[LAAMN] Over half of Palestinians killed in 'Pillar of Defense' were civilians, Israeli demos IDF 'Forbidden zone'

2013-05-12 Thread Cort Greene
http://972mag.com/resource-over-half-of-palestinians-killed-in-pillar-of-defense-were-civilians/71210/ By +972 Resources http://972mag.com/author/927resources/ |Published May 11, 2013Resource: Over half of Palestinians killed in 'Pillar of Defense' were civilians *Human rights organization

[LAAMN] Iran Presidential Election --- Rafsanjani Shakes Up The Race

2013-05-12 Thread Cort Greene
Iran Today: Presidential Election --- Rafsanjani Shakes Up The Racehttp://www.enduringamerica.com/home/2013/5/12/iran-today-presidential-election-rafsanjani-shakes-up-the-ra.html inShare Sunday, May 12, 2013 at 14:43 | Joanna

[LAAMN] South Africa’s sub-imperial seductions 'Shock and awe tactics' used on shack dwellers

2013-05-11 Thread Cort Greene
South Africa’s sub-imperial seductionsPatrick Bond2013-05-09, Issue 629http://www.pambazuka.org/en/issue/629 http://pambazuka.org/en/category/features/87288http://www.pambazuka.org/en/category/features/87288[image: Bookmark and Share]http://www.addthis.com/bookmark.php?v=250pub=fahamutechPrinter

[LAAMN] What’s behind renewed attacks on African American freedom fighter Assata Shakur?

2013-05-11 Thread Cort Greene
What’s behind renewed attacks on African American freedom fighter Assata Shakur?Exiled Black Panther Party veteran has lived in Cuba for three decadesAbayomi Azikiwe2013-05-07, Issue 629http://www.pambazuka.org/en/issue/629

[LAAMN] Cuba’s Real Estate Market: Booming Speculation

2013-05-11 Thread Cort Greene
Cuba’s Real Estate Market: Booming Speculation Posted By *Circles Robinson* On May 10, 2013 @ 9:21 am In *Business Economy,Features,Lead Articles,Uncategorized* | *Commentshttp://www.havanatimes.org/?p=92872print=1#comments_controls * *Emilio Morales* **(Café Fuerte http://www.cafefuerte.com/

[LAAMN] Can Israel's social justice protest movement make a comeback? MORE

2013-05-11 Thread Cort Greene
http://972mag.com/from-jerusalem-day-clashes-to-stone-throwing-settlers-a-week-in-photos-may-2-8/70811/014-4/ An open door in the Separation Wall in the West Bank village of Al Walaja, May 7, 2013. Once completed, the wall will completely surround Al Walaja village. (Photo by: Anne

[LAAMN] Re: [change-links] U.S./Israel Hands Off Syria! ~ A Statement by the United National Antiwar Coalition (UNAC) ~ Bring All U.S. Troops Mercenaries Home Now! ~ Self-Determination for the Syria

2013-05-11 Thread Cort Greene
*I think they forgot to add Russia, Iran, China imperialism and the other sub imperialists to this also.* * * *Oh, they never bring that up!* * * *Cort* On Sat, May 11, 2013 at 9:33 AM, Frank Dorrel fdor...@sbcglobal.net wrote: ** *[image: UNAC_LOGO_WEBPAGE_3]* *www.UNACpeace.org* *

[LAAMN] Iran Presidential Election --- Last Day Of Candidate Declarations, Rafsanjani Enters Race

2013-05-11 Thread Cort Greene
Iran Today: Presidential Election --- Last Day Of Candidate Declarationshttp://www.enduringamerica.com/home/2013/5/11/iran-today-presidential-election-last-day-of-candidate-decla.html inShare Saturday, May 11, 2013 at 6:28 | Joanna

[LAAMN] Is there a 'US war on Syria'? The Syrian uprising, the Assad regime, the US and Israel

2013-05-11 Thread Cort Greene
*Opposing imperialism should obviously not mean being apologists for Assad’s butchery* http://links.org.au/node/3344 Is there a 'US war on Syria'? The Syrian uprising, the Assad regime, the US and Israel By *Michael Karadjis* May 11, 2013 – *Links International Journal of Socialist

[LAAMN] Chile:The disappearance of priest Miguel Woodward Iriberry - torturers escape justice

2013-05-10 Thread Cort Greene
http://venceremoschile.blogspot.com/2013/05/the-disappearance-of-priest-miguel.html Ramona Wadi Friday, May 10, 2013 The disappearance of priest Miguel Woodward Iriberry - torturers escape justice [image:

[LAAMN] Spain-video-Sabino Cuadra: 6,2 million unemployed, that is violence, the violence of your system

2013-05-10 Thread Cort Greene
http://www.marxist.com/sabino-cuadra-this-is-the-violence-of-your-system.htm Sabino Cuadra: 6,2 million unemployed, that is violence, the violence of your systemhttp://www.marxist.com/sabino-cuadra-this-is-the-violence-of-your-system.htm Written by Jorge MartinFriday, 10 May 2013 [image:

[LAAMN] Video-Chavez,Venezuelan ambassador thanks HOV for defence of London embassy +

2013-05-10 Thread Cort Greene
[image: Hands Off Venezuela]*Hands Off Venezuela* @*HOVcampaign*https://twitter.com/HOVcampaign Venezuelan ambassador thanks HOV for defence of London embassy http://www. handsoffvenezuela.org/venezuelan_embassy_solidarity.htm …http://t.co/m7GHi5YqFj [VIDEO]: Hugo Chavez on imperialism,

