Dear Joseph.
Thank you for your reply. If I got it well, you mean the first site the
hopping along x direction and second site the hopping in the y direction.

Le lun. 2 sept. 2019 à 09:15, Joseph Weston <> a
écrit :

> Hello,
> What is the difference between   hop[0].tag   and hop[1].tag
> hop[0].tag is the tag of the first site in the hopping and hop[1].tag is
> the tag of the second site in the hopping.
> My second question
> the onsite fuction for example: def onsite(site, V):return V
> why it depends on site where the shape functions for example
> def circle(pos): rsq = pos[0] ** 2 + pos[1] ** 2
> depends on pos
> Because  when creating a shape in realspace you typically only care about
> the position, whereas your onsite matrix elements could potentially depend
> on other things (e.g. the lattice that the site is from)
> Happy Kwanting,
> Joe

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