   charset="us-ascii"

While I am working on two KR  projects with original registered plans, I
would like to make the following  observation. 

With all the modifications that have been made over the  years by all the
builders (finished and in process)... is the KR series as  currently built
and flown really still the same aircraft?  


Mark W.

KR> RE: Cylinder Head Reconditioning

2010-10-30 Thread

The engine had lost a bit of RPM/power so I started checking things out. I  
redid valve clearance check, all good, so I pulled the heads and found 2  
burnt exhaust valves.  I bought new replacement valves from Revmaster and  
new springs. I gave it all to a Cylinder Head shop here in Kansas City and had 
 them do the work. They replaced the exhaust valves and cleaned everything 
up to  include regrind on the seats. All told about $200. Pretty routine 
requirement  for a VW engine, per the folks from Great Plains and Revmaster. 

I flew again this morning with the EAA 91 Chapter breakfast  club.  Landed 
on a grass strip in Lincoln MO (0R2) and walked to breakfast.  The grass 
strip was a little rough for my small KR wheels but she did  fine.



From: John Caudle 
Subject: Re: KR> RE  Aircraft Registration
To: KRnet 
Message-ID:  <>
Content-Type: text/plain;  charset=iso-8859-1

Hi Rob,

Was the problem an exhaust valve or  seat?

Gods Speed, 

J.E. Caudle

Fenwick, WV

363TB (On  the Bench)

The Revmaster engine has had a  cylinder head reconditioning at 250 hours 
this year.  

Subject: KR> Alternator Wiring

2010-08-29 Thread

I can not answer your question directly, but I did have the same  problem.

I recommend you put a lock (key or cover) on your master power switch  
prevent it from turning off while the engine/alternator is running.  When  the 
turn off master when the alternator is generating you get a voltage surge  
that can kills devices, even if there is a cb/fuse between them.

Same happened to me. I fried two pwr supplies/cords for handheld gps that  
way. 1st of all never kill the master while devices are running on the  
alternator. Second, do something to prevent the master from turning off (even  
accidentally). If you feel the need to turn off the alternator while running, 
 turn off all other devices 1st. 

I looked at surge suppression devices, but didn't like the prices. 

I do have a wiring diagram of my system. It is in the POH on my web page. 

Rob Schmitt
_www.robert7721.com_ ( 

In a message dated 8/27/2010 11:00:49 P.M. Central Daylight Time, writes:

Date:  Fri, 27 Aug 2010 18:24:57 -0400
From: Dave Dunwoodie  
Subject: KR> Alternator Wiring
Message-ID:  <>
Content-Type: text/plain;  charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed

This probably sounds really stupid,  so I'll ask anyway!!!  I have a 
Revmaster 2100 with the standard  alternator, 2 wires leaving from it, 
going to a connector that has a  couple of pins jumped and then to the 
voltage regulator, etc.

For  lack of a diagram, I installed a relay between alternator output and  
load.  On a test run, I killed the master switch, but the panel  didn't 
completely shutdown.  Upon investigation, I discovered that  the 
alternator was powering the panel, and it cost me a radio in the  
process.  Hence, the relay.

However, I think the accepted  practice is to switch the field instead of 
using a relay on the  output.  So the really stupid question is "How do I 
ID the  field?"  Is it that jumper on the connector at the voltage  



KR> RE: Charging System

2010-08-29 Thread

I have a Revmaster and use just a voltmeter. I get 14.1 volts when nothing  
else is running. When I turn on the lights/stobes/landing light it drops to 
12  volts. Sounds like the volt regulator needs replacement, but I'd call 
Joe  Horvath at Revmaster and discuss with him. He is very helpful.


Rob Schmitt

Date: Thu, 26 Aug 2010 22:00:52 -0700 (PDT)
From: Jim Morehead  
Subject: KR> Charging System
To: KRnet  
Message-ID:  <>
Content-Type: text/plain;  charset=iso-8859-1


I'm running a Revmaster engine  in my KR.  I have a volt meter but no 
ammeter. When I run engine a 3000  RPMs it charges 16.5 volts. I don't want to 
boil the water out of my  battery.  

Does anyone else using the Revmaster set up have  any trouble with it.  If 
so what is your  solution?


Jim  Morehead

KR> Marion KS BBQ

2010-08-20 Thread
Terry Chezik is having his annual Fly-in/ BBQ at his airport in Marion  
Kansas (43K) this weekend. It will be Saturday the 21st, the food will be 
served  at around 5:30 pm. He usually gets several local flyers to come in. I 
plan to be  there with N1852Z.


Rob Schmitt
Kansas City

KR> RE: Bob Hoover

2010-08-16 Thread
Thought I would past this on from the VW engine list.

Bob Hoover (VW Guru) pasted away over the weekend. Definitely one of my  
hero's. Always a bit of an attitude with tons of knowledge that he pasted on 
to  a great following of VW engine builders.