[LAAMN] Syria:Friday's Protest Obama's Red-Line was nothing but a Green Light for Assad's Slaughter of 70,000

2013-05-10 Thread Cort Greene
A young boy in Yadoudahttps://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.654982407862232.1073742106.217848338242310type=1 : https://mail.google.com/mail/?ui=2view=btopver=lsvjwajrtlp4 A young boy in Kobani, Aleppo, expresses a similar sentiment: *Hezbollah Regime Fighters Surround Key City.*

[LAAMN] Efrain Rios Montt, Former Guatemalan Dictator, Convicted Of Genocide

2013-05-10 Thread Cort Greene
Efrain Rios Montt, Former Guatemalan Dictator, Convicted Of Genocide By SONIA PEREZ 05/10/13 08:41 PM ET EDT [image: AP] GUATEMALA CITY — A Guatemalan court convicted former dictator Efrain Rios Montt on charges of genocide and crimes against humanity on Friday, sentencing him to 80 years in

[LAAMN] Efraín Ríos Montt Found Guilty of Genocide and Crimes Against Humanity

2013-05-10 Thread Cort Greene
Efraín Ríos Montt Found Guilty of Genocide and Crimes Against Humanity Written by Renata Avila On 11 May 2013 @ 0:28 am | *No Commentshttp://globalvoicesonline.org/2013/05/11/historic-verdict-efrain-rios-montt-found-guilty-of-genocide-and-crimes-against-humanity/print/#comments_controls * In

[LAAMN] Iran Election Guide-Presidential Election --- All About Rafsanjani So Far

2013-05-09 Thread Cort Greene
Yes its the end of the Mahmoud Ahmadinejad era the man who stole the last election, unleashed the dogs of repression and the darling of the US so called Left( may be in jail himself before long), 1 month to go before the election and there seems to be no clear cut front runner as of yet. From

[LAAMN] #FascistasSecuestranAWinstonYRoque-The ironies of the Venezuelan opposition, part 24

2013-05-09 Thread Cort Greene
Mercedes Sosahttps://www.youtube.com/artist/mercedes-sosa?feature=watch_video_title - Solo le Pido a Dios https://www.youtube.com/watch?NR=1feature=fvwpv=SIrot1Flczg ---

[LAAMN] Stephen Hawking's boycott decision elicits Zionist hatred more

2013-05-09 Thread Cort Greene
http://www.middleeastmonitor.com/blogs/politics/5968-stephen-hawkings-boycott-decision-elicits-zionist-hatred Stephen Hawking's boycott decision elicits Zionist hatred Ramona Wadi Thursday, 09 May 2013 13:30 - [image:

[LAAMN] [Video] Alan Woods on Ted Grant - his life and ideas - The Permanent Revolutionary

2013-05-09 Thread Cort Greene
[Video] Alan Woods on Ted Grant - his life and ideashttp://www.marxist.com/video-ted-grant-life-and-ideas-alan-woods.htm Written by Alan WoodsThursday, 09 May 2013 [image: Print]http://www.marxist.com/video-ted-grant-life-and-ideas-alan-woods/print.htm[image:

[LAAMN] The New York Times on Venezuela and Honduras: A Case of Journalistic Misconduct

2013-05-09 Thread Cort Greene
https://nacla.org/news/2013/5/9/new-york-times-venezuela-and-honduras-case-journalistic-misconduct The New York Times on Venezuela and Honduras: A Case of Journalistic Misconduct - Add new comment https://nacla.org/comment/reply/9043#comment-form - Email this page

[LAAMN] Military Council on Israeli aggression How Obama helps Assad: US tried to start war between FSA al Nusra Front

2013-05-09 Thread Cort Greene
May 8th Buenos Aires Argentina - Solidarity with #*Syria*https://twitter.com/search?q=%23Syriasrc=hashRevolution from Socialist Left and http://uit-ci.org http://t.co/qvDl3bzw1o pic.twitter.com/bGQL7lRsWRhttp://t.co/bGQL7lRsWR 11:52 AM - 9 May

[LAAMN] Video-English/Spanish Yenny Cortez, Gotcha occupied factory worker @ Hands Off Venezuela conference 2013

2013-05-08 Thread Cort Greene
Yenny Cortez, Gotcha worker @ Hands Off Venezuela conference 2013 *http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YEIRNsLZfpQfeature=youtu.be * * * *Yenny Coretz is a worker at Gotcha, an all-female occupied textile factory in Aragua, Venezuela. The organised women workers of Gotcha have been producing under

[LAAMN] Is Venezuela Next? Video-La batalla de Chile

2013-05-08 Thread Cort Greene
If the experience of Chile in the early 1970's to Sept.11th 1973 shows us anything and the last 10 years in Venezuela, it is you can't make half a revolution or serve two masters. Its either complete the revolution to socialism or the capitalism counter revolution will constantly attack you till

[LAAMN] US agrees with Russia on Syria, Assad stays!

2013-05-08 Thread Cort Greene
*The FSA, LCC's and the Left in Syria have not weigh in as of this morning but if the most conservative groups of the opposition are nixing it, expect the same from them.* * * *This is for all those Stalinists and the anti anti imperialists and their wacko **conspiracy* theories. *Opposition

[LAAMN] London Hands Off Venezuela Conference – Defend the Bolivarian revolution, respect democracy!

