
> I am so confused of the wave function we get from :
> wf = kwant.solvers.default.wave_function(some_sys, some_energy)
> and the eigen vector we can get form theļ¼›
> ham=sys.hamiltonian_submatrix(args=[Zeeman]) eval,evec=la.eigh(ham)

The first is a scattering state with energy 'some_energy' for a system
with leads attached
(i.e. infinite in extent), projected onto the scattering region.
The second is an energy eigenstate of a finite system (i.e. without
leads attached).

If the definitions of these quantities are not known, I would recommend
reading an
introduction to quantum transport, such as the book by S. Datta. The
Kwant paper
(lhttps://downloads.kwant-project.org/doc/kwant-paper.pdf) also has
complete (if terse)
definitions of these quantities.

> because we can reshape the eigen vector and get its norm, hence give
> us the wave mode distribution along the wire, which is the real space.
> So I thought that is the wave function. But when I tried the
> default.wave_function above, I got something different. I want to make
> these two consistent with each other. So I wonder what the relation
> between these two ways.

I'm afraid I do not understand your question. You will not be able to
a scattering state without taking into account the effect of the leads.

Happy Kwanting,


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