Rob Schmitt

_bob hoover _ 
Posted by: "UttNutHut" _ 
( Re:bob%20hoover)   _scnavigator1 _ 
Sun Aug 15, 2010  2:57 pm (PDT) 

Just  checked his Blog
Wife made entry that Bob passed away Aug 13 2010
May he  rest in Peace

KR> Oshkosh

2010-07-25 Thread
N1852Z made it. Row 308 Homebuilt camping. Still no GA aircraft being allowed 
in at 10:00 this morning.

Rob Schmitt

Sent on the Sprint® Now Network from my BlackBerry®

KR> Oshkosh weather

2010-07-25 Thread
N1852Z is in Baraboo WI and will try to fly in today (sunday). They have been 
turning GA planes back due to the ground conditions. Showplanes/homebuits have 
been getting in.

Baraboo has the Wittman Tailwind Flyin which had 8 planes. Lots of Oshkosh 
traffic coming through here. 

Hopefully Mark Landford made it to SD for the race? Not sure the weather 
yesterday way favorable for him to get there? 

Rob Schmitt

From: Larry 
Subject: Re: KR> Oshkosh Weather
To: KRnet 
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain;   charset=us-ascii

More rain 3:15 Saturday/this morning, what a pile on of an already big mess. 
Now very wet with more water standing. Good news right now partly sunny with it 
peeking through from time to time. You ground campers need to make sure you 
find some high ground for your tent or make sure you have an air mattress so 
you can float!
Larry H

Sent on the Sprint® Now Network from my BlackBerry®

KR> RE: Oshkosh

2010-07-21 Thread

N1852Z (KR2S) should be at Oshkosh from Sunday 25  July through Saturday 31 
July. That's the plan at least.

She will be residing in the Home built camping area.  I'll be in and  
around, my cell phone is 816-309-0099. Call me and we can probably get together 
at some point.

Rob Schmitt

Date: Tue, 20 Jul 2010 13:10:33 +
From: Larry Ragan  
Subject: KR> Oshkosh
Content-Type: text/plain;  charset="iso-8859-1"

I'll be in Oshkosh on Monday and Tuesday and  will attend M. Langfords 
forum.  Will other KR owners/builders/fans be at  Airventure?  For those flying 
in, is there any particular place you  congregate?  I'd like to meet as many 
as I can.

Larry Ragan  
Mountain View, Ar. 

KR> Update KR2S N1852Z

2010-07-03 Thread
Thought I'd send an update on my plane since I've made a few changes lately 
 and had some maintenance done on her as well. I passed the 250 hours mark 
on  N1852Z and she is ready for another trip to Oshkosh and the KR Gathering 
this  year. This spring I installed a Dynon D6 in the cockpit. I have added 
a  short video of the instrument panel and some flying to my web page at 
_www.robert7721.com_ (  if anyone is interested.  
The D6 was a very tight fit and I was not able to use the regular wiring  
harness. I made my own connections and I have only the power and  ground wires 
installed to the unit along with Pitot and Static inputs. The  D6 does not 
have an internal compass, it requires an external unit and  I do not have that 
hooked up right now. I have plenty of other  directional information from 
my magnetic compass and GPS. 

I also did some engine work on my VW Revmaster engine. My  problem started 
out as a loss in RPM (about 200) that I could not quite  determine on a 
flight. I checked valve clearances, spark plugs, etc. This were  all fine so I 
then pulled the heads. Both heads had cracks in between  the center valves 
developing - I did some checking and this is actually  fairly normal for VW 
heads. I had the heads reconditioned by a local  machine shop in Kansas City. 
They said I also had two burnt exhaust valves and  needed new springs. I 
called Revmaster and Joe Horvath sent me the parts -  cost was less than $60. 
The cylinder head shop re-welded the cracks in the  heads, reworked the 
seats, installed the new exhaust valves for about $120. All  told less than 
to repair the cylinder heads. It only took me about 2 hours  to remove the 
heads, but probably 3 to reinstall everything. All told I was out  of the air 
for about 4 weeks. I've been flying again for a couple weeks and yes,  
everything is back to normal. This has probably been my most expensive repair 
 my KR since it started flying in 2006, I'm pretty happy about that. It was 
 more depressing to not be able to fly for about a month. 

I plan to be at Oshkosh in the Homebuilt Camping this year. Hope to see a  
few other KRs there as well. Should be flying in on Sunday morning. Probably 
be  there till Friday or Saturday. 

On a separate note, Terry Chizek (KR2) is having his annual fish fry and  
BBQ again at his airport in Marion Kansas (43K) this summer, so if you are in 
 the area please drop in. Date is going to be Saturday 21 August. 

Rob Schmitt
Kansas City

KR> RE: Tubular wing tanks

2010-04-24 Thread

Bill Clapp has the PVC tubes in his wing tanks. Not sure it  was irrigation 
tubing. Pretty sure Bill just used PVC and it looked like 2  each 3 " 
tubes. Should be able to find pictures and details of it somewhere on  Mark 
Langford's site on one of the KR Gathering photos collections. Probably  2004 

Not sure I would recommend PVC, might think about using aluminum tube  

Rob Schmitt

Date: Thu, 22 Apr 2010 21:07:03 -0700 (PDT)
From: Ronald Wright  
Subject: KR> tubular wing tanks
To: KRnet  
Message-ID:  <>
Content-Type:  text/plain; charset=us-ascii

Does anyone remember who used irrigation  tubing for wing tanks in their 
KR?  Anyone know the material that the  irrigation tubing is or the  size?