2013-05-08 Thread Cort Greene
http://www.handsoffvenezuela.org/hov_conference_2013_report.htm London Hands Off Venezuela Conference – Defend the Bolivarian revolution, respect democracy!http://www.handsoffvenezuela.org/hov_conference_2013_report.htm 08 May 2013 Hands Off Venezuela -

[LAAMN] Cuban exiles evicted by police in Spain – a harsh lesson in “Western democracy”

2013-05-08 Thread Cort Greene
http://www.marxist.com/cuban-exiles-evicted-by-police-in-spain-a-harsh-lesson-in-western-democracy.htm Cuban exiles evicted by police in Spain – a harsh lesson in “Western democracy”http://www.marxist.com/cuban-exiles-evicted-by-police-in-spain-a-harsh-lesson-in-western-democracy.htm Written by

[LAAMN] Venezuela: Who you callin’ an antisemite?

2013-05-08 Thread Cort Greene
Venezuela has had strong ties with Iran on a economic interest level since both countries were the founders of OPEC ( even during the Shah era) even though the trade between the 2 countries is very small compared to others. There have been complaints by workers organizers about the Iranian

[LAAMN] Cuba to Send 6,000 Doctors to Brazil

2013-05-07 Thread Cort Greene
Cuba to Send 6,000 Doctors to BrazilMay 6, 2013 | | [image: Print]http://www.havanatimes.org/?p=92627print=1 Print http://www.havanatimes.org/?p=92627print=1 | 0 1 42 59 Brazilian Foreign Minister Antonio Patriota (r) and Cuban FM Bruno Rodríguez Parrilla. (Photo: Wilson Dias/Abr) HAVANA TIMES

[LAAMN] Syria-LCC's peaceful opposition condemn Israeli raid, also Turkey -Iran meets with Jordon

2013-05-07 Thread Cort Greene
*Netanyahu is in China on a state visit working on trade deals with the Chinese capitalists and have you noticed, the very mild if any criticism from them and Russia over the Israeli attacks...* *For those not keeping up that's the Syrian opposition FSA, Syrian Left Movement, The Israeli Daam

[LAAMN] May Day 2013 Celebration in Iran more

2013-05-07 Thread Cort Greene
http://iranlaborreport.com/?p=2245 May Day 2013 Celebration in Iran Featured http://iranlaborreport.com/?cat=7 / recent updateshttp://iranlaborreport.com/?cat=1 May 4, 20130 http://iranlaborreport.com/?p=2245#comments Workers in Iran have been barred from holding street rallies in celebration

[LAAMN] Syria:Internet is Down,RussiaUSA to BrokerTransition-opposition upset more

2013-05-07 Thread Cort Greene
1. 1. #*Syria* https://twitter.com/search?q=%23Syriasrc=hash Sarin Blame Game: Is Carla Del Ponte at it again? http:// claysbeach.blogspot.com/2013/05/syria- sarin-blame-game-is-carla-del.html … http://t.co/JzxUgToNQG 2. [image: Clay Claiborne]

[LAAMN] Colombia’s Uribe will Take Venezuela’s Maduro to Human Rights Commission

2013-05-07 Thread Cort Greene
*#ObamaHandsOffVenezuelahttps://twitter.com/search?q=%23ObamaHandsOffVenezuelasrc=hash #ObamaManosFueradeVenezuelahttps://twitter.com/search?q=%23ObamaManosFueradeVenezuelasrc=hash¡ NO A LA INTERVENCIÓN ! https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid

Re: [LAAMN] UN Says US-Backed Opposition, Not Syrian Regime, Used Poison Gas

2013-05-07 Thread Cort Greene
The wsws is better at movie reviews than political analysis, they have missed the boat completely. The UN has pulled back from Ms.Del Ponte statements because one needs prove and the fix is in by the US and Russia to save the regime which the opposition as of yet does not support. The

[LAAMN] Free Syrian Amry-We reject any relationship with the Zionist enemy

2013-05-06 Thread Cort Greene
Translated from Arabic for original go to url: http://syriafreedomforever.wordpress.com/2013/05/05/%D8%A8%D9%8A%D8%A7%D9%86%D9%8A%D9%86-%D9%85%D9%86-%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%AC%D9%8A%D8%B4-%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%B3%D9%88%D8%B1%D9%8A-%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%AD%D8%B1-%D9%86%D8%AD%D9%86-%D9%86%D8%B1%D9%81%D8%B6-%D8%A3/

[LAAMN] #ObamaHandsOffVenezuela - Vzla Embassy Statement - We Are a Nation of Peace, President Obama

2013-05-06 Thread Cort Greene
[image: Hands Off Venezuela]* * https://twitter.com/HOVcampaign *Hands Off Venezuela* @*HOVcampaign* https://twitter.com/HOVcampaign Obama's statements in Mexico are a serious escalation of the campaign against Maduro and Bolivarian revolution

[LAAMN] The ironies of the Venezuelan opposition, part 23

2013-05-06 Thread Cort Greene
http://www.sabinabecker.com/2013/05/the-ironies-of-the-venezuelan-opposition-part-23.html The ironies of the Venezuelan opposition, part 23http://www.sabinabecker.com/2013/05/the-ironies-of-the-venezuelan-opposition-part-23.htmlMay 6, 2013 — Sabina Becker [image: maricori-miraculous-recovery]

[LAAMN] Daam Workers Party-The Israeli attacks on Syria serve Assad’s criminal regime

2013-05-06 Thread Cort Greene
http://en.daam.org.il/?p=414#more-414 The Israeli attacks on Syria serve Assad’s criminal regime Posted on 06/05/2013 http://en.daam.org.il/?p=414 by Da'am Workers Partyhttp://en.daam.org.il/?author=1 A political statement by Daam Workers Party on the recent Israeli air strikes in Syria Daam

[LAAMN] Wankers of the Week: Committing Sociology

2013-05-05 Thread Cort Greene
Hope Sabina does not mine that I add, Obama as the biggest Wanker of the Week after yesterday's comments about Venezuela and those trolls out their also.You know who you are! #*ObamaHandsOffVenezuela*https://twitter.com/search?q=%23ObamaHandsOffVenezuela

[LAAMN] Finally, Cuba Is Harboring a Terrorist!

