Marginalizing Ron Paul
Robert Scheer
Truthdig: December 29, 2011
It is official now. The Ron Paul campaign, despite surging in the Iowa
polls, is not worthy of serious consideration, according to a New York Times
editorial; "Ron Paul long ago disqualified himself for the presidency by
peddling claptrap proposals like abolishing the Federal Reserve, returning
to the gold standard, cutting a third of the federal budget and all foreign
aid and opposing the Civil Rights Act of 1964." 

That last item, along with the decade-old racist comments in the newsletters
Paul published, is certainly worthy of criticism. But not as an alternative
to seriously engaging the substance of Paul's current campaign-his
devastating critique of crony capitalism and his equally trenchant challenge
to imperial wars and the assault on our civil liberties that they engender. 

Paul is being denigrated as a presidential contender even though on the
vital issues of the economy, war and peace, and civil liberties, he has made
the most sense of the Republican candidates. And by what standard of logic
is it "claptrap" for Paul to attempt to hold the Fed accountable for its
destructive policies? That's the giveaway reference to the raw nerve that
his favorable prospects in the Iowa caucuses have exposed. Too much
anti-Wall Street populism in the heartland can be a truly scary thing to the
intellectual parasites residing in the belly of the beast that controls
American capitalism. 

It is hypocritical that Paul is now depicted as the archenemy of non-white
minorities when it was his nemesis, the Federal Reserve, that enabled the
banking swindle that wiped out 53 percent of the median wealth of
African-Americans and 66 percent for Latinos, according to the Pew Research

The Fed sits at the center of the rot and bears the major responsibility for
tolerating the runaway mortgage-backed securities scam that is at the core
of our economic crisis. After the meltdown it was the Fed that led
ultra-secret machinations to bail out the banks while ignoring the plight of
their exploited customers. 

To his credit, Paul marshaled bipartisan support to pass a bill requiring
the first-ever public audit of the Federal Reserve. That audit is how
readers of the Times first learned of the Fed's trillions of dollars in
secret loans and aid given to the banks as a reward for screwing over the

As for the Times' complaint that Paul seeks to unreasonably cut the federal
budget by one-third, it should be noted that his is a rare voice in
challenging irrationally high military spending. At a time when the
president has signed off on a Cold War-level defense budget and his
potential opponents in the Republican field want to waste even more on
high-tech weapons to fight a sophisticated enemy that doesn't exist, Paul
has emerged as the only serious peace candidate. As The Wall Street Journal
reported, Paul last week warned an Iowa audience, "Watch out for the
military-industrial complex-they always have an enemy. Nobody is going to
invade us. We don't need any more [weapons systems]."

As another recent example of Paul's sanity on the national security issues
that have led to a flight from reason on the part of politicians since the
9/11 attacks, I offer the Texan's criticism this week of the National
Defense Authorization Act (NDAA). The act would allow the president to order
indeterminate military imprisonment without trial of those accused of
supporting terrorism, a policy that Obama signed into law and Paul opposes,
as the congressman did George W. Bush's Patriot Act. Paul said: 

"Little by little, in the name of fighting terrorism, our Bill of Rights is
being repealed. ... The Patriot Act, as bad as its violation of the 4th
Amendment, was just one step down the slippery slope. The recently passed
(NDAA) continues that slip toward tyranny and in fact accelerates it
significantly ... The Bill of Rights has no exemption for 'really bad
people' or terrorists or even non-citizens. It is a key check on government
power against any person. This is not a weakness in our legal system; it is
the very strength of our legal system."

That was exactly the objection raised by The New York Times in its own
excellent editorial challenging the constitutionality of the NDAA. It should
not be difficult for those same editorial writers to treat Ron Paul as a
profound and principled contributor to a much-needed national debate on the
limits of federal power instead of attempting to marginalize his views
beyond recognition.  

December 29, 2011 

 <> UFPJ's
Statement on Iraq


United For Peace and Justice was founded in 2002 to oppose the illegal and
immoral, pre-emptive invasion of Iraq. Eight years and nine months after
"Shock and Awe" U.S. troops have finally left Iraq. For that we must largely
thank the Iraqi people, who refused to accept permanent occupation.

The costs of the war have been horrendous - most of all for the Iraqi
people. The quality of life and security in Iraq is much worse than before
the U.S. led invasion and occupation. An unknown number of Iraqis have died
as a result of hostilities and the impact of the war. The
-invasion-and-occupation/> count ranges from hundreds of thousands to over a
million. More than
fugees-since-2003/> four million have become refugees or have been
internally displaced. All live in a country that has been destroyed - where
one in four do not have access to clean drinking water, electricity is
unreliable, violence is rampant, schools and hospitals no longer function
and citizens' human rights and civil rights are frequently violated. In many
Iraqi cities and towns the environmental pollution caused by the war has
produced an epidemic of birth defects and cancers. 

The war has also wreaked havoc on our people and our economy. U.S. service
members have paid a high price with 4,484 dead and 33,186 with physical
wounds including traumatic brain injury, and loss of limbs and eyesight.
Tens of thousands return with the unseen injuries of post-traumatic stress
disorder. All return to a dismal economic outlook with many unable to find
jobs; the unemployment rate for veterans
f> 18 to 24 is an astounding 37.9%. Thousands are either homeless or one
step away from it. Ultimately we see the pain of war reflected in the
<> epidemic suicide rates of service
members and veterans, reaching one death every 36 hours and one every 80
minutes, respectively. 

In a nation where millions have lost their homes and millions more are
unemployed, the trillions of dollars wasted to carry out this war is money
desperately needed to invest in our nation's future. With the country facing
staggering debt and limited resources to address domestic human needs at a
time of economic crisis, the war in Iraq proved to be a war of depravity and
inequality at home enriching war profiteers and corporations at the expenses
of the poor and middle-class.

U.S. troops have left Iraq, but has the occupation actually ended? The U.S.
has built the largest embassy in the world in Baghdad - the footprint of our
military is being replaced by that of the State Department and thousands of
private security contractors in its employ. As UFPJ members protested the
war, we must also protest this new form of corporate occupation. 

U.S. troops have left Iraq, but is there peace? There can be no peace
without justice. We must insist that the U.S. government end its
interference in the affairs of Iraq. We must support the struggles of the
Iraqis for jobs, security, and human rights. The Iraqi people deserve
reparations from the U.S. for the damages and destruction that the immoral
invasion and occupation spawned. In 2012, UFPJ will be exposing the impact
of the war and advocate for the reparations and restitution that the U.S.
government owes the Iraqi people.

As we move into 2012, we thank you for your dedication and perseverance. The
world's continued resistance to U.S. military aggression has made a
significant difference. The people in the streets around the globe on
February 15, 2003 were indeed a "second superpower." We still have that
power and in the coming year we will continue to use it to move forward the
cause of peace and justice. In the face of a global recession and a sick
U.S. economy, our message of peace and our solutions are more relevant than

UFPJ will continue to call for an end to occupations and U.S. military
aggression around the world. We will continue to pressure for a shift in
spending priorities from war making to human needs. As part of the 99% we
call on the wealthy and on corporations to pay their fair share, especially
in this time of need. In 2012 we will continue to advocate for a vision of a
world beyond war, where political and economic equity and peace and justice
are shared aspirations.

Our work is not yet done, and new opportunities to create peace and justice
emerge every day. Power To The Peaceful and persistent!


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