KR> Re: Tonight's Flight and D6 Question

2010-04-04 Thread

Great Photo Mark!

I got in 2 hours yesterday myself. Flew with 6 other RVs to breakfast at  
Miami Co. K81. (we'll I took off with them at least- could not keep up with  
their airspeed). Kind of a weekend EAA chapter ritual out of the Lees 
Summit, MO  Airport (LXT). Flew around and did a touch and go at Clinton (GLY) 
fun.  Great weather/visibility yesterday for KR Flying.

Also, I bought a Dynon D6 and should be installing it soon. I'm interested  
in any KR specific issues anyone might have with these. I am hearing you 
have to  install the remote compass before you will ever get the magnetic 
heading to work  right - that's pretty much for all airplanes. 


Rob Schmitt

In a message dated 4/3/2010 11:00:14 P.M. Central Daylight Time, writes:

Message:  5
Date: Sat, 3 Apr 2010 20:40:27 -0500
From: "Mark Jones"  
Subject: KR> Tonights flight.
To: "KR  Net" ,"Corvair Net"

Message-ID:  <934C25A398A34EE6A800C3C532E33FE2@flykr2sPC>
Content-Type:  text/plain;   charset="iso-8859-1"

I now have 3.5 hours on my  new engine and just wanted to share this photo 
I took tonight from 3000 feet.

Mark Jones  (N886MJ)
Stevens Point, WI

KR> RE:KR2S Flight Simulator

2010-03-21 Thread

I've done some stuff with X-Planes.  

I created a fairly plane version one of my KR2S. I posted it on my web site 
 at _www.robert7721.com_ (  today for anyone  who 
wants to download it. I've got the performance pretty close to what my 
plane  can really do. 

Yes there are others in the KR world who have put together much better  
versions with paint schemes etc. One of these days I'll get my KR2S version  
painted and such, but for now it is still fun to fly. Not as good as the real  
thing of course, but when the weather has been bad this winter, it was 
better  than nothing. 


Rob Schmitt

From: mark wood 
Subject: Re: KR> KR2S  Flight Simulator
To: KRnet 
Message-ID:  <>
Content-Type:  text/plain; charset=US-ASCII; delsp=yes; format=flowed

Have any you guys  done anything with X Planes. With it's blade  
element modeling and  inertial modeling, it has been used in many  
aircraft development  efforts. While I haven't yet modeled a KR, I  
have done other planes  and it is a fairly good representative sim. I  
know that some large  scale operations such as Sino Swerringen   
have used it. I  know a couple of the flight test engineers from there  
and know first  hand.  I've modeled a couple of planes a bit larger  
than the KR2  and have been planning to do one for the KR. My ultimate  
goal is a  true 200 TAS cruise airplane for two. Having said that,  
most of the  designs I've been doing have needed 160-200Hp to  
realistcally achieve  this.


KR> RE: KR Oshkosh 2010

2009-12-16 Thread

I'm in. Missed it last year, but should be no issues this year. Yes, flying in 
is an experience to remember - quite an adrenaline rush. 

I don't have 500 hours like Joe, but I don't have any crankshaft breaks behind 
my VW at 250 hours either ;-). Hope I didn't just jinx myself.  

Rob Schmitt

Date: Tue, 15 Dec 2009 16:18:14 GMT
From: "" 
Subject: Fw: Re: KR> Oshkosh 2010
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=windows-1252

-- Forwarded Message --
From: "Mark Jones" 

Looking forward to meeting you there Phil. Just look out for the KR's doing 
a high speed pass on arrival.

Jeez, That don't  worry me none, but having a KR close the runway down-- That's 
something to worry about ;-)
Joe Horton


KR> N1852Z returns to the air

2009-10-07 Thread
Jeff Scott sent me a note asking if I was back, so I figured I would  let 
everyone know I'm finally home from  my latest military deployment  to Iraq 
and that my KR2S is back in the air.  But I didn't get  home until last 
Tuesday the 29 of Sep, so I've missed two KR Gatherings in a  row, and yes I 
bummed. I've stayed on the KR Digest and I did see where "Old  Blue" and the 
one other plane crashed, very sad news but good to see Dan is  recovering 

Just this week I managed to get N1852Z back in the air. I had to replace  
the entire exhaust system due to corrosion and age. I bought a few tubes from 
 Steve Bennett welded it myself. Yesterday was her 1st real flight in over 
a year  after a thorough Annual Inspection. She was happy to see air under 
her wings  again and so was I.   