2013-05-05 Thread Cort Greene
http://www.havanatimes.org/?p=92521 Finally, Cuba Is Harboring a Terrorist!May 4, 2013 | | [image: Print]http://www.havanatimes.org/?p=92521print=1 Print http://www.havanatimes.org/?p=92521print=1 | 8 7 228 274 *Dawn Gable* Assata Shakur HAVANA TIMES — After 40 years, the FBI has arbitrarily

[LAAMN] Cinco de Mayo Happy Birthday Karl Marx!

2013-05-05 Thread Cort Greene
*El Día de la Batalla de Puebla* (English: The Day of the Battle of Puebla) which is a day that celebrates Mexico's victory over French forces during their war with France. * * *Cinco de Mayo is not - Mexico's Independence Day- the most important national patriotic holiday in Mexico—which is

[LAAMN] Revolutionary Left Movement in Syria against Assad Israeli intervention

2013-05-05 Thread Cort Greene
http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embeddedv=f_j8ID-m1pU https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embeddedv=e84pVGsP6YU For the original in Arabic

[LAAMN] Immediate Responses to Israel’s Attack

2013-05-05 Thread Cort Greene
http://pulsemedia.org/2013/05/05/immediate-responses-to-israels-attack/ Immediate Responses to Israel’s Attack May 5, 2013 § Leave a Commenthttp://pulsemedia.org/2013/05/05/immediate-responses-to-israels-attack/#respond [image: qassioun


2013-05-04 Thread Cort Greene
http://www.thecuban5.org/wordpress/2013/05/03/rene-gonzalez-will-remain-in-cuba/ RENÉ GONZÁLEZ WILL REMAIN IN CUBA Posted on May 3, 2013http://www.thecuban5.org/wordpress/2013/05/03/rene-gonzalez-will-remain-in-cuba/ by ICFC5 http://www.thecuban5.org/wordpress/author/alicia/ This page is also

[LAAMN] Pushing Your Luck in Cuba Impact of Telesur

2013-05-04 Thread Cort Greene
http://hereishavana.com/2013/05/04/pushing-your-luck-in-cuba/ MAY 4, 2013 · 8:43 AM Pushing Your Luck in Cubahttp://hereishavana.com/2013/05/04/pushing-your-luck-in-cuba/ The querida phenomenon; why locals love iron bars and pure-bred dogs; and the story behind those ridiculous ‘dos: Here is

[LAAMN] Ladies and gentlemen, the future president of Honduras is…

2013-05-04 Thread Cort Greene
[image: Partido Libre]https://si0.twimg.com/profile_images/3377449493/29b61ab9ffad2768fb05fd69d219eae1.jpeg Partido Libre@partidolibrehn Única cuenta oficial del Partido Libertad y Refundacion (LIBRE) en Twitter Honduras · libre.hn http://t.co/RwtX1USTA1

[LAAMN] Latin Waves [AUDIO] Venezuelan presidential elections and the opposition attempted coup

2013-05-03 Thread Cort Greene
Another video from MayDay Barrio TV, marcha 1ro. de mayo 2013 http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embeddedv=aGzDNgRJB5U [AUDIO] Venezuelan presidential elections and the opposition attempted couphttp://www.handsoffvenezuela.org/elections_fraud_coup.htm 03 May 2013 Hands Off

[LAAMN] Videos/Photos #MayDay Havana, Venezuela

2013-05-02 Thread Cort Greene
[image: Hands Off Venezuela]*Hands Off Venezuela* @*HOVcampaign*https://twitter.com/HOVcampaign *VIDEO Havana #MayDay https://twitter.com/search?q=%23MayDaysrc=hashmarch in homage to Hugo Chávez http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_PJc0gKAxYQ … http://t.co/7eiOzE7JLf* * * *Group of Photos Havana* *

[LAAMN] The ironies of the Venezuelan opposition, part 21

2013-05-02 Thread Cort Greene
http://www.sabinabecker.com/2013/05/the-ironies-of-the-venezuelan-opposition-part-21.html The ironies of the Venezuelan opposition, part 21http://www.sabinabecker.com/2013/05/the-ironies-of-the-venezuelan-opposition-part-21.htmlMay 2, 2013 — Sabina Becker [image: marquina-helmet] *Right-wing

[LAAMN] video-Alan Woods speaks at founding of Communist Tendency of Syriza (English and Greek)

2013-05-02 Thread Cort Greene
*Alan Woods speaks at founding of Communist Tendency of Syriza (English and Greek) * * * *https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embeddedv=GNatpTJ6dFM * * * [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[LAAMN] The ironies of the Venezuelan opposition, part 22

2013-05-02 Thread Cort Greene
http://www.sabinabecker.com/2013/05/the-ironies-of-the-venezuelan-opposition-part-22.html The ironies of the Venezuelan opposition, part 22May 2, 2013 — Sabina Becker [image: maricori-whiplash-collar] María Corina Machado, Washington’s darling, flanked by the only people in Venezuela who find

[LAAMN] Preliminary tests on Pablo Neruda's remains

2013-05-02 Thread Cort Greene
http://venceremoschile.blogspot.com/2013/05/preliminary-tests-on-pablo-nerudas.html Ramona Wadi Thursday, May 2, 2013 Preliminary tests on Pablo Neruda's remains [image: File:Pablo Neruda (1966).jpg]http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/8/86/Pablo_Neruda_%281966%29.jpgAlmost a month

