david ahern <daahern <at> cisco.com> writes:

> I know this issue has been discussed on this list before, but I am still
> experiencing network freezes in a guest that requires a restart to clear. When
> the network freezes in the guest I no longer see the network interrupts 
> counter
> incrementing (i.e., the eth0 counter in /proc/interrupts in the guest). Using
> the crash utility, I verified that the interrupt is still enabled on the guest
> side and that no interrupts are pending. This suggests that the interrupts are
> not getting delivered to the VM.

I just wanted to let the developers know that I'm having similar problems
concerning interrupts with networking dying as well.

Running a stress test of kvm using an EnGarde Secure Linux 1.5 guest OS.
Under a heavy network email load, the guest OS networking gets knocked out
- unable to ping, ssh, etc. Can only get things started again by going
into vncviewer and restarting the networking services from there.

CPUs: 8 x Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5335 @ 2.00GHz
KVM 52-1
Host Kernel: 2.6.25-rc2
Kernel Arch: x86_64
Guest OS: EnGarde Secure Linux 32bit i686, 2.4.31-1.5.60

Command Line:
/usr/bin/qemu-system -hda /root/images/bwimail01.img -boot c -m 384 -smp 4
-std-vga -net nic,vlan=0,macaddr=52:54:00:12:34:6F -net
tap,ifname=tap1,script=/etc/qemu-ifup -vnc &

Please let me know if you need anymore information and if I could be of any
assistance in providing information to have this issue resolved.

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