Deployment went very well. Things in Iraq are in much better shape than my  
deployment in 2005. The Surge did a good job of cleaning out the bad guys, 
and  the Iraqi Security Forces are now in charge in all the cities. While it 
will  never be perfect, the violence levels are pretty low compared with 
previous  years. 

I'm taking a month vacation before I head back to work at my engineering  
job. I dropped by there yesterday and it looks like no issues with going 
back.  The economy has caused some layoffs, but my job was held for me. 


Rob Schmitt
Kansas City, MO
_www.robert7721.com_ ( 

KR> RE Magellan 315A

2009-08-22 Thread


Sorry to say, it is probably the begining of the end for you poor 315A. I had 
the exact same model and did all the downloads you had recommended on the web 
for the aviation database. 

One day it started to do strange things. The whole sattelite screen went blank 
one day while flying. But it started working again a few days latter.? Then at 
the 2006 KR Gathering, it started to take 30+ minutes to get sattelite lock - 
even out in the open far away from any interference.? It tried reloading the 
filmware for the 315A and that seemed to work for a while. I moved the 315A 
farther away from the hand held radio. Then one day it fiallly just went blank. 
I used another cheap Magellan for a while (Sport Track) which I was able to 
figure out how to transfer the same airport database information to, but only 
500 waypoints. I just recently bought a Garmin 96. 


Rob Schmitt


From: [] On Behalf
Of Mark Jones
Sent: Sunday, 23 August 2009 1:10 AM
To: KR Net
Subject: KR> Magellan 315A

I have a Magellan 315A which I use as a secondary GPS to my Garmin 296. On
the last few flights the Magellan has been acting up, freezing up, then
regaining normal mode and just doing weird stuff. I have been flying with it
for four years and have never seen it do this. I operate it on external
power from the plane. It also runs on AA batteries. Any ideas? 

Mark Jones (N886MJ)
Stevens Point, WI

KR> Re: Progress Report

2009-08-22 Thread


Congrats! Good to hear.

FYI, I flew off the test period myself - without insurance. I know it was a 
risk, but the price was so steep it was ridicous. Once the test phase was flown 
off I was able to get liability insurance?for under $600/year. 

Please send flight reports out, those are always great!




Message: 1
Date: Fri, 21 Aug 2009 17:34:42 -0400
From: "Brad Ankerstar" 
Subject: KR> Progress Report
Message-ID: <6DB6E00A7EDC4D5FB08D84F1B2E55760@bradpc>
Content-Type: text/plain;?? charset="iso-8859-1"


The project I started on July 31st, 1974 became an airplane at 1030 today, 
August 21st.? Since I am a super senior with a retractable gear, tail dragger,? 
I'm having some significant insurance issues.? With a little more tail dragger 
experience, I may have to do the testing myself:? When I'm comfortable.? Maybe 
after a few hours in type, insurance will be available.

Flying to Mt Vernon this year is highly unlikely, but count me in for 2010, 
wherever we go.

Mark, please move me from project to completed on the web site.

Brad Ankerstar, SW Ohio
N774A, KR2R (KHAO)

KR> Re: Progress Report

2009-08-22 Thread


Congrats! Good to hear.

FYI, I flew off the test period myself - without insurance. I know it was a 
risk, but the price was so steep it was ridicous. Once the test phase was flown 
off I was able to get liability insurance?for under $600/year. 

Please send flight reports out, those are always great!




Message: 1
Date: Fri, 21 Aug 2009 17:34:42 -0400
From: "Brad Ankerstar" 
Subject: KR> Progress Report
Message-ID: <6DB6E00A7EDC4D5FB08D84F1B2E55760@bradpc>
Content-Type: text/plain;?? charset="iso-8859-1"


The project I started on July 31st, 1974 became an airplane at 1030 today, 
August 21st.? Since I am a super senior with a retractable gear, tail dragger,? 
I'm having some significant insurance issues.? With a little more tail dragger 
experience, I may have to do the testing myself:? When I'm comfortable.? Maybe 
after a few hours in type, insurance will be available.

Flying to Mt Vernon this year is highly unlikely, but count me in for 2010, 
wherever we go.

Mark, please move me from project to completed on the web site.

Brad Ankerstar, SW Ohio
N774A, KR2R (KHAO)

KR> (no subject)

2009-06-10 Thread

I've flown Young Eagles in my KR2S. Only requirement was to have a minium of 
liabilty insurance for the aircraft. Lot's of fun. Our chapter flies them in 
everything from Cessnas, to RVs, to my poor little KR2S.

Rob Schmitt
Lees Summit, MO

Date: Tue, 9 Jun 2009 11:16:20 -0400
Subject: KR> Young Eagles Flights 
Content-Type: text/plain;?? charset="us-ascii"

EAA International Young Eagles day is Saturday June 13, 2009.? Does
anyone fly Young Eagles in their KR-2?

Sid Wood
Tri-gear KR-2 N6242
Mechanicsville, MD, USA

KR> (no subject)

2009-06-10 Thread

I've flown Young Eagles in my KR2S. Only requirement was to have a minium of 
liabilty insurance for the aircraft. Lot's of fun. Our chapter flies them in 
everything from Cessnas, to RVs, to my poor little KR2S.

