9  Years.. 
March 27 2012, today 9 years ago that my son  Jesus Alberto falls mortally 
wounded in a distant land, Iraq, during the  American invasion, on the 
pretext that it had weapons of mass destruction,  which, it was later revealed 
that it was a lie then nefarious president George  W. Bush. 
There have happened already 9 years of this so  big loss for me, since not 
only I lost a son who loved, but also I lost an  entire family, my marriage 
dissolved, several members of the family stopped  speaking to me, as well as 
supposed friends, the wife of my son denied the right  to see my grandson, 
since according to them, I started making a profit with the  loss of my son, 
since my continuous you travel about the world to take the  history on 
Jesús's death, speak on the pernicious thing that turns out to be the  military 
recruiting in the North American schools, he makes to think to those  
persons that I was generating immense economic income, thing for others  false. 
But in these 9 years also I am reconnected with  my daughters, I met this 
beautiful woman that today is my wife and that it loves  me and supports my 
work seek justice, also I found wonderful people that today I  can't call 
FRIENDS, in capital letters, who volunteer to help, and offer to  their hearts 
and hands of support, but in this way also I found people who bad  are 
called activists and were that but that, is people who take advantage the  
to try to manipulate to one for their political agendas, I knew to move  
away in time of  them, and today  only I have on my side those true activists 
that fight for social justice, in  favor of the migrants, fight for access 
to  education and have real respect for human beings, I can count them as  
valuable friends, and are far removed from political and/or economic  agendas. 
In this arduous road that I undertook since the  day of the loss of Jesus, 
I found young soldiers that realized the serious error  that signified to 
obey orders of a malicious commander-in-chief, and they  decided to be 
declared conscientious objectors and not to participate in the  massacre 
against a 
town of Iraq, those youths are as my adopted children, and I  feel pride of 
each one of them, they are  fundamental part of my new family, thanks to 
them many youths continued  their example and nowadays we have to hundreds of 
young ex-soldiers in the  schools drawing a new future for them and for their 
Today 27 of March of the 2012, the American  troops withdrew from Iraq, 
remaining a small quantity of military troops  (according to the pentagon), 
apparently the war in Iraq is finish, but they had  to be sacrificed but of 
4800 lives of women and men in uniform with the American  flag, but of 
thousands and thousands of human beings have died in Iraq because  of that damn 
tenant  at the white  house, the unhinged of George W. Bush, but the deaths 
continue in Afghanistan  and does not seem that this will ever stop, since 
possibly tomorrow the field of  battle be Iran, or any other country that does 
not think like current tenant of  the white house or is not a partner in the 
economic interests of 1% of North  American. 
Today I want to approach you, with my  heart in the hand, to ask for your 
support, is it not human nature to make  changes in life for the future of 
our children, thus, I ask support to be able  to leave that generation that 
has barely begun to awake to a country with real  values of humanism, of 
tolerance, of respect for difference, a country of real  opportunities of 
education and work. Yet day by day the government this making  cuts in 
and basic social services, the career politicians and their  parties race 
toward the next election in November are setting the spark with  their fiery 
speeches with emotional patriotism but in them they disguise their  racism, a 
hatred against the Latin Americans, against or anyone that is not  white or 
share the same religious beliefs, I ask that we unite in a fight, in a  fight 
by for an extensive education of quality and accessible to all, I know  
that there is themes that interest them a lot, like the fight of the Dream Act, 
 the to stop the deportations and family separations, to stop the points of 
 review in our neighborhoods, to achieve in California driver's license for 
all,  so none are asked to produce documents. There are very important 
subjects,  nowadays that absorbs the attention of different activist groups, 
I ask  them, what does it serve to win those fights, if at the end of the 
road leads to  no schools for anyone, only for the members of the 1%?  The 
unique thing is that our youths will  be forced to enter into an active duty 
concealed in unreal benefits and that  utilize them as cannon fodder in the 
invading wars of USA and finish dead like  my son or disturbed as the 
sergeant that carried out the killing of innocent in  that village of 
We fight together because the weapons of our  youths will be books and 
their headquarters the schools to achieve a better  world.  
Fernando Suarez del Solar 
English version by - Daniel Shea  
Board of Directors Veterans for  Peace
Peace NO War Network
War is NOT the  Answer!
_http://www.PeaceNOWar.net_ (http://www.peacenowar.net/)  

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[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


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