On a fresh install of Debian Lenny am64 with a 2.6.24 kernel, I installed kqemu-common and kqemu-source, and built the module and inserted it into the kernel:

    module-assistant auto-install kqemu
    modprobe kvm_intel kvm kqemu

I rebooted to make sure /etc/sysconfig/modules/kvm.modules script gets created, and created the qemu image:

    qemu-img create -f qcow2 /srv/RedHat32/hda.qcow2 16G

In X11, I then installed the operating system:

kvm -hda /srv/RedHat32/hda.qcow2 -smp 4 -cdrom /srv/rhel-5.2-server-i386-dvd.iso -boot d -m 2000

During the installation process, I discovered the keyboard had been remapped to something outlandish:

ESC is / and backtick m. The first seven numbers spell out mertyiu[. 8 is the Enter key, and 0 Ctrl.
In the next row, e is DEL and r is TAB. The \ key is SHIFT. CAPSLOCK is space.

In short, a crazy mapping. It's not a particular keyboard -- I tried with a couple of Mac keyboards, on different terminals, both locally and remotely over x11 through ssh, and an IBM ps/2 keyboard -- the mapping was consistent. The installation went fine, once I used 8 for ENTER and r for TAB. The mapping is now in force for my installed version of RedHat 32-bit. I see no other problems.

Is this a known problem? Fixes or workarounds?

I should perhaps mention it's not a problem with my xorg installation, which has a normal (us) keyboard mapping, locale en_US and

Section "InputDevice"
        Identifier      "Generic Keyboard"
        Driver          "kbd"
        Option          "XkbRules"    "xorg"
        Option          "XkbModel"    "pc104"
        Option          "XkbLayout"   "us"

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