Rob Schmitt
Lees Summit, MO

Date: Tue, 9 Jun 2009 11:16:20 -0400
Subject: KR> Young Eagles Flights 
Content-Type: text/plain;?? charset="us-ascii"

EAA International Young Eagles day is Saturday June 13, 2009.? Does
anyone fly Young Eagles in their KR-2?

Sid Wood
Tri-gear KR-2 N6242
Mechanicsville, MD, USA

KR> RE: Ron Eason Sr. sad news

2009-05-05 Thread

I sent him a note, not sure how much I can help him as I am still in Iraq, but 
I will certainly link him up with our EAA Chapter. Yes, Ron Sr. will be missed. 
I remember having about a 1 hour discussion with him on the merits of gorrilla 


Rob Schmitt
Kansas City, Mo

Date: Mon, 04 May 2009 09:12:04 -0500
From: Larry Flesner 
Subject: KR> Ron Eason Sr., sad news
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"; format=flowed


I received the following sad news for Ron Eason, Jr. in an e-mail this weekend.
His father, Ron Eason, Sr., passed away on Easter Day, just a few weeks
ago.? Those of you that knew Ron from the Gatherings he attended, or from
his posts on the net, will remember him as a rather quiet person but always
willing to help or share in whatever way he could.? He will be missed.

I'm attaching the e-mail that I received from his son, Ron, Jr., as re-wording
his request would be rather difficult. Any netters in Kansas City area please
give some thought to how he might get the project finished and, if you would,
please reply to Ron directly with any ideas you have.? His e-mail address is
at the bottom of his e-mail.

Thank you...

Larry Flesner

KR> Turbo to maintain Sealevel intake manifold pressure

2008-10-12 Thread
Just did the same testing in my KR2S last week. At 10,000 I was still  
getting 200-300 fpm with my Revmaster 2100D (no turbo). That is the highest 
taken my plane at this time.  I now have 73 hours on her since first flight  
last Sep. 

Rob Schmitt
_www.robert7721.com_ ( 

Message: 1
Date: Mon, 4 Jun 2007 13:23:24 -0400
From: "Brian Kraut"  
Subject: RE: KR> Turbo to maintain Sealevel  intake manifold pressure
To: "KRnet" 
Content-Type:  text/plain;charset="us-ascii"

On my stock KR-2 with a 2180  I got about 200-300 FPM climb at 10,000' with
just me in it.  I am going  by my old rusty memory, but that should be pretty

Brian  Kraut
Engineering Alternatives,  Inc.

** See what's free at

KR> RE: Flying

2008-10-12 Thread
Ok I have one for you.  I took my mother (75+) years old to breakfast  
yesterday (Saturday) for mother's day. Flew from Lee's Summit MO LXT to Miami 
Airport KS K81. Saturday was the best flying day so far this year for me as the 
wind was still and the sky was clear as I've seen this year.  We ate at the  
on airport W-Be-BBQ for breakfast. The Biscuits and Gravy 1/2 order was $3.50, 
 my mom had eggs, toast, and hash browns for $4.00. Total breakfast cost was  
$11.00 plus tip.  And for you who wonder if you can fly a KR, my mom who  has 
never flown an airplane before was able to hold it straight and level on the  
return trip after just about 10 minutes.  

My KR2S has a new paint job (white) and lights. I didn't get to the wheel  
pants yet.  Hope add some striping still.  

Rob Schmitt
_www.robert7721.com_ ( 
Kansas City, MO

** See what's free at

KR> KR update

2008-10-12 Thread
I've gotten work some work done on my KR2S during the winter and I will be  
getting it back out to the airport this weekend (weather permitting). I painted 
 her and added lights so I can operate at night. Paint was just a gloss white 
 boat enamel. I painted her using a harbor freight air sprayer and borrowed  
air compressor from the EAA chapter. I did not get the wheel pants/fairings  
done as I had planned for this winter. Problem is I keep reading the  flying 
reports from everyone and decided I just have to get back up in the  air.

Also since it is Friday. A friend at the chapter here in Kansas City has a  
Zenith 701 project for sale for $24K. It is almost finished with maybe  6 
months of work left in it. If your looking for a project that would  not 
require a 
lot of time to finish it up this would be a good one. It comes  with the Rotax 
912 engine and his logs are complete so it should be no problem  paperwork 
wise.  If your interested, send me an email and I'll give you his  contact 