[LAAMN] Iran Exclusive: Rafsanjani Prepares for a Presidential Campaign...and a Challenge to the Supreme Leader

2013-05-01 Thread Cort Greene
http://www.enduringamerica.com/home/2013/5/1/iran-exclusive-rafsanjani-prepares-for-a-presidential-campai.html Iran Exclusive: Rafsanjani Prepares for a Presidential Campaign...and a Challenge to the Supreme

[LAAMN] The Internationale, violence@Venezuelan Nat Ass. May Day - a history of working class struggles

2013-05-01 Thread Cort Greene
*The Internationale Arturo Toscanini https://www. youtube.com/watch?v=2OPvWFDzDlA … https://t.co/75mN73QN9Q * * * *#FelizDiaDelTrabajadorhttps://twitter.com/search?q=%23FelizDiaDelTrabajadorsrc=hash #1oDeMayo https://twitter.com/search?q=%231oDeMayosrc=hash *

[LAAMN] Other Echos of Iraq in NATO response to WMD in Syria

2013-04-30 Thread Cort Greene
http://claysbeach.blogspot.com/2013/04/other-echos-of-iraq-in-nato-response-to.html Other Echos of Iraq in NATO response to WMD in Syria http://pinterest.com/pin/create/button/?url=http://claysbeach.blogspot.com/2013/04/other-echos-of-iraq-in-nato-response-to.html

[LAAMN] Venezuela: VIDEO struggle of Gotcha women workers, HOV Conference more

2013-04-30 Thread Cort Greene
Hands Off Venezuela @*HOVcampaign* https://twitter.com/HOVcampaign *VIDEO struggle of Gotcha women workers (in Spanish) http://www. youtube.com/watch?v=8pfXccR7eVc … http://t.co/yriki6wEcm* * * * hear them at HOV conference https://www.facebook.com/events/53905https://t.co/ywuV3kfmQA * *VIDEO

Re: [LAAMN] Re: Other Echos of Iraq in NATO response to WMD in Syria

2013-04-30 Thread Cort Greene
, bluesapphire48 bluesapphir...@yahoo.comwrote: ** Saddam Hussein was indeed accused of using chemical weapons, during the Iran-Iraq War, against the Kurds, and against his own people. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iraq_and_weapons_of_mass_destruction --- In laamn@yahoogroups.com, Cort Greene

[LAAMN] Honduras: May Day Mobilization - El camino de Mayo es la Victoria!

2013-04-29 Thread Cort Greene
FNRP - Honduras https://twitter.com/FNRP_hn@FNRP_hnhttps://twitter.com/FNRP_hn Cuenta Oficial del Frente Nacional de Resistencia Popularhttps://www. facebook.com/FrenteNacionalDeResistenciaPopular … https://t.co/s4s3j9bvl1 Honduras · http://www.resistenciahonduras.net [image: FNRP -

[LAAMN] HOV London May 4th China-style Special Economic Zones in Venezuela?not the way to build socialism! expropriate means of production!

2013-04-29 Thread Cort Greene
*China-style Special Economic Zones in Venezuela? http:// venezuelanalysis.com/news/8858 http://t.co/ALr4ECeYcd not the way to build socialism! expropriate means of production!* Hands Off Venezuela @*HOVcampaign* https://twitter.com/HOVcampaign Britain HOV conference, LONDON May 4th,

[LAAMN] Alan Woods interviewed by SYRIZA journal: The party needs to carry out a radical programme

2013-04-29 Thread Cort Greene
http://www.marxist.com/alan-woods-interview-in-avgi-april-2013.htm Alan Woods interviewed by SYRIZA journal: The party needs to carry out a radical programmehttp://www.marxist.com/alan-woods-interview-in-avgi-april-2013.htm Written by Alan Woods (interviewed by Anastasia Yamal)Monday, 29 April

Re: [LAAMN] Syria and sarin gas: US claims have a very familiar ring

2013-04-29 Thread Cort Greene
Romi just to let you know while you and the US give cover to Assad, Hagel said again today the US is not going to do anything to overthrow the regime. But Scud missiles, cluster bombs, bombs dropped from planes with * insecticide* and missiles have been used by the fascists and Assad also has a

[LAAMN] Venezuela-Entrevista a Alexandre Mandl de la sección brasileña de la CMI

2013-04-29 Thread Cort Greene
http://www.luchadeclases.org.ve/brasil-leftmenu-176/7355-entrevista-alexandre-mandl-cmi-brasil Entrevista a Alexandre Mandl de la sección brasileña de la CMIhttp://www.luchadeclases.org.ve/brasil-leftmenu-176/7355-entrevista-alexandre-mandl-cmi-brasil[image:

[LAAMN] Songs for Saturday - Venezuela Audit

2013-04-27 Thread Cort Greene
*RUBIERAS- Campesinos Rap y Gilmary Caña. Prod AlterMedia* *http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BCNeJM_neHMfeature=youtu.be* Anacaona: La Madre De Resistencia En El Caribe http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-j15ufMwoH50/T8jMzxbYoCI/Aeg/2BE7yT0TfTk/s1600/Anacaona_sml.JPG The legacy of

[LAAMN] Venezuela Updates Dear Reuters: Is this enough “proof” for you?

