>>>> Hi, all
>>>> I used base image A to clone so many vm, 
>>>> after running for months, each vm has its own private applications and 
>>>> data,
>>>> which maybe different from each other.
>>>> Now, I want to install some applications for all of the clones,
>>>> what should I do?
>How would you do it for bare metal? Do the same for your guests.
For bare-metal, I use manager to push the applications to each host-agent
which is running in each host, the host-agent is responsible to install the

Zhang Haoyu

>>> Install the applications on each clone separately, or use some other
>>> method to make it available (like installing on a shared network
>>> resource).
>> Could you detail "installing on a shared network resource"?
>Set up a network file system, like NFS or gluster, install your software
>on the shared file system, and then make each guest mount the shared
>file system in order to use the software.  The same as you would on bare

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