Rob Schmitt
_robert7721@aol.com_ ( 
Kansas City, MO
_www.robert7721.com_ ( 

** AOL now offers free email to everyone. 
 Find out more about what's free from AOL at

KR> Great Plains Strobe Kit

2008-10-12 Thread

I saw some discussion on the Great Plains strobes this past week. I'm on  the 
digest and don't catch up on my reading very quickly. So sorry if this is  
I purchased two Great Plains Strobe kits and didn?t have any trouble  getting 
them to work.  I?ve added a  new page to my web site at _www.robert7721.com_ 
(  to show how I did it.  I assembled both kits 
then installed  them into a Radio Shack ?Project Box?.  The only thing I 
remember doing different was regarding the Blue Trigger  Coil (T3).  I did not 
the  flimsy wire on it, so when I mounted it to the bread board I mounted it in 
a bed  of epoxy to make sure it was secure.  Both kits worked on the 1st try, 
so I guess I didn?t have to  do anything that unusual.  My  strobes are still 
not mounted in the airplane just yet. I am currently working  on the landing 
light installation. 
Rob Schmitt 
_robert7721@aol.com_ (  
Kansas City, MO

KR> RE: RC Servo

2008-10-12 Thread

Jeff is pretty close to what the DAR said.  The RC servo does needs  power to 
hold position. The DAR stated that if it lost power it  would not remain 
fixed in place and therefore would potentially cause  flutter in the elevator - 
therefore unsafe.  Right now I only have a  ground adjustable trim tab on the 
elevator.  When I fly two people, I  definitely have to hold forward pressure 
the stick.

Since I've already got the servo, I'm looking at trying to figure out how  to 
use the RC servo to control a trim spring inside the cockpit on the control  
stick instead. Shouldn't be any problem there if I lose power.

Rob Schmitt

Message: 24
Date: Sat, 20 Jan 2007 17:29:03 -0700
Subject: Re: KR> RC servo
Message-ID:  <>
Content-Type: text/plain;  charset=us-ascii

On Sat, 20 Jan 2007 18:46:39 -0500 (Eastern Standard  Time) "Dan Heath"
> That's  funny.  I am using a mirror motor out of a Mercury Sable.  And  
> it
> works great.  For how long, I can't guess, but if it  craps out, I 
> will put
> in a Ray Allen.  For now, this $5  servo is working just fine. 
> See N64KR at - Then click on the pics 
> See you at the 2007 - KR  Gathering
> There is a time for building and a time for FLYING and the  time for 
> Flying
> has begun.
> Daniel R. Heath - Lexington,  SC
> ---Original Message---
> The RC Servo  trim system was said to be unsafe by the DAR
> so in its spot is the ELT  remote panel.

The Ray Allen Trim Servo unit use a gear drive from a small  electric
motor that locks where it's at when the voltage is removed.  I  suspect
that  Dan's Sable mirror motor is very similar.  A RC servo  has to have
voltage to hold a position.  The heavier the load against  it, the more
amps it needs to pull and the more likely it is to fail.   If I found an
RC servo in the trim on a Tech Counselor inspection, I would  advise the
builder to remove it.  If I found it on a condition  inspection, it would
have to be removed before it gets a signature in the  logs.  The DAR was
right on the money with his  recommendation.

Jeff Scott

KR> RE: Header tank

2008-10-12 Thread
Reference the header tank vs wing tank discussion. Just like most things on  
the KR, there are many ways to do things.

My KR2S has just a header tank with approx 16 gallons.  My reason  not to put 
fuel in the wings was complexity. I simply didn't want to add a fuel  pump 
and tanks to the wings.  The 16 gallons gives me 3 hours of flight  time with 
reserves. I have plenty of range for what I desired to build  the airplane for 
local fun flying.  My fuel tank is integral to the  forward deck and is 
removable by mounting screws that are attached to the  sides/firewall/and near 
instrument panel. My CG is calculated so I know that  my fuel causes the CG to 
move approx 1.6 inches as the fuel is burned off.   I can still carry a 220 
passenger and stay within the rear CG limit, I weigh 160  pounds. 

Rob Schmitt

KR> Wheel pant Ideas

2008-10-12 Thread

I found out that there really are no absolute answers on how to do it.  Most 
folks buy wheel pants from a variety of different suppliers. Aircraft Spruce 
is just one of them.  Some folks get one pant/fairing and make molds and copies 
of them themselves for the other legs. Some people make them completely from 
scratch.  They can be split vertically or horizontally or not at all.  The 
inside wheel fairings (that cover the brakes) are all made from scratch. Steve 
Glover showed us a relatively easy way to make them using ordinary window 
screen.  You hot glue to screen to the leg, wheel, etc to get the form, then 
fiberglass over it.  Glenda's web site has some good photos of Steve's method 
on her 



Message: 5
Date: Wed, 4 Oct 2006 11:19:57 +1000
From: "Chris Johnston" 
Subject: Re: KR> RE: KR New Photos
To: "KRnet" 
Message-ID: <005601c6e753$34c0f300$534e20cb@DELL>
Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed; charset="iso-8859-1";

    I would be interested in some of the ideas you picked up on wheel pants, 
paint etc etc.

                    Chris Johnston
                    North Richmond

KR> RE: KR New Photos

2008-10-12 Thread

Good to see you are home and all in one piece. I always have had concerns 
about what would happen if I got stuck someplace remote and not knowing anyone. 
It is great to see these folks just practiaclly gave you the shirt and 
"trailer" right off their back. Cool! 