2013-04-26 Thread Cort Greene
1. [image: Hands Off Venezuela]*Hands Off Venezuela* @*HOVcampaign*https://twitter.com/HOVcampaign Statement: the workers against Capriles' coup (in Spanish) http:// juanmartorano.wordpress.com/2013/04/26/cap riles-con-los-obreros-has-topado/ … http://t.co/AcDUjxuZ6X ** *View

[LAAMN] Syria: Fridays Protests, Hezbollah solidarity w/revolution and Left

2013-04-26 Thread Cort Greene
Kafranbel on Assad terrorism. #*Syria*https://twitter.com/search?q=%23Syriasrc=hash- pic.twitter.com/rCiTK5wsWi http://t.co/rCiTK5wsWi 9:14 AM - 26 Apr 2013https://twitter.com/Nora0315/statuses/327787893315731456 [image: View image on

[LAAMN] More Venezuela Dear AP: You suck, too.

2013-04-26 Thread Cort Greene
1. [image: Hands Off Venezuela]*Hands Off Venezuela* @*HOVcampaign*https://twitter.com/HOVcampaign Chavista Revolutionary Movement for the deepening of revolution April 25 VIDEOS by @*barrio_tv* https://twitter.com/Barrio_TV http:// youtu.be/XMyKbc8osEw http://t.co/WRyWSqa2hs http://

[LAAMN] Saudi Arabia: A concentration camp for immigrant workers

2013-04-26 Thread Cort Greene
http://www.marxist.com/saudi-arabia-a-concentration-camp-for-immigrant-workers.htm Saudi Arabia: A concentration camp for immigrant workershttp://www.marxist.com/saudi-arabia-a-concentration-camp-for-immigrant-workers.htm Written by Yasir IrshadFriday, 26 April 2013 [image:

[LAAMN] The ironies of the Venezuelan opposition, part 20

2013-04-25 Thread Cort Greene
More photos. http://ojopelao.com/danos-a-centros-de-salud-cdi-telecomunicaciones-viviendas-y-partidos-politicos-fotos/ [image: Hands Off Venezuela]*Hands Off Venezuela* @*HOVcampaign*https://twitter.com/HOVcampaign 35m https://twitter.com/HOVcampaign/status/327356587981275136 Mérida, protest

[LAAMN] ***** [Video]: Building the Marxist International *****

2013-04-25 Thread Cort Greene
*Very important video that gives a very good understanding and real history of what is the role and meaning of a party and it's o**rientation towards the masses and working class**, revolutions and Marxism...* * * *Cort* http://www.marxist.com/video-building-the-marxist-interntional.htm

[LAAMN] Venezuela:Arrested US citizen tied to rightists' conspiracy

2013-04-25 Thread Cort Greene
Hands Off Venezuela @*HOVcampaign* https://twitter.com/HOVcampaign We have some opposition supporters on our FB page (https://www. facebook.com/hands.off.venezuela … https://t.co/XoyGxYG8lG) in case you want to see the level of their arguments Britain National Hands Off Venezuela conference -

[LAAMN] * Rag Radio Friday: Peace Activists Pedro Gatos and Val Liveoak on Cuba, Venezuela, and the Global South

2013-04-25 Thread Cort Greene
If you're having trouble viewing this email, you may see it onlinehttp://e2ma.net/map/view:CampaignPublic/id:32516.13058322624/rid=430150359eaa6b7f915213809b51ac40. Share This:

[LAAMN] Caracas, Thursday April 25: Marcha unitaria de movimientos populares for defense and deepening of the revolution

2013-04-24 Thread Cort Greene
http://www.medioscomunitarios.org/pag/index.php?id=33idn=13927 Jueves 25 de abril, 9 am Concentración en Plaza Venezuela. Marchamos al centro *Convocan: *APR (Alianza Popular Revolucionaria): ANMCLA (Asociación Nacional de Medios Comunitarios Libres y Alternativos / SURCO / CRBZ (Corriente

[LAAMN] Venezuela-videos, photos Things not so lulzy for LulzSec lately

2013-04-24 Thread Cort Greene
https://twitter.com/intent/user?screen_name=HOVcampaign Hands Off Venezuelahttps://twitter.com/intent/user?screen_name=HOVcampaign @HOVcampaign VIDEO March called on April 25 in defence of revolution and for its deepening via @*laradiodelsur* https://twitter.com/laradiodelsur

[LAAMN] Statement from HIJOS Paraguay on the sham election

2013-04-23 Thread Cort Greene
http://www.sabinabecker.com/2013/04/statement-from-hijos-paraguay-on-the-sham-election.html Statement from HIJOS Paraguay on the sham electionhttp://www.sabinabecker.com/2013/04/statement-from-hijos-paraguay-on-the-sham-election.htmlApril 22, 2013 — Sabina Becker [image: paraguay-ribbon] From

[LAAMN] Honduras- Life and Death Squads in the World’s Homicide Capital

2013-04-23 Thread Cort Greene
*Adrienne Pine's Blog-* * * *http://quotha.net/* http://quotha.net/ Belén Fernández: Life and Death Squads in the World’s Homicide Capital Mon, 04/22/2013 - 10:07 — AP Click title for original in *Jacobin* Magazine: Life and Death Squads in the World’s Homicide

[LAAMN] On Palestine / Israel - Samer Issawi release UNICEF's translation of torture to 'ill-treatment'

2013-04-23 Thread Cort Greene
http://www.middleeastmonitor.com/articles/middle-east/5804-unicefs-translation-of-torture-to-ill-treatment UNICEF's translation of torture to 'ill-treatment' Ramona Wadi Tuesday, 23 April 2013 11:00 [image: Despite knowledge of torture practices and the incorporation of torture under Israeli law

