This patch adds support for dirty page logging so far tested only on ARMv7 HW,
and verified to compile on armv8, ia64, mips, ppc, s390 and compile and run on

Change from previous version:
- kvm_flush_remote_tlbs() has generic and architecture specific variants.
  armv7 (later armv8) uses arch variant all other archtectures use generic 
  version. Reason being arm uses HW broadcast for TLB invalidation.
- kvm_vm_ioctl_get_dirty_log() - is generic between armv7, x86 (later ARMv8),
  other architectures use arch variant

The approach is documented

Compile targets
- x86_64 - defconfig also did validation, simple migration on same host.
- ia64 - ia64-linux-gcc4.6.3 - defconfig, ia64 Kconfig defines BROKEN worked 
  around that to make sure new changes don't break build. Eventually build 
  breaks when comping ioapic.c, unrelated to this patch.
- mips - mips64-linux-gcc4.6.3 - malta_kvm_defconfig
- ppc - powerpc64-linux-gcc4.6.3 - pseries_defconfig
- s390 - s390x-linux-gcc4.6.3 - defconfig

Dirty page logging support -
- initially write protects VM RAM memory regions - 2nd stage page tables
- add support to read dirty page log and again write protect the dirty pages 
  - second stage page table for next pass.
- second stage huge page are dissolved into page tables to keep track of
  dirty pages at page granularity. Tracking at huge page granularity limits
  migration to an almost idle system.
- In the event migration is canceled, normal behavior is resumed huge pages
  are rebuilt over time.
- At this time reverse mappings are not used to for write protecting of 2nd 
  stage tables.

- Future work
  - Enable diry memory logging to work on ARMv8 FastModels/Foundations Model

Test Environment:
NOTE: RUNNING on FAST Models will hardly ever fail and mask bugs, initially 
      light loads were succeeding without dirty page logging support.
- Will put all components on github, including test setup on github
- In short summary
  o Two ARM Exyonys 5440 development platforms - 4-way 1.7 GHz, with 8GB, 256GB
    storage, 1GBs Ethernet, with swap enabled
  o NFS Server runing Ubuntu 13.04
    - both ARM boards mount shared file system
    - Shared file system includes - QEMU, Guest Kernel, DTB, multiple Ext3 root
      file systems.
  o Component versions: qemu-1.7.5, vexpress-a15, host/guest kernel 3.15-rc1,
  o Use QEMU Ctr+A+C and migrate -d tcp:IP:port command
    - Destination command syntax: can change smp to 4, machine model outdated,
      but has been tested on virt by others (need to upgrade)

        /mnt/migration/qemu-system-arm -enable-kvm -smp 2 -kernel \
        /mnt/migration/zImage -dtb /mnt/migration/guest-a15.dtb -m 1792 \
        -M vexpress-a15 -cpu cortex-a15 -nographic \
        -append "root=/dev/vda rw console=ttyAMA0 rootwait" \
        -drive if=none,file=/mnt/migration/guest1.root,id=vm1 \
        -device virtio-blk-device,drive=vm1 \
        -netdev type=tap,id=net0,ifname=tap0 \
        -device virtio-net-device,netdev=net0,mac="52:54:00:12:34:58" \
        -incoming tcp:0:4321

    - Source command syntax same except '-incoming'

  o Test migration of multiple VMs use tap0, tap1, ..., and guest0.root, .....
    has been tested as well.
  o On source run multiple copies of 'dirtyram.arm' - simple program to dirty
    pages periodically.
    ./dirtyarm.ram <total mmap size> <dirty page size> <sleep time>
    ./dirtyram.arm 102580 812 30
    - dirty 102580 pages
    - 812 pages every 30ms with an incrementing counter
    - run anywhere from one to as many copies as VM resources can support. If
      the dirty rate is too high migration will run indefintely
    - run date output loop, check date is picked up smoothly
    - place guest/host into page reclaim/swap mode - by whatever means in this
      case run multiple copies of 'dirtyram.ram' on host
    - issue migrate command(s) on source
    - Top result is 409600, 8192, 5
  o QEMU is instrumented to save RAM memory regions on source and destination
    after memory is migrated, but before guest started. Later files are
    checksummed on both ends for correctness, given VMs are small this works.
  o Guest kernel is instrumented to capture current cycle counter - last cycle
    and compare to qemu down time to test arch timer accuracy.
  o Network failover is at L3 due to interface limitations, ping continues
    working transparently
  o Also tested 'migrate_cancel' to test reassemble of huge pages (inserted low
    level instrumentation code).
- Basic Network Test - Assuming one ethernet interface available

Source host IP, VM tap0 and
VM eth0 with default route

Destination host IP, VM same settings as above.
Both VMs have identical MAC addresses.

Initially NFS server route to is via

- ssh
- start migration from source to destination
- after migration ends
- on NFS server switch routes.
   route add -host gw

ssh should resume after route switch. ping as well should work

Mario Smarduch (4):
  add ARMv7 HYP API to flush VM TLBs, change generic TLB flush to
    support arch flush
  ARMv7  dirty page logging inital mem region write protect (w/no huge
    PUD support)
  dirty log write protect mgmt. Moved x86, armv7 to generic, set armv8
    ia64 mips powerpc s390 arch specific
  ARMv7 dirty page logging 2nd stage page fault handling support

 arch/arm/include/asm/kvm_asm.h        |    1 +
 arch/arm/include/asm/kvm_host.h       |    2 +
 arch/arm/include/asm/kvm_mmu.h        |   20 ++++
 arch/arm/include/asm/pgtable-3level.h |    1 +
 arch/arm/kvm/Kconfig                  |    1 +
 arch/arm/kvm/arm.c                    |   17 ++-
 arch/arm/kvm/interrupts.S             |   12 ++
 arch/arm/kvm/mmu.c                    |  198 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 arch/arm64/include/asm/kvm_host.h     |    2 +
 arch/arm64/kvm/Kconfig                |    1 +
 arch/ia64/include/asm/kvm_host.h      |    1 +
 arch/ia64/kvm/Kconfig                 |    1 +
 arch/ia64/kvm/kvm-ia64.c              |    2 +-
 arch/mips/include/asm/kvm_host.h      |    2 +-
 arch/mips/kvm/Kconfig                 |    1 +
 arch/mips/kvm/kvm_mips.c              |    2 +-
 arch/powerpc/include/asm/kvm_host.h   |    2 +
 arch/powerpc/kvm/Kconfig              |    1 +
 arch/powerpc/kvm/book3s.c             |    2 +-
 arch/powerpc/kvm/booke.c              |    2 +-
 arch/s390/include/asm/kvm_host.h      |    2 +
 arch/s390/kvm/Kconfig                 |    1 +
 arch/s390/kvm/kvm-s390.c              |    2 +-
 arch/x86/kvm/x86.c                    |   86 --------------
 include/linux/kvm_host.h              |    3 +
 virt/kvm/Kconfig                      |    6 +
 virt/kvm/kvm_main.c                   |   94 ++++++++++++++++
 27 files changed, 366 insertions(+), 99 deletions(-)


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