My trip home was uneventful. I ran the Revmaster at 3200 rpm and ended up 
getting fuel enroute which I wasn't quite expecting but not a big deal. The 
previous Thursday I had made it to Mount Vernon easily running at 3000 RPM and 
still had plenty of fuel left (12 gallons burned out of 16 in the tank). I 
in Warrenburg MO (9K4), home of Central Missouri State University. Turned out 
all the kids running the FBO on the weeked are in college working on their 
aviation degrees. Great to talk to them for a while while the plane was fueling 

I got lots of great ideas at the gathering on wheel pants, legs pants (Steve 
Glover), paint and such. Loved it as usual. Even better flying my plane there 
for the 1st time.  

Rob Schmitt
Kansas City, MO

Message: 10
Date: Tue, 3 Oct 2006 12:37:04 -0500
From: "Mark Jones" <>
Subject: KR> New Photos
To: "KR Net \(E-mail\)" ,    "CorvAircraft \(E-mail\)"
Content-Type: text/plain;    charset="iso-8859-1"

Here are some shots of taking the plane apart and hauling her home after my 
engine incident while flying to Georgia.

Mark Jones (N886MJ)
Wales, WI
My Web site:

KR> Re: KRnet Digest, Vol 348, Issue 436

2008-10-12 Thread

Sorry I'm slow to respond. I've been flying my airplane this weekend quite a 
bit to get the 40 hours completed, and I've got it done.  Looks good for a 
Thursday departure for me as well. I expect to depart KC around 1:00 pm and 
be monitoring 123.45 once airborne. See you Thursday.


Rob Schmitt

In a message dated 9/22/2006 11:01:02 PM Central Standard Time, writes:

> Message: 13
> Date: Fri, 22 Sep 2006 10:59:54 -0600
> From:
> Subject: KR> KRs flying in from the West
> To:
> Message-ID: <>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
> For those KRs that will be flying to MVN from the west, let's check our
> travel plans and see if we can't link up along the way.  I'll be leaving
> Los Alamos, NM at first light on Thursday morning, will likely be
> cruising at 9500' monitoring 123.45MHZ and will try to remember to make a
> call in the blind to other KRs periodically.  Terry Chizak and I will try
> to get linked up over middle to eastern Kansas around noon.  Although I
> will likely be 150 miles south of him, our radios reach a long ways when
> at altitude.  Two years ago I was talking to Terry from western OK while
> he was in mid Kansas.
> Any other KRs out west want to let me know their travel plans and try to
> link up (at least via radio) along the way?  Lee?  Rob?  Any others?
> Jeff Scott
> N1213W

KR> Flight testing wrap up N1852Z

2008-10-12 Thread
I've completed all major items on the test cards for my planned Phase I 
testing.  There are some items I did not complete, but I was not thinking of 
doing serious aerobatics in my airplane so I passed on some of the more 
rigorous aircraft testing such as accelerated stalls at high bank angles.  I 
did no 
spin testing.

Some items of note;

I rechecked my climb rate at 90 mph (I had gotten bogus data on a prior 
test), re-zeroed my UMA VSI and am getting better results.  Final analysis is 
80 mph looks like my best climb rate right at 800 fpm.  I can get 650-700 fpm 
at 90 mph IAS. 

I did a lot of cruise testing at different altitudes and now can successfully 
lean the mixture as required for smoothing out the engine roughness to get 
better fuel economy.  The Revflow carb is not instantaneous in its adjustment, 
but I'm getting familiar with just where I need to put the mixture to smooth 
it.  My EGT is the best indicator of good leaning along with the sound. My 
current mixture set point seems to be just about right. I'm not inclined to 
anything since everything is working fine.  I pulled the upper plugs once 
during flight testing and only #4 looked like it might be getting some carbon 
fouling.  Mag checks are good on the ground during runups and while I get an 
drop, I do not feel or sense any roughness.

I did an oil change and found no metal particles in the oil. Oil filter 
looked good as well. 

Engine normal cruise running is 275 CHT, 140-160 Oil temp. approx 1200 EGT.  
I have not been pushing the engine at redline 3400. I am running it between 
3000 to 3200 rpm and feel comfortable with those settings.  This gets me 120 
on the cruise speed at 6500 feet.  Best speed I've seen WOT is 140 mph at 
2000 feet. 

The final testing I did was to add weight to simulate a passenger.  I 
definitely kept full fuel level in the header tank and rechecked the weight and 
balance to make sure there were no issues.  All went well. I did a 90 pound 
1st and then a 170 pound load.  The aircraft still performed extremely well and 
was controllable in aspects.  I found no unusual new pitch sensitivity. VSI 
says I am still getting 500-600 fpm with the simulated passenger so my 
performance is still good with two on board. 