[LAAMN] Samer Issawi to be released

2013-04-23 Thread Cort Greene
http://www.middleeastmonitor.com/blogs/lifestyle/5816-samer-issawi-to-be-released Samer Issawi to be released Ramona Wadi Tuesday, 23 April 2013 16:00 In what is being considered a major victory against administrative detention, Samer Issawi has accepted an agreement negotiated by Israeli and

[LAAMN] Report: Revolution and counter-revolution in Tunisia

2013-04-23 Thread Cort Greene
http://www.marxist.com/report-wsf-florian-keller.htm Report: Revolution and counter-revolution in Tunisiahttp://www.marxist.com/report-wsf-florian-keller.htm Written by Florian Keller Tuesday, 23 April 2013 [image: Print] http://www.marxist.com/report-wsf-florian-keller/print.htm[image:

[LAAMN] Venezuela Inertnational Solidarity Updates Capriles supporters asked for UK invasion

2013-04-22 Thread Cort Greene
Photos, videos and some reports, more coming later. Manos Fuera de Venezuela-London, May 4,Yenny Requena (fábrica ocupada Gotcha) y otros pic.twitter.com/rKpgm42HbY http://t.co/rKpgm42HbY https://www.facebook.com/video/video.php?v=267444160058933saved …https://t.co/asEw3IsET4… …


2013-04-22 Thread Cort Greene
KURDISH WOMEN WARRIORS BATTLE IN SYRIA AFPApril 21, 2013, 7:51 pm [image: Kurdish women warriors battle in Syria]http://l.yimg.com/ea/img/-/130421/photo_1366537767643_1_0-18n7e1a.jpg?x=400sig=nhzuKjZv2S2KVL8_nTjGYA-- AFP ©Enlarge

[LAAMN] East Timor Indonesia Action Network (ETAN)-Watch Timor documentary, Alias Ruby Blade, online - one week only!

2013-04-21 Thread Cort Greene
Alias Ruby Blade: A Story of Love and Revolution tells the tale of Kirsty Sword Gusmao as a young Australian activist who adopts the alias Ruby Blade while working for the underground Timorese resistance in Indonesia. It is currently showing during the Tribeca Film Festival in NYC. You will need

[LAAMN] Cuba and the BRICS

2013-04-21 Thread Cort Greene
that ought to be changed.” —– *Vicente Morín Aguado: morfam...@correodecuba.cu* - Cort Greene http://www.havanatimes.org/?p=91579# • a few seconds agohttp://www.havanatimes.org/?p=91579#comment-870942873 - http://www.havanatimes.org/?p=91579# - ** http://www.havanatimes.org/?p=91579

[LAAMN] Las guerrillas en América Latina- Alan Woods en Fort Apache

2013-04-21 Thread Cort Greene
http://www.luchadeclases.org/internacional/america-latina/54-general/1215-las-guerrillas-en-america-latina.html Las guerrillas en América Latina- Alan Woods en Fort Apachehttp://www.luchadeclases.org/internacional/america-latina/54-general/1215-las-guerrillas-en-america-latina.html Escrito por

[LAAMN] Wankers of the Week: The Boston Marabomb

2013-04-21 Thread Cort Greene
http://www.sabinabecker.com/2013/04/wankers-of-the-week-the-boston-marabomb.html Wankers of the Week: The Boston Marabombhttp://www.sabinabecker.com/2013/04/wankers-of-the-week-the-boston-marabomb.htmlApril 20, 2013 — Sabina Becker [image: candles-for-boston.jpg] Crappy weekend, everyone! And a

[LAAMN] Territories in Resistance: A Cartography of Latin American Social Movements

2013-04-21 Thread Cort Greene
http://abahlali.org/node/9538 The Urban Peripheries: Counter-Powers from Below?Submitted by Abahlali_3 on Mon, 2013-04-15 15:03. Bolivia http://abahlali.org/taxonomy/term/3730 | Online Copies of Books on Poor People's Movementshttp://abahlali.org/taxonomy/term/3544 | Raúl Zibechi

[LAAMN] DOJ “Reclassifies Documents,” Fights to Withhold Ground-breaking Immigration Court Decision on El Salvadorian Vides Casanova

2013-04-20 Thread Cort Greene
http://nsarchive.wordpress.com/2013/04/15/justice-department-reclassifies-documents-fights-to-withhold-ground-breaking-immigration-court-decision-on-el-salvadorian-vides-casanova/ Justice Department “Reclassifies Documents,” Fights to Withhold Ground-breaking Immigration Court Decision on El

[LAAMN] Venezuela-CIA Your 4th Coup Failed- April 19th- Photos, Video- Music More

2013-04-20 Thread Cort Greene
[image: Socialist Appeal]*Socialist Appeal* @*socialistappeal*https://twitter.com/socialistappeal 1h https://twitter.com/socialistappeal/status/325584801711136769 US still hasn't recognized #*Maduro*https://twitter.com/search?q=%23Madurosrc=hashvictory. Since when does #*JohnKerry*

[LAAMN] Videos-Mexico rally in solidarity with Venezuela April 18,attacks on CDI's more

2013-04-20 Thread Cort Greene
Hands Off Venezuela @*HOVcampaign* https://twitter.com/HOVcampaign *Mexico rally in solidarity with Venezuela April 18 PIC pic.twitter.com/SO7utHQuzc http://t.co/SO7utHQuzc VIDEO http:// youtu.be/Mi6TxWlQUy4 http://t.co/okgY7tX0Hj VIDEO http:// youtu.be/GwS7g3UAzVY http://t.co/rVQ8CfCFyD* * *

