Darned good thing this isn't a Republican President, the Democrats who
support Obama would have a shit fit over it, and my inbox would be jammed
with the demands for war crimes trials, impeachment, removal of a Nobel
Peace Prize and that we, the only good people in the USA, do something
about it.

forwarded message.

My hope is that now that the election is over people who supported Obama
will make a conscious decision to challenge his policies when he veers off
course.  Please share this email with people who supported Obama and on
lists where he was supported.

In the first hours of his second term Obama bombed Yemen with a drone.  In
his first days he began negotiations with the Congress on the phony fiscal
cliff.  He has remained silent on cuts to Social Security, Medicare and
other austerity cuts and promised not to cut the military during the
campaign.  They began their 7th Espionage Act prosecution (all president's
combined before Obama had three prosecutions). He has cheered Israel on in
is massacre of Israel spouting the false narrative of self-defense. The
global corporate coup, the Trans Pacific Partnership continues forward as
does the Keystone XL Pipeline.

In the video below, Glenn Greenwald does an excellent job describing the
agenda for the next four years.

I hope the email I received below is wrong and this is inaccurate:
"Unfortunately the way we voted, because of the way our ego defense
mechanisms operate, etc., does impact what we now do and that should be our
challenge . . . "

So, what do we do?  How do we all come together after the election? Will
there be a honeymoon for Obama?   I hope not.

Below is an email I received, I did not write it and do not agree with
everything in it, but it presents a view many share.


Voting is not that important in a corrupted system---if the choice is only
between minute variations of evil in an ongoing systemically-corrupted
political charade designed to divide and conquer, and thus to lead the
lemmings over the cliff.  What’s important, given electoral corruption, is
not who you vote or voted for but what we (civil society) now DO!

Unfortunately the way we voted, because of the way our ego defense
mechanisms operate, etc., does impact what we now do and that should be our
challenge, to overcome that blindness and ego-defense.  Many “progressives”
and even many peace community members have now come to support war and US
military might BECAUSE OF who they voted for.  The fact that 85% of all
Americans support Obama’s drone bombing, that 60% now support the use of
torture and that a high percentage support current and future US military
interventions (wars of aggression), especially if they can delude
themselves that US-NATO-ISRAEL bombing sorties are “humanitarian” ways of
protecting foreign peoples or bringing them democracy, freedom, human
rights or womens rights, etc.

Every day, I am shocked to discover another person who I used to respect,
even some who were formerly icons in the peace movement here when it was
Bush’s wars we were opposing, now making excuses and rationalizations for
Obama’s drone bombing, his assassination teams and the new military
interventions he, Congress and the Empire’s neo-con think tank advisors are
inciting or planning.

I won’t name names but it’s absolutely mind-boggling how this cultivation
of blind loyalty partisanship and ego defense mechanism function.  Our
“democracy has just about become a hoax inasmuch as US-NATO-ISRAEL’s
pre-emptive, aggressive militarism has now so fully taken hold of both
parties and almost all of the politicians in the U.S.  See excerpt from
Greenwald pasted below.

*  *  *
Glenn Greenwald: "I think Conservatives are actually being pretty
principled and commendable even though their views are repulsive in that
they were supportive of these policies when it was a Republican president
and they didn't change their mindsand start attacking Obama over them.
They've stayed supportive.  If you look at what any right figure says when
asked about drones or assassinations or Guantanamo or indefinite detention
or secrecy or an...y of that, they sing Obama's praises. Including people
like Dick Cheney, or Michael Hayden the former CIA Director in the Bush
years.  So they are being totally consistent.

"The people who are being inconsistent and unprincipled are progressives,
liberals, Democrats who pretended to be -so- outraged by these policies
during the Bush years.

"And I remember lots of Republicans saying that they were only making these
complaints and voicing these grievances for partisan
opportunism and it turned out they were totally right because these
policies under the Obama administration don't bother the vast bulk of these
very same "progressives" who were shrieking about it when there was a
Republican president.

"In fact many of them have become outright supporters.

"So when you combine the principled support of conservatives with the
grotesque opportunism of Democrats what you have is a fairly substantial
portion of the citizenry who is supportive of these policies and therefore
the controversies that were in the Bush years no longer exist."


*Shift the Power*
*Democratize the Economy
Its Our Economy (www.ItsOurEconomy.US)*
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Occupy Washington, DC (www.OccupyWashingtonDC.org)
Democratize the Media
Clearing the FOG (Forces of Greed) Radio Show
http://www.mixcloud.com/ClearingtheFOG/ *

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


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