I did have a couple of botched landings during the weekend.  The winds were 
10+ gusting to 20.  The wind was pretty much down the runway but because of the 
light wing loading I got pushed around a little. I made one major mistake 
that I always got by with in Cessna's, typically when windy I have deliberately 
flown the aircraft on to the runway above stall speed to get her down.  Well I 
tried that and a gust of wind decided to put me back up and away since I 
wasn't at or below stall speed.  I gunned the engine and got it back up in the 
quickly and went around.  On the second try I paid better attention to my 
airspeed and made sure I didn't touch down until I had bled all the speed off 
made a good landing that time.  Lesson learned.

Squawks. Several in the past couple weeks.  I've always kept her flying but 
have spent more time than anticipated on maintenance (typical of the entire 
building process).  I had a heel brake push plate rotate off the master 
rod during flight due to vibration (These are the heel brakes from Great 
Planes). When I landed I found my heel was pushing on the rod with no plate. I 
still was able to stop and control it. I used lock tight on the plates and 
will make sure to check them from now on the preflight.  I also have changed my 
fiberglass seat bottom out as the top side had started to delaminate.  I have a 
sheet metal seat bottom now.  

She's not pretty but she flys. See you all at the gathering.

Rob Schmitt

KR> RE: Trim indicators

2008-10-12 Thread

Servo motor came from "Hobby Town" it is a HITEC HS-300.  Size 1.6 x .8 x 

Plywood thickness was 1/4".

I did build a small electronic control board for the management of the servo, 
but have lost the skematic since. Probably could find another copy on the web 
if necessary. It was not difficult to built. The servo uses 5 Volt power, I 
used a Radiio Shack volt regulator and tied the power into my 12 volt system.  
So far works great on the ground with plenty of sensitivity for control of the 
trim tab.


In a message dated 10/16/2004 7:05:39 PM Central Standard Time, writes:
Fantastic info, but I have a couple questions

>I've got a servo motor doing my elevator trim.

source, and size?

>   I used a (Radio Shack) rotary
>potentiometer for the control (less than $5). I made a larger wheel for the
>pot out of plywood, painted it black, turned it sideways and put it in the
>instrument dash (lower left side in front of pilot).

What is the thickness of the plywood that you used for the panel? 1/8" 
seems a bit too flexible.

>I just recently put a white
>tick mark on the wheel at the center position for trim.  I do have 
>pictures on
>my web site under instrument panel.

Added to favorites, and THANKS!

Larry Severson
Fountain Valley, CA 92708
(714) 968-9852 


2008-10-12 Thread

You had also asked a question on how much epoxy to buy. I ended up using 4-5 
gallons of epoxy, but I am also scratch building all the way. I bought a 
gallon at a time as I needed it, not all at once, and bought the next gallon as 
was getting low. That way you don't have epoxy sitting on your self for 
several years. Some epoxy does have usage dates. I've used West, T-88, 
Aeropoxy, and 
the dreaded vinyl-ester for the fuel tank.

Rob Schmitt

Date: Thu, 30 Oct 2003 9:55:08 -0500
To: KR builders and pilots 
Subject: Re: KR>Fiberglass
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Precedence: list
Message: 19

wicks aircraft supply lists a kr glass in its list os glasses and coverings. 
google will give you the address. I think it' they will 
send you a catalogue also for asking. good reference--I've had good results 
with them since the 1970s--were just a few miles from the farm.
> From: Gavin Donohoe 
> Date: 2003/10/30 Thu AM 04:50:09 EST
> To: KR builders and pilots 
> Subject: KR>Fiberglass
> Well I guess all of you have nothing holding your KR's together other than 
epoxy! I thought this list was to help people like myself who are all 
alone out here with no local help.
> You know I really don't have the information in my instruction book or the 
plans. Why doesn't someone tell me what weight glass you have used and where 
you get the information ?  it's ALMOST AS IF I've BEEN BLACKLISTED  this isn't 
really such a silly question is it compared to some I've read on here.  
> Gav

Home 816-333-9237
Cell 816-309-0099

KR>KR2S Checklists

2008-10-12 Thread

Here?s the link to the Pilot Operating Handbook which has several checklists in 

Afraid I?m still on active duty in Bosnia and haven?t made any updates to my 
web site in a while.  Going to miss the Fly-in in September, I had made it 
every one for the last 6 years.

Rob Schmitt

We need checklists!!!  But since I guess we can't attach files to the 
e-mails... and having someone e-mail to each individual on the list separately, 
could we just cut and paste the checklist into an e-mail and send it to 
through the normal kr-net e-mail?

John Monday

KR>Value of a KR

2008-10-12 Thread

I've got $10,500 in mine, should add another $1,000 to that before I'm done.  
Should be about 1400 hours, however you want to calculate that cost.

Rob Schmitt

 Subj:KR>Value of a KR 
  Date:Sun, 13 Apr 2003 19:27:16 -0300 
  From:"Eduardo José Jankosz"  

Hi Netters!

I have a curiosity! You that built many KRs, would can say to me, in the
final value of a KR, in percentage, what is the value of materials
(including engine and avionics) and what is the value of the labour, for
build a KR?

Another question: Dr. Dean's site is active still? What is the address for
contact him? Your plane is already finished and flying?


Eduardo José Jankosz
Curitiba - PR - BRASIL