[LAAMN] Understanding the Venezuelan election: Two vital perspectives

2013-04-19 Thread Cort Greene
http://www.sabinabecker.com/2013/04/understanding-the-venezuelan-election-two-vital-perspectives.html Understanding the Venezuelan election: Two vital perspectiveshttp://www.sabinabecker.com/2013/04/understanding-the-venezuelan-election-two-vital-perspectives.html April 19, 2013 — Sabina Becker

[LAAMN] Hands Off Venezuela conference, London, May 4, with Yenny Requena (Gotcha occupied factory

2013-04-19 Thread Cort Greene
A tribute to Hugo Chávezhttp://www.marxist.com/a-tribute-to-hugo-chavez.htm Written by Alan WoodsTuesday, 16 April 2013 [image: que comunismo-chavez at founding congress of psuv-th]Hugo Chávez is no more. Always a fighter, Chávez spent his last months in a life and death struggle against a cruel

[LAAMN] Venezuela-Headline Howler: The blame in Spain falls mainly on the…Egyptians?

2013-04-19 Thread Cort Greene
Headline Howler: The blame in Spain falls mainly on the…Egyptians? http://www.sabinabecker.com/2013/04/headli ne-howler-the-blame-in-spain-falls-mainly-on-the-egyptians.html …http://t.co/Lmh48YegP2 Headline Howler: The blame in Spain falls mainly on the…Egyptians?April 19, 2013 — Sabina Becker

[LAAMN] Syria: Protest Watch For the independence and the triumph of the revolution the masses

2013-04-19 Thread Cort Greene
Protesters in Kafranbel in Idlib Province have expressed condolences to the victims of Monday's bombings of the Boston Marathon: 0615 GMT: *Casualties* The Local Coordination Committees claim 111 people were killedhttp://www.lccsyria.org/11241 on Thursday, including 53 in Damascus and its

[LAAMN] Socialist Appeal - A Review of Ted Grant: The Permanent Revolutionary

2013-04-19 Thread Cort Greene
Marxism Socialism in the U.S. - Workers International League and Socialist Appeal As the U.S. section of the International Marxist Tendencyhttp://www.marxist.com/ (www.marxist.com), we offer a wealth of information, news, theory, and analysis on history, labor, current events, and the need for

[LAAMN] Time 100-most-influential cover person #Malala: I am convinced #Socialism is the only answer

2013-04-19 Thread Cort Greene
[image: Socialist Appeal]*Socialist Appeal* @*socialistappeal*https://twitter.com/socialistappeal 5m https://twitter.com/socialistappeal/status/325344303247400960 Time 100-most-influential cover person #*Malala*https://twitter.com/search?q=%23Malalasrc=hash: I am convinced

[LAAMN] The ironies of the Venezuelan opposition, part 19

2013-04-19 Thread Cort Greene
[image: Hands Off Venezuela]*Hands Off Venezuela* @*HOVcampaign*https://twitter.com/HOVcampaign 2h https://twitter.com/HOVcampaign/status/325347882414796801 It seems some opposition supporters find HOV funny http://bit.ly/10o47JX http://t.co/xDIBepgZjStell them why 8 people killed isn't funny

[LAAMN] Films4Cuban5 presents -April 27- Jose' Marti'

2013-04-19 Thread Cort Greene
* Apologies for duplicate mailings . RSVP A MUST No need to rsvp more than once. Thank you.* * Films4Cuban5 presents** * * * José Martí: el ojo del canario * ** Saturday, APRIL 27, 7 pm* * At the Home of Rachel and Jay* * 601- 9th Street, Santa Monica, California* * one block E of Lincoln,

[LAAMN] La lucha en defensa de la revolución

2013-04-19 Thread Cort Greene
http://www.luchadeclases.org.ve/noticias-y-reportes-leftmenu-164/7350--lucha-en-defensa-de-la-revolucion La lucha en defensa de la revoluciónhttp://www.luchadeclases.org.ve/noticias-y-reportes-leftmenu-164/7350--lucha-en-defensa-de-la-revolucion[image:

[LAAMN] Recount vs. audit in Venezuela and comment

2013-04-18 Thread Cort Greene
plenty of signals about his preferences. If they reject a full recount again but accept something smaller, that may well take some of the air out of the opposition's sails. 1 COMMENTS: Cort Greene http://www.blogger.com/profile/16025289467721109308, 9:29 AM http://weeksnotice.blogspot.com/2013/04

[LAAMN] Venezuela: fight attempted coup with revolutionary mobilisation

2013-04-18 Thread Cort Greene
http://www.marxist.com/venezuela-attempted-coup-statement.htm Venezuela: fight attempted coup with revolutionary mobilisationhttp://www.marxist.com/venezuela-attempted-coup-statement.htm Written by Lucha de Clases - VenezuelaThursday, 18 April 2013 [image:

[LAAMN] Re: Recount vs. audit in Venezuela and comment

2013-04-18 Thread Cort Greene
, false accusations of fraud and Capriles unleashing the dogs of war. I think fascist is the correct word. Now some would have called the Reichstag fire, a weenie roast and a coup an adjustment,eh?! On Thu, Apr 18, 2013 at 8:38 AM, Cort Greene cort.gre...@gmail.com wrote: http

[LAAMN] Mexico-Maravillosa charla de Taibo II en la facultad de economía

2013-04-18 Thread Cort Greene
http://www.marxist.com/maravillosa-charla-de-taibo-ii-en-facultad-de-economia.htm Maravillosa charla de Taibo II en la facultad de economíahttp://www.marxist.com/maravillosa-charla-de-taibo-ii-en-facultad-de-economia.htm Written by Ubaldpo OropezaThursday, 18 April 